Chapter 502 The government that admits defeat is even more terrifying

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The emperor was already under siege by local officials in Guanzhong and was preparing to expand cotton cultivation to many counties in Guanzhong.

As long as the total cotton output increases, the price will inevitably fall.

To keep the price of cotton from falling, this is not something that can be accomplished by the emperor's decree. Cotton production has increased, but cotton textile mills have not been built. In the end, the unlucky ones are the cotton growers.

Therefore, Yunchu planned to build two more huge cotton textile workshops this year, and planned to arrange all the women from the families of ordinary people who did not force him to ask for thirty coins to work as female textile workers.

As for the person who asked for money...hasn't he already given you the money?

The female workers in the textile workshops in Chang'an City are now very popular. In addition, the workshops are managed by a group of eunuchs, so even the most criticized rumors cannot be spread.

With a monthly salary of three hundred coppers, plus a lot of unexplained benefits that the eunuchs obtained from random places, these two thousand female textile workers have become synonymous with the new women in Chang'an City.

Especially when the female workers carried a ten-pound salted fish home on New Year's Eve, half the city even came out to watch.

With these ten pounds of salted fish, their family won’t have to buy salt for half a year.

Two large workshops require at least 3,000 workers, and more than 2,500 women are needed.

Chen Laoshi was an honest man. When he went on an expedition to Liaodong with the county magistrate, he didn't fight or grab anything, he just kept his head down and did his own thing well.

When the county leader led everyone to rush to kill, he rushed into battle to kill the enemy. When the county leader led everyone to rob and search for loot, he worked hard to rob and loot. When the county leader led everyone to grab the territory, he followed faithfully to grab the territory. The county leader led everyone to grab the territory.

He led everyone to start doing business on the beach, and he followed suit and learned how to do business.

After the county magistrate took everyone back to the court and returned home, Chen Laoshi built a courtyard of green brick and large tile houses in one breath!

He has always been honest. In the eyes of others, he is the kind of honest person who can't beat a fart with a stick.

But it was this honest man who spent a year building a big house and married his two sons in succession, all of whom were well-known good girls from the previous family.

He eats wine and meat every day, and lets his wife, son, daughter-in-law, and daughter serve him like an emperor.

When you are at home, you have wine and meat. When you go out, you wash off the oil on your mouth, wrap your rotten leather jacket around your body, tie it with a rotten straw rope around your waist, and tie it to the base of the south wall like the poor ghosts in the village.

Squat and bask in the sun.

Listening to the idiots around me excitedly discussing how to get thirty cents per acre of land from the county magistrate, I wrapped myself in a rotten fur coat and went home.

When I got home, I gathered the whole family together and gave a simple instruction: "Other people want money, but our family doesn't want it. If you should plant cotton, just plant cotton. Don't say anything."

The eldest son heard this and said with some dissatisfaction: "Master, our family has sixty acres of land, and our family has suddenly lost eighteen hundred dollars."

Chen Laoshi glanced at his eldest son. After all, he had been on the battlefield and killed men. Just one glance made his eldest son pull his head and dare not speak.

"I, Chen Laoshi, don't know anything else. I only know that the head of the most ferocious barbarian king in Liaodong was chopped off by the county magistrate himself. I only know that the most difficult city in Liaodong was captured by the magistrate with us.


I also know that the county magistrate likes to get rich, but he has never deducted a penny from us soldiers, and when good things happen, he has never deducted us people."

At this point, he sneered and said: "In other places where cotton is grown, the county has distributed all the money and grain that should be subsidized since the beginning of spring. Over the years, you have seen old millet and rotten grain in the money and grain distributed by the county.

The land hasn't been planted yet, but the food was given first. Has there ever been such a good thing since ancient times? Now these people are starting to make trouble for money. It should be that someone wants to deal with the general, but they can't come forward themselves, so let these fools

I want 1,800 Wen, too, but I know the general's character too well. If you don't fight for it, he won't miss you. If you fight for it, he will only give you what you deserve, one point.

I won’t owe you anything, but the good things that happen in the future will definitely have nothing to do with you.

You all should stop talking nonsense and see what the general does first before speaking."

The eldest son hurriedly said: "In order to grow cotton, the county minister has promised to give thirty cents per acre of land."

Chen Laoshi looked at his eldest son and said, "Is it going to be given to everyone?"

"No, only give money to those who want it. Don't give it to those who don't want it."

Chen Laoshi snorted heavily and said, "In this case, you go to the village chief and report it, and tell us that our family doesn't want it."

Seeing his eldest son reluctantly going out, Chen Laoshi looked at his family and said slowly: "An extra 1,800 yuan will not make our family rich."

Since Yunchu's order was issued, the countryside has become quiet.

As long as you ask for money, the village chief, the village chief, and the petty officials sent by the government will give it to you immediately without any hesitation.

If you say that you don't want money, you should still follow the previous procedures, and those people will not give you a good look, but will just record your name in a separate book.

No one knows whether being put into another register is a good thing or a bad thing. However, the heads and heads of various places under Wannian County and Chang'an County do not need money, not even a penny.

My relatives basically chose not to pay.

So those who took the money became panicked, especially after hearing the news that the county minister was not going to plant cotton in Wannian County and Chang'an County next year, even more people became panicked.

It's just that it is very, very difficult for farmers to pay back the money they receive.

When the peach blossoms are gone, the cotton in Wannian County and Chang'an County has entered the fields. However, when planting cotton this year, people are no longer as happy as in previous years. Many, many people have gloomy faces, not knowing what they have done this time.

Whether something is right or wrong.

The people do not argue with the officials. This is a concept that the people of Guanzhong have believed in for thousands of years. This year it was broken. After a little struggle, they won a complete victory.

This casts a thick dark shadow on the hearts of the people of Wannian County... The government will never accept the threat of the mud-legged people... The mud-legged people want to fight with the government... You eat it today

How much has been vomited, how much will be vomited out tomorrow...

Under various mysterious speculations, those who received thirty copper coins, although the copper coins hung heavily on their waists, the money hung in their hearts like a weight...

"The number of people willing to take thirty copper coins was far less than we expected. Of the six thousand copper coins in Wannian County, only less than three thousand coins were distributed. And through this distribution, we also found that this money

The good people of Wannian County are basically separated from the Xi people.

Of course, among those who take money, some take it out of desperation, and some take it because their families urgently need money. But basically, among the people who don’t take money, there are already some people who look down on those who take money.


Therefore, the official thought that it was just right to completely separate the good people from the unscrupulous people and reorganize them into new neighborhoods.

At the same time, the county government should direct a large number of good and profitable industries to these areas where good people make up the majority.

Then, by raising taxes and subsidizing taxes, we gradually marginalized those Xi people as much as possible, and eventually expelled them from Wannian County.

Anyway, most of the population of our Wannian County is in Chang'an City, and there are less than 50,000 people in the countryside, so the unscrupulous people can't make any big trouble."

The person in charge of distributing money to the people this time was the Wanzhu Secretary of Wannian County. He himself was very opposed to the government's submission to the people.

When it was time to distribute the money, he discovered that there were many sensible people in Wannian County, and he immediately felt that this was a good opportunity to purify the rural population of Wannian County.

If we could sort out the good and bad people in the rural areas of Wannian County by handing out a few thousand dollars, then the money would be well spent.

Yun Chu, who was eating beans, looked up at Master Wan and said, "Master Wan probably knows how much money Wannian County has made from the cotton business in the past few years. The exact number is accurate.

He said that the original intention of those people asking for money was actually not wrong.

It is true that those of us have made use of the blood and sweat of the people of Wannian County to earn profits that were unimaginable before.

Although we still spent most of our money on building roads, building bridges, building canals, waterwheels, building mills, and sympathizing with the lonely.

But the people in Wannian County do not feel this way. It can be said that if the money is not sent to them, it does not count as giving them money.

This point is because our education is not in place. We will just strengthen education in the future. Nearly half of the people have taken money, and we will run away from these half of the people and ask them how to live in the future? This is not the original intention of education.

If we only want the good and not the bad, then where should the bad people go?"

After listening to Yun Chu's righteous words, Master Wan thought for a moment and said, "Xiaguan understands that we should educate them properly instead of driving them with nowhere to go. This is what Xiaguan understands."

"It's crazy"

Yun Chu smiled again and said: "The good people themselves should be rewarded, otherwise who would be willing to be kind in the future? The evil people themselves should be punished, otherwise Wannian County will be full of evil people in the future. It's just

There is a certain degree in the middle that should be controlled well, so that good people will be rewarded with good things and evil people will be rewarded with bad things."

Master Wan finally had a smile on his face. He sat in front of Yun Chu, picked up a cup of tea and said with a smile: "I believe that one of the two cotton textile workshops to be built in Wannian County should be located in In Qujiang, where no one received thirty cents, and in Changle, where less than ten households received thirty cents, what does the county magistrate think?"

Yun Chu picked up the can of tea, took a sip and said, "This is within your scope of authority, Lao Wan, what do you ask me to do?"

Master Wan added: "This time, for the identification of the upper, middle and lower households in this county, I am also planning to refer to the performance of the people in this incident. I wonder if it is feasible?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Wannian County is the number one county in the Tang Dynasty, so it should have the magnanimity of the number one county in the Tang Dynasty. We should not deliberately target bad people. Even if you are a subordinate of Wannian County, I hope that after several years of hard work, After that, you can also become a household name in other counties. In this way, Wannian County can become stronger and stronger, and finally achieve the prosperous atmosphere of Chang'an being covered with gold foil."

Master Wan shook his head and said: "The magnificence of the county magistrate is beyond the reach of lower officials. Having the county magistrate here is a blessing to the people of my county for ten thousand years."

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