Chapter 441 Young dragons also eat meat

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For Naha, the most terrifying experience in her life was the time when her brother was fighting outside in Kucha City and locked her in a dark cellar.

While she was afraid that her brother would die in the battle, she was also afraid that she would never get out of the cellar.

That feeling is very bad.

If the old monkey hadn't often appeared to accompany her, Naha didn't know how long she could have hidden there.

Li Hong has been imprisoned in the East Palace for three months. In Naha's opinion, this is exactly the same as being imprisoned in the cellar.

My brother prepared a lot of food for her, and also got a lot of fun things for her to keep her company.

Just like Li Hong in the East Palace, there is no shortage of food and there are many people. However, these people are the same as the toys and dolls that his brother prepared for himself.

At that time, she was the same age as Li Hong now.

Therefore, she must come to the East Palace to see Li Hong, just like her brother would open the cellar to see him no matter how cruel the battle he participated in. At that time, his brother said that if a child as old as her was imprisoned,

Over time, your mind will change.

There are several mentally retarded people in Jinchangfang who like to sit on the garbage heap and giggle at others.

Naha doesn't want Li Hong to become like that.

So, he gave the big-headed sister to Li Hong.

Li Hong hugged Li Si and cried so miserably.

Naha saw the onions all over the ground, and she was far more interested in them than Li Hong.

Seeing Naha pulling out onion seedlings, Li Hong quickly stopped him and said, "It won't grow well until July. It would be a pity to pull it out now."

Naha looked at the onions with only roots and no bulbs and said, "Nothing has grown."

Li Hong quickly said: "It will grow out."

Naha said angrily: "I've seen the onions in the finger rice my brother gave me. It's such a big ball and it's very fragrant."

Li Hong said quickly: "If you wait a little longer, the onion roots will become bigger, and then you will have delicious finger food to eat."

Naha grabbed Li Si who was watching the fun, touched her big head and said, "Can it grow as big as her head?"

Li Hong shook his head in horror and said: "Impossible!"

Naha looked at Li Hong with disdain while gesturing with both hands and said: "When my brother started growing cabbage, it was only this big, and then it grew to this big, and it only cost a little money.

Aunt Cui said you are a prodigal, you killed many soldiers in battle with just one broken onion, and you spent more than three thousand dollars."

Li Hong drooped his head and said, "It's not because you told me how delicious your brother's hand-made rice and the delicious fried mutton with onions were in Qiuci, that's why I wrote there asking for onions."

Naha dragged Li Si toward the house along the onion field. Dozens of curious East Palace officials stood under the corridor.

Over the past few days, His Highness the Crown Prince, who had become extremely grumpy, followed behind with his head drooped and carrying a huge bamboo basket. He was completely different from the one who was furious about breakfast in the morning.

"I came here this time just to ask you, is Changsun Wuji really your ancestor?" After entering the house, Naha asked Li Si to close the door and sat on a chair to ask Li Hong.

Hearing Naha ask this embarrassing question again, Li Hong wanted to dive into the onion field, plant himself as an onion, and see if he could grow a bump the size of an onion on his head.


"Can you please stop asking about this? I drink too much wine."

"Did you kill the person who gave you the heavy wine?"

Li Hong spread his hands and said, "No, there were too many people at the banquet. I didn't remember who gave me the wine."

"Hey, don't the people around you know who made you drink? In addition, didn't they stop you, a kid, from drinking?"

Li Hong said awkwardly: "They were killed by my father's rod."

Naha rolled her eyes at Li Hong and said, "Where is the person drinking with you?"

Li Hong sighed and said, "It's too much."

Naha screamed strangely: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, what a stupid guy, even worse than the monkey grandpa."

Li Hong looked at Naha and said: "Monkey Grandpa is very smart and powerful. I am not as good as him because I am young."

Naha immediately approached Li Hong and said eye to eye: "I remember you told me that Mr. Monkey is a fool."

Li Hong leaned back, distanced himself from Naha and said, "I felt very powerful at that time, but now I feel stupid."

Naha pretended to sigh and said: "My brother will be back soon. If he knows that you have become stupid, I don't know how sad it will be."

Li Hong sat down next to Naha and said: "I was really too careless. When I said the words, everyone was laughing. I already knew something was wrong."

Naha snorted coldly and said, "Why didn't you kill those who were laughing?"

Li Hong frowned and said, "Kill someone?"

Naha nodded and said: "During the battle in Kucha City, some people had bad intentions towards me. My brother and Monkey Grandpa killed them all through the tunnel, leaving no one alive.

My brother also said at the time that no one could hurt me this way.

He also warned me that once you find that someone is disadvantageous to you and wants to harm you, you must act decisively and kill him before he harms you.

People are starting to hurt you, and you still don’t kill them, so why don’t you keep those who laugh at you and hurt you for the New Year?”

Li Hong said in embarrassment: "I am imprisoned and cannot kill them."

Naha thought Li Hong was so stupid, so she slapped him on the head and said: "There were so many people who wanted to harm me, could I kill them myself?"

Li Hong shook his head and said: "No."

"If they can't, how did they die?"

"Your brother and the old monkey...I understand. What you mean is that if I can't kill them, I should let my father and my mother kill them for me?"

A smile appeared on Naha's face, and she forcefully pulled Li Hong and touched his head and said: "That's right. You are a child, making mistakes is inevitable. You don't really think that Changsun Wuji is you."


Li Hong said resolutely: "My ancestor is Emperor Taizong. I was drunk and somehow said something that I shouldn't have said."

"Did you tell your father this?"

"No, my father was furious at that time and just beat me. He beat me so badly that I just wanted to endure the pain and not scream. I didn't say anything."

Naha opened the basket she brought, took a piece of cake and gave it to Li Si, and gave another piece to Li Hong. Finally, she took a piece and said proudly: "Your father is not as good as my brother in this regard. My brother

He usually starts to beat me after asking me questions clearly. He also sets a rule for himself that he can only beat me once in a day.

He was worried that if he beat me several times a day and accidentally beat me to death, he would have no girls.

You can also tell your father this truth, and he can beat you up to one time a day, so that you can live longer."

Li Hong bit into the soft and sweet Qianshi cake and thought for a moment: "Would it seem incompetent for me to ask my father and mother for help like this?"

Ling Dian looked at it and said, "I don't know. Anyway, if I can't handle something well, I will definitely ask my brother or Grandpa Monkey for help. Until now, no one in the family looks down on me, and my brother still praises me for being smart."

"My father called me stupid."

"My brother often calls me stupid as a pig..."

"My queen mother also scolded me and said I was not worthy of my responsibilities."

"My sister-in-law often thinks that I might not be able to get married in the future. Do you think I care?"

Li Hong looked at Naha's proud face and wanted to say that what Yun Chu told Yu Xiurong was the truth and that he was wronged. When he said this, he felt that what he did at Changsun Wuji's house was indeed a bit stupid.


He couldn't help but look in the direction of Tai Chi Palace. With Naha's affairs in front of him, he suddenly felt that surrendering to his father was not as embarrassing as he imagined.

It was easy for him to go through his father's ordeal. As long as he admitted his mistake and accepted the advice, it would be over with a scolding at most. Mainly because of his mother... Thinking of this, Li Hong felt itchy on his back.

When Naha and Li Si saw him rubbing his back hard against the pillar, they knew what was going on. As long as the child thought of his mother, his back would be extremely itchy.

The two of them lifted up his shirt and scratched him with four hands. After a long time, the itching subsided, except that his back was bright red, and there were still marks on it from Li Si and Naha's scratches.


"Are you so afraid of your mother?" Naha asked in confusion, picking at the skin flakes on Li Hong's body between her fingernails.

"I'm not afraid, but the thought of facing my mother makes my back feel extremely itchy. It would be better to just get a beating."

At noon, Li Hong asked Naha and Li Si to have dinner. The meal was very rich and satisfied the appetites of Naha and Li Si.

The chefs of the East Palace are from the huge team of cooks in Jinchangfang. It is too hot at noon, so the staple food is sesame oil chicken shredded cold noodles.

After taking two bites of cold noodles, Naha looked at Li Hong and said, "Do you have rice wine here?"

When Li Hong heard the word "wine", his body couldn't help but tremble, and he said in embarrassment: "There should be."

"Drink a little."

Li Hong shook his head like a rattle and said, "I just finished eating and drinking. I have to remember."

Naha said: "If you had a good drinking capacity, you wouldn't have made the same mistake as last time. Drink slowly to make your drinking capacity better. My brother and the others drink in jars.

Because you might do something wrong if you drink."

Li Hong looked at Naha's cunning blue eyes, shook his head decisively and said: "If what you said before is reasonable, then the idea you come up with now must be an idea that is enough to make your brother and sister-in-law

Knock you out for your bad idea."

Naha said decisively: "If you don't drink, I will!"

So, at sunset, under the escort of six guards, a carriage drove out from the East Palace. Naha's black horse was tied behind the carriage, and inside the carriage lay two people with flushed faces and sleeping soundly.

of drunkards.

Watching the carriage go away, Li Hong imagined the scene Naha would face after she woke up, and couldn't help laughing for a while.

After returning home, he calmed himself down, and after copying a large text, he said to the prince Xima Wu Zheng: "Go to Taiji Palace to deliver a message, saying that the prince wishes my father the emperor's well-being."

Wu Zheng said: "Your Highness is still in captivity and is not allowed to see you."

Li Hong looked at Wu Zheng and said, "That day at Duke Zhao's house, I remember that you were among the people who persuaded me to drink, right?"

Wu Zheng's expression changed drastically, he shook his head repeatedly and said, "I don't dare!"

Li Hong jumped on his seat, stepped onto the desk, looked down at Wu Zheng and said: "Your three clans have been punished."

Chapter One.

This chapter has been completed!
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