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First Encounter in the Spirit World Chapter 3 Paying Back the Money

At the foundation building stage, Hao Yun can fly with his sword. Although the speed is not fast, it is much faster than running.

Fortunately, the place where he was washed down by the flood was not far from Lingshan City. Two hours later, Hao Yun returned to Lingshan City.

As a well-known big city in the spiritual world, Lingshan City does not have any city walls. For cultivators in the spiritual world who can fly, city walls are meaningless. If a no-fly array is to be built within the city wall, the daily maintenance cost will be high.

It's surprisingly uneconomical. Of course, there are no so-called checkpoints without city walls, and there are no guards to check people coming and going. The spiritual world is much freer than imagined. For the rulers of the spiritual world, as long as they don't go

Challenge them or overthrow them. In fact, they are too lazy to maintain order. After all, cultivators are more capable, and powerful people have stronger tempers. They may fight if they disagree. If you want to manage these people, you can only establish a more powerful one.

A strong team costs too much for the ruler, but it gets corresponding benefits.

The current ruler of the spirit world is known as: Ling Emperor. It is said that he was in the late Mahayana period eight hundred years ago and for some reason has never ascended to the immortal world. Some people also say that the Ling Emperor has ascended to the immortal world long ago and only left an incarnation in the spirit world.

The world of immortality is undoubtedly the biggest temptation for cultivators in the spiritual world. Unfortunately, in recent years, as the older generation of people in the spiritual world have gone (successfully ascended to immortality) and died (failed to ascend to immortality), in these years, except for a few who have

Outside of the family that has a complete set of Qigong techniques, I have never heard of anyone else breaking through to the late Mahayana stage and ascending to the immortal world.

Nowadays, as more and more cultivators are stuck in the Mahayana stage, the problems with the practice are becoming more and more serious. Some people are taking desperate measures and writing other articles. Overall, in a word, it is very chaotic. The current spiritual world is a dynamite.

The bag could explode at any time.

As for the organization that Hao Yun joined, the Fa Research Association, it belongs to the moderate group. It hopes to solve the problem of breakthrough and immortality through studying the exercises. However, when studying the exercises, you must have a reference, otherwise it will still be water without roots. Therefore, the Fa Research Association organized a

A group of cultivators with the same philosophy secretly put pressure on the rulers of the spiritual world, hoping that the Ling Emperor and the others could come forward to organize an organization to conduct research on exercises, and gather outstanding talents and various exercises from all over the spiritual world, so that research could be carried out

Really implement it, otherwise, it will not work to keep working behind closed doors.

There are currently no sects in the spiritual world, and they are generally represented by families. In fact, it is an exaggeration to say that family is an exaggeration. Cultivators have a long lifespan and spend a long time practicing. Most people get married and have children relatively late. For example, the Hao Yun family,

His parents were unable to break through to the foundation-building stage because of their poor talent, so they gave birth to Hao Yun when they were in their forties. Later, they were unable to have any more children. Hao Yun's family is a single generation. Hao Yun's cultivation talent is much better than that of his parents, and he is now in his fifties.

I'm over 20 years old, and I haven't found a Taoist partner. The main reason is that I still can't find a suitable one. The stronger the cultivator's ability, the higher the requirements for finding a partner who can have the next generation together. Just looking for someone is not enough. For example, Hao Yun

, if you find a non-cultivator such as a mortal or a Qi practitioner, first of all, these people's bodies cannot withstand Hao Yun's torment, and it is very difficult to have sex, let alone give birth to a child, so he must at least find Da Zhu.

Female cultivators in the foundation stage. Secondly, women who can reach the foundation stage in the spiritual world will definitely want to find higher-level male cultivators. Hao Yun, a man in the foundation stage, is more embarrassed, and the female cultivators he can find look down on him.

Therefore, if he doesn't work hard to break through to the golden elixir stage, he won't even be qualified to talk to a partner, and the chance of having a child will be even further out.

Therefore, the families in the spirit world are not big, and cultivators generally do not want to have more children, especially women. Giving birth to children still has a certain impact on the mother's body. In addition, the children born may not be good just because they have cultivated talents. Often one

If there is a single generation in the family, the cultivation talent is average, and the family will die early before breaking through to the foundation building stage, the family will decline. The Hao Yun family is an example of this. Each generation is not as good as the last, and it is not until his generation that there is a sense of resurrection.


The current family that can survive is the current ruler of the spirit world. In addition to the Ling Emperor family, there are six other families. For a large interface like the spirit world, with a population of more than 10 billion, only seven families in total have the ability to achieve breakthrough success.

The skills of immortals are indeed too few compared to the population.

Most of the population in the spirit world are Qi Practitioners. Their physiques are much stronger than those of mortals, but they are only strong. If they do not break through the foundation building stage, they are not considered cultivators. Qi Practitioners often consume too much of the human body's potential, so

The lifespan is not as long as that of mortals. But just like that, people born in the spirit world will basically go to practice. Generally speaking, if they do not break through to the foundation building stage by the age of 30, then there is little hope. At this time, most people will think of getting married and having children to continue the descendants.


The proportion of people in the foundation building stage is less than 1%, which means that there are only about 100 million people in the spiritual world. There are also about a million people who can reach the golden elixir stage, about 10,000 people in the infant transformation stage, and only a hundred people in the tribulation stage. Because

In recent years, except for the people from the 7 major families who have successfully ascended to immortality, most people are stuck in the tribulation and Mahayana stages. After accumulating for several generations, what was originally a stable pyramid has now become a pyramid with a ball on top.

It may fall down at any time, which is very dangerous!

Hao Yun has a relatively deep understanding of the current situation in the spiritual world. After joining the Dharma Research Association, he has participated in many studies. Starting from himself, Hao Yun also wants to change the current situation. If he cannot continue to practice, there will be no way forward.

Hao Yun had no soul frequency problem, so he didn't worry about anyone chasing him. He quickly arrived at the meeting place, the tea club by Xishan Lake in the Xicheng area of ​​Lingshan City. This club was opened by their Legal Research Society in Lingshan City.

Firstly, it can be run, secondly, it can collect some information, and thirdly, it can be used as a place for members to connect emotionally. There are many benefits!

Pushing the door and entering the club, the waitress at the front desk asked very politely if she had an appointment. Hao Yun took out the membership card of the Legal Research Association and told the waiter that he had made an appointment with Boss Zhang to meet at 3pm. Boss Zhang is Captain Zhang.

He is also the nominal boss of this club.

The waitress at the front desk said that she had been notified, and then contacted other service waiters to come to the front desk to lead him to the room reserved by Boss Zhang.

Hao Yun followed the waiter to the Linghu Hall near the lake at the innermost part of the club. The waiter opened the room and Hao Yun walked in. No one was there. It seemed that Boss Zhang hadn't arrived yet. The waiter asked, what kind of tea would Hao Yun want to drink?

Yun was not in the mood, so he asked the waiter to make a cup of spiritual tea and then left.

At this time, Hao Yun felt relieved. When he had some time, he carefully recalled what happened during this period. He felt something was wrong. For example, he used a family tradition to mortgage the loan. The cost was not small. This time he found

The black market doctor was also found by the Institute of Law Research. He went to the doctor to do the surgery by himself. If he died, he would not be able to get his money back, and he would not be able to get his exercises back. It would be over once and for all. Fortunately, he had not seen him yet.

The doctor was caught by the patrol, had to get into the sewer, and then drowned. If there was a conspiracy, the problem must be with the Law Research Association. He came to pay back the money. It felt like he had fallen into a trap!

However, what I don’t understand is, what is there about him that makes the Dharma Research Association so aggressive, just for the sake of the family inheritance technique? Although his family inheritance technique is not bad, he can only practice it to the early stage of the golden elixir.

Although it is not a popular commodity, it is not a rare thing. Besides, this mortgage will only cover 200,000 low-grade spiritual crystals, which is the operation fee. The operation fee is not high. After all, it is the black market price. Besides, this operation is not good for the patient.

It is said to be more dangerous, but for the practitioner, it does not cost much. It doesn’t make much sense to trick him for this money! After all, after he joined the Dharma Research Association, he was quite dedicated and did a lot for the Dharma Research Association.


Just when Hao Yun was meditating, there were two eyes in the next room, falling on Hao Yun through the wall. The partition wall was normal to Hao Yun, but it was transparent when viewed from the next door side. It was obvious that the next door

The skills of these two people are much stronger than Hao Yun.

The two people in the next room are both middle-aged uncles. One is fat, fair-faced, and dressed like a wealthy businessman. This is Hao Yun’s boss Captain Zhang, the boss of the club. The other one is tall and strong.

He has a gray beard and is dressed smartly and looks very majestic.

Boss Zhang looked at Hao Yun, turned to the gray-bearded man and said, "What do you think of this young man?"

"In general, nothing special. Are you going to recommend this person to this legal research conference? Is there no one else to choose?"

The gray beard obviously didn't approve of Hao Yun very much.

"I think this Hao Yun is pretty good, at least he's lucky. I originally planned to recommend him to the association, and even loaned him money to have surgery to change his soul frequency. But he was unlucky. He got into the sewer and was flushed away without seeing anyone.

However, it was a blessing in disguise that the soul frequency changed on its own. We believe that it may be due to the skill. In certain emergency situations, some accidents will occur. In addition to this mission, the soul frequency will have to be changed. If he

With this ability, the success rate of the mission will be greatly increased."

"Does this kind of thing still happen? I have lived for so many years and I have never heard of such a technique. What kind of technique did he learn?"

"He learned the martial arts passed down from his family, and the jade slip of the martial arts technique is in my hand as a mortgage. However, because it is encrypted, I cannot open it. When you see him later, you can ask him directly."

"Then let's meet and chat and see how it goes!" After saying that, the two of them got up, walked through the door of the next room, and walked towards Hao Yun's Linghu Hall.

Hao Yun was still thinking hard, his head hurt and he couldn't think of a reason. At this time, there was a knock on the door of the room.

"Brother Hao Yun, I'm sorry, I'm late, I must have been impatient with the wait!" Boss Zhang's voice came from the door.

Hao Yun quickly stepped forward and opened the door to the room.

"No, I've just arrived. I'm disturbing Boss Zhang!"

When Hao Yun saw that there was another person next to Captain Zhang, he immediately changed his name to Boss Zhang.

Boss Zhang turned sideways and asked the gray beard to enter the room first, then also entered the room and closed the door.
This chapter has been completed!
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