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Chapter 521 If you dont have long-term worries, you will have immediate worries

Everyone has troubles.

Yunchu's troubles came from looking too far ahead.

Because we look too far ahead, we often lack the motivation to move forward. Those who can swim against the current and slash and kill are heroes.

The historical trend is generally forward, but the meaning of this front is the definition given by people, and people's opinions are the most unreliable.

You know, it is true that the river is rolling forward, but while it is rolling forward, it is also gradually moving downward.

Big rivers are born on the tops of mountains and plateaus. At this time, big rivers are closest to the blue sky and enter the sea, but they are often at the lowest point. If there is no ocean, the water of the big river will eventually merge into the lowest point of the earth.

This is similar to the long history of history.

Since Yunchu launched the plan to enrich the people, he has been impeached more and more.

Now, whenever it is his turn to go to court, Yun Chu is not very willing to go, because whenever he goes to court, he can always hear the memorial to impeach him being read out in public by the censors.

Yun Chu never refutes!

This is the method that Wen Wen taught him to deal with the censor.

Because these people often deliberately expose some loopholes in their memorials. If you use these loopholes to attack the censor, you will quickly find that they have filled up the loopholes in a few words, and the rest is used to attack you.


Without a response, the imperial censors could only talk about the little things in the memorial. In fact, they were just trivial things, but they were said to be very scary.

Yun Chu actually understood Wen Wen's suggestion very well. He couldn't argue with Yu Shi Yan Guan. As long as he started to argue, he would be dragged into other people's rhythm by those who had been arguing with others all year round. In the end, they would refute you in a group fight.

His body was completely bruised and he had no power to fight back.

If you want to be a good official, the first survival skill you must master is to be able to separate your spirit and body in a wonderful way when needed, and actively block things that you don't want to hear or think about.


Chang Shulai, the imperial censor, today impeached Yun Chu for plundering people's wealth in the name of health.

For those who own real estate, they will be charged sanitation fees ranging from five yuan to ten yuan according to the size of their homestead.

According to Chang Shulai's opinion, Yunchu was plundering people's wealth.

Yun Chu turned a deaf ear, but after hearing the reason for his impeachment, he decided to stop collecting the night incense and garbage from Chang Shulai's house when he went back. He also stopped sending people to clean the ground in front of Chang Shulai's house, and would also stop collecting garbage at Chang Shulai's house.

There are more than a dozen garbage stations set up around the house to facilitate their homes to dump garbage.

If Chang Shulai is still dissatisfied, he will arrange several seepage pits specifically for collecting sewage near Chang Shulai's house.

There is one such seepage pit in Jinchangfang, and many people with ill intentions towards the Yun family and Jinchangfang were buried in it, as well as dead dogs, cats, chickens, and kitchen waste discarded from the Jinchangfang cafeteria.


Therefore, in addition to the construction of many public toilets and the planting of many bamboos near the seepage pits, people cannot live near the seepage pits. Even if the people of Jinchangfang pay great attention to hygiene, in summer

, there are still an astonishing number of flies here.

After Yunchu figured out how to deal with Chang Shulai, Changsun Wuji stood up and looked at Yunchu and said, "Does Magistrate Yun have any idea?"

Yun Chu came out of the classroom holding a wat board and saluted: "What Chang Yushi said is true. From today on, Wannian County will no longer charge health fees from Chang Yushi's home. If there are still people in the court who think that Wannian County should not

Wannian County will never force you to collect this health fee?"

Changsun Wuji said expressionlessly: "Why are the princes of the court exempting all the money and grain from Wannian County?"

Yun Chu stood up straight and said, "Because other people didn't have any complaints about charging this health fee. On the contrary, they welcomed it very much.

Nowadays, the only one who has heard the refutation is Chang Yushi."

Yunchu seemed to be admitting defeat when he spoke, but all the officials present heard a strong hint of threat from these words.

Chang Shulai shouted angrily: "How do you treat me?"

Yun Chu said indifferently: "Chang'an is a big place, and it's not easy to live there.

If a household wants to live peacefully in Chang'an, it cannot do without such auxiliary activities as vigils, inspections, night watch, water supply, decontamination, and Wuhou shop.

Since Chang Yushi thinks it's inappropriate, just cancel it. This is a small matter, so Chang Yushi sent his steward to Wannian County Yamen to report it, saying that it's not worth mentioning to the court."

Chang Shulai said angrily: "These are your duties in Wannian County."

Yun Chu didn't bother to respond, and returned to his position with the wat board in his arms. He turned a deaf ear to Chang Shulai's words. He had already made up his mind. After going to court, he would send people to dig seepage wells near Chang Shulai's house and kill Chang Shulai early.

It would be better if Shu Lai's house stunk well.

The matter seemed to be resolved, but it seemed that it was not resolved. Everyone knew that Yun Chu would never give up. They also knew that Chang Shulai was waiting for Yun Chu to attack him so that he could continue to find opportunities to impeach Yun Chu.

No one would have thought that Yunchu would directly make Chang Shulai's house a famous seepage pit in Chang'an City. After all, it is summer, and Wannian County has already begun to arrange work to prevent waterlogging.

If there are seepage pits, the possibility of waterlogging in the rest of Chang'an City will be reduced.

Regarding this matter, Yun Chu was not prepared to give Chang Shu any chance of regret, and first destroyed his ancestral home that had been passed down to four generations.

In case other officials are unwilling to pay health fees.

Speaking of which, when it came to paying health fees, a situation arose that Yun Chu had never expected.

That is, poor people who have a house at home will pay the five yuan monthly health fee on time, but those high-ranking officials are reluctant to pay the health fee, claiming that their families

He is a noble person, and he is born to be served by poor people.

After Chang Shulai's house turned into a seepage pit, Yunchu planned to collect the sanitation fee according to the stepped status.

Those whose house area does not exceed half an acre of land will be exempted from the tax; those whose house area exceeds two acres of land will receive more; those whose house area exceeds five acres of land will receive double the amount; those whose house area exceeds eight acres of land will receive ten times the amount.

The morning session was too early, and Yun Chu didn't sleep well last night. She listened to Yu Xiurong chattering gossip all night. She was a pregnant woman and couldn't sleep when it was hot, so Yun Chu was not allowed to sleep.

Yun Chu recalled that when he went to court for the first time, Yu Xiurong and his whole family sent her husband off to court in an almost etiquette manner.

Now, every time when Yunchu goes to the morning court, only Fei San, Fei Jiu and Liu Yi are waiting. One has to make breakfast for the family master, one has to prepare horses for the family master, and the other is waiting to open the gate for the family master.

The rest of the people had long since ceased to care about the head of the family going to court.

Therefore, Yunchu always looked very tired when he went to court in the morning. The sleeping habits he had developed on the battlefield in his early years could be regarded as saving him at this time. He only needed to choose a coiled dragon pillar when he went to court and lean on the pillar.

You can sleep on it.

Just when he was sleeping soundly, he suddenly heard the word "Yun Qing" in his ears.

According to Yunchu's knowledge, there were not many officials named Yun in the Tang Dynasty. The only ones who could be counted were officials from the Yun Dingxing line. However, Yun Dingxing's descendants were not doing well and were not qualified to go to court. So,

, this "Yun Qing" can only refer to him, Yun Chu himself.

Yun Chu sniffed, turned around from behind the Panlong Pillar, held the wat board in his hand and replied respectfully: "Wei Chen is here."

Li Zhi's gaze was projected on Yunchu through the string of bead curtains, and he asked in his magnetic baritone: "Yunqing, how is the cotton growth in Wannian County this year?"

Yunchu said without thinking: "No, the insect infestation is serious. It is estimated that the output will only be half of last year's, or even worse."

Li Zhi frowned and said, "Since the growth of cotton is so poor, why do Wannian County and Chang'an County expand cotton textile workshops on such a large scale?"

Yunchu cupped his hands and said, "It is expected that the cotton harvest in Wannian County and Chang'an County will be poor, but the growth of cotton in the other counties in Guanzhong is very gratifying.

Therefore, Wei Chen believes that the four cotton textile workshops built at this time can be used to digest the cotton produced in other counties in Guanzhong."

Never in court

Zuo Chun, who was speaking in the hall, suddenly said: "With so many cotton textile workshops built, where will the county magistrate put me, Baiqisi?"

Yun Chu looked at Zuo Chun's expressionless face and said, "Isn't there enough military supplies to keep Baiqisi's cotton textile workshop busy?"

Zuo Chun said coldly: "This year, Baiqisi is planning to expand the cotton textile workshop and more than double the output."

Yun Chu spread his hands and said, "Then let's discuss business."

Li Zhi looked at Yun Chu and said, "Why are you talking about business law?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Whoever's goods are good or cheap can turn the cotton textiles in their hands into money; whoever's goods are bad or expensive are waiting to be eaten by insects in the warehouse."

Bite it"

Li Zhidao: "Yun Qing should know my original intention of assigning the cotton textile workshop to Baiqisi, right?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Of course I know, but in the past four years, the cotton textile workshop to which Baiqisi belongs has made almost no progress. This is the disadvantage of independent business, and Weichen has always wanted to use cotton to achieve his goals.

Strategies to enrich the people.

Since the cotton textile workshop affiliated to Baiqisi has not had the idea of ​​expanding production in the past four years, Weichen thought it was better to do it on his own. What's more, if Weichen had not cooperated with Chang'an County to build four cotton textile workshops this year, after the autumn harvest,

With so much cotton coming down from Guanzhong, I dare to ask General Zuo Chun, what do you do with it?"

Zuo Chun immediately replied: "Isn't our workshop about to start construction now?"

Yunchu sighed slightly and said, "It's already June, and the cotton will grow in two months. You haven't even completed the personnel training. How can you welcome so many cotton farmers and accept so much cotton?"

Farmers in other counties don't have ten thousand years of experience. The two counties in Chang'an are so cheap. They get the grain first and then plant the land. They have been hungry for a year, just waiting to eat after the cotton harvest.

I dare to ask General Zuo, will you be able to spend so much money and food to buy cotton by then?

Moreover, as far as I know, although Baiqisi's cotton textile workshop is very profitable, most of the money and food they earned were taken away by General Zuo to subsidize Baiqisi.

Therefore, it is better for our local officials to do a better job in this kind of thing. By then, it will be bad if a civil unrest is triggered."

When Li Zhi heard this, he immediately looked at Zuo Chun beside him.

Zuo Chun bowed and saluted: "This is my lack of consideration."

Li Zhi then turned his attention to Yun Chu, hoping that Yun Chu could help Zuo Chun come up with a good solution.

Yun Chu once again handed over his hand and said: "It is better to let the cotton textile workshop under General Zuo focus on military products, and leave the rest to me and other local officials. Naturally, we can give your Majesty a good solution."

Li Zhi was a little disappointed when he heard this. Baiqisi was spending too much money now, and Yunchu didn't give a way to make Baiqisi make a lot of money.

This chapter has been completed!
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