Chapter 598 Nahas Throne

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The blizzard in the Tang Dynasty could freeze the world. If people didn't need to eat, it would even freeze time.

It snowed continuously for three days. The thickness of the snow outside Yunchu Gate was more than three feet. After the snowstorm, the sun came out and strong winds came with it.

The sun hung in the sky, only the size of a soybean. It seemed to be shining, but it couldn't bring any warmth to the earth.

Strong winds rolled up the soft white snow, sending it high into the sky, falling down one after another, and then being carried to other places by the strong winds.

It snowed for three days, and then it snowed again for three days. There was no snow on the windward side of the Buddhist country, but there was a foot of snow on the leeward side.

Every year when the dandelions bloom on the sunny slopes, it is a good time for the ice and snow to melt and the long rivers to thaw. Although the grass and trees are still withered and yellow, both people and livestock can detect the arrival of spring from the moist wind.

Now the moist wind has turned into a heavy snowstorm.

People on the grasslands and Gobi are actually quite fertile. The reason why their population is kept in a balanced state is entirely because the hand of nature is playing a role in the balance.

The old monkey felt that he had made his due contribution to helping the Buddhist country survive this heavy snowstorm.

He killed many horse thieves, reducing the number of people eating and consuming supplies, just like when herdsmen encountered a heavy snowstorm, they would kill some thin, sick, and overly hungry livestock.

It is all a progressive behavior of survival of the fittest.

When supplies and food were insufficient, the old and weak among the residents of the Buddhist country should have been eliminated.

Those old and weak were also prepared to be killed or exiled to the wilderness. As a result, the Buddhist Kingdom did not kill or exile them, but killed the horse thief who had harmed them for twenty years.

The death of the horse thieves brought great shock to the residents of the Buddhist Kingdom, who could not understand the behavior of the Buddhist managers.

However, after Naha worked hard and led the Buddhist monks to give hay, grain, dried cow dung, furs, and bloody clothes to the residents of the Buddhist country, people began to understand the strange practices of the Buddhist country.

——Nana Hava is taking revenge on them!

In addition, their overly simple minds really couldn't figure out the reason why this happened.

Naha's external image is so good that even people who are full of hatred in their hearts can't feel resentment when they see Naha trampling on the snow and delivering a roll of sheepskin to him.


Everyone in the Buddhist country knows one thing. Ever since the arrival of Nahaha, their lives have become easier.

Therefore, this goodwill gradually turned into power, which is what Yun Chu and Wen Wen need.

Because there was not enough food and supplies, the Buddhist country quickly entered into a distribution system, so that people could receive a portion of food every day that they could neither starve to death nor eat enough.

After discovering that her people were not full, Naha refused to eat the mutton when Yunchu tried it again.

She took Dolma and began to eat the same food as the people in the Buddhist country. Fortunately, the child had a strong mouth and could eat good things and bad things. Therefore, when the people saw Naha holding a wooden bowl, she was good at it.

Knead the black highland barley powder hard and finally shape it into strips. When you put it in your mouth, there are many people who are willing to squat by the fire with Naha and use boiling water to stir-fry the cooked highland barley.


Selema is different. Since her son and daughter came back, she only eats good food, and she wants to eat the best, use the best, and wear the best.

The Sai people here are also struggling to survive in the face of heavy snowstorms. Selema doesn't care about this, and leads the marmot Big Fat everywhere in search of the most delicious food all day long.

The so-called search means sending Afanti to search among the Cypriot tribe.

The so-called great search meant that Afanti took Xiao Yuhua to rob the Cypriot tribe.

This practice was not invented by Selema himself. When the Sai tribe encountered famine, their chief did this.

The Tang people led by Yun Chu had the best food. During heavy snowstorms, they cooked mutton, roasted mutton, boiled mutton, and sometimes ate large pieces of camel meat and beef. As for pancakes, dried vegetables and the like

There is no shortage of things.

Yun Chu cut the cured mutton into thin slices, put it with chili sauce and stuffed it into the freshly baked pancakes, and stuffed it to Naha when no one was around.

The saliva from the corner of Naha's mouth pulled out a long silk thread, and her hand quickly reached out. Just when she was about to touch the hot pancake, she suddenly turned around...and ran away.

Yunchu sighed and handed the pancake to Dolma. As a result, like Naha, this silly kid drooled for a while, struggled mentally for a long time, and finally ran away after Naha.

Selema doesn't care about this. She likes to eat cured mutton pancakes and can eat three in one sitting.

Everything is under gentle control. Under gentle control, the fifty thousand people of the Buddha Kingdom have clearly understood who is their king.

At the same time, the Sai people also realized that the mediocre Selema was not enough to become their leader.

Gradually, Selema found that her orders were not very effective, but the Sai people regarded every word of Naha as the king's will.

Until one day, Afanti and Xiao Yuhua were beaten by the Cypriots and returned with bruises and swollen faces. The power that Selema had gained by using her son's power to act as a false pretense finally disappeared.

When the sun became warm again and melted away the white snow on the Buddha statue, and crystal water drops fell in strings along the Buddha's cheeks, Naha's eyes were filled with people kneeling in worship.

Wen Wen looked at Naha who was not wearing a crown with a smile, and said to Yun Chu: "You have seen the birth of a real king.

From then on, this Buddhist kingdom will operate on its own under the leadership of great monks and under the management of the government.

Even if something goes wrong in the future, as long as Naha returns and puts things right, the people here will only support Naha even more.

In their hearts, Naha's image of kindness, kindness, and beauty has filled their hearts and minds, and they cannot tolerate any flaws in Naha.

Naha fulfilled the most beautiful fantasy of these people who had been squeezed out and had only one piece of skin left to have for the king.

From now on, Naha is the true Lord of the Buddhist Kingdom. The people have crowned Naha from the bottom of their hearts. This kind of crowning is far better than the crowning intention of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty..."

Zhong Kui sneered and said: "You two have finally managed to bring the right time, location, people and people to Naha's side.

Those who tamper with Manifest Destiny will end up in the eighteenth level of hell and will never be reincarnated."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "We didn't do anything. Naha deserves all this. On this dining table in the Western Region, Naha sat in the most conducive position for eating.

This is the reward she deserves for her persistence and innate kindness."

Zhong Kui sighed and said: "I know Naha has many praiseworthy and beautiful qualities, but receiving such a big reward and reward is still too much.

After all, she has never been a smart child."

Wen Wen sneered and said: "You are considered a very smart person, but you are not carving stones with a chisel all day long?"

Zhong Kui was speechless in response to Wen Wen's questioning. Looking at Wen Wen's cold face and the mean lines on his cheeks, he secretly made up his mind to fully express Wen Wen's mean appearance in his sculpture.


The damage caused by this heavy snowstorm was very wide. The real disaster area was not the area where the Buddha Kingdom is located, but the side near the Kunlun Mountain Passage, because the wind blew from that passage.

When the wind on the plateau falls downward, it becomes stronger after being blocked by the Kunlun Mountains and compressed in the channel.

At this time, the temperature here in Shule was rising. After the hot air met the cold air coming down from the plateau in Khotan, it caused this appalling blizzard.

Pei Xingjian led his troops into a Tucheng just before the heavy snowfall. In the shortest possible time, he organized and trained the Tang army in the core of Tucheng and placed the remaining Uighur cavalry on the outskirts of Tucheng.

And he hid in the Tucheng for ten days before he dared to come out of the Tucheng and sent out scouts to find out about the Tibetan army.

The Khotan River Valley is a place with abundant water vapor, which could easily cover the Uighur cavalry who died in battle with a layer of ice in the early days.

Under the raging cold and warm winds, the corpse city that originally stood by the river turned into a frozen world.

Countless people and horses have turned into ice sculptures, and each ice sculpture is dragging icicles to the south. This is caused by the north wind.

As the scout headed west along the ice sculptures, he saw countless Tubo people lying dead on the road. As long as he saw a snow bag in the Gobi, after breaking away the ice and snow on it, he would see a body that was blackened by the cold.


The scouts traced the route a hundred miles away and still saw the bodies of dead men and horses. Since the journey was too far and they would have entered the territory of Xiaobolu Kingdom if they continued further, the scouts turned back to report.

Pei Xingjian's laughter echoed ten miles away...

After re-sending people to count the number of Tibetan deaths, they decisively reported to the court that the Anxi Army had killed 30,000 Tibetans in the Khotan formation.

Although this is a huge victory for nothing, the imperial court will recognize it and reward the Anxi Army according to military merit.

After all, in Khotan, Pei Xingjian really had the corpses of 20,000 to 30,000 Tibetans in his hands. He did not kill good people for credit, nor did he deceive the emperor.

Thirty thousand Tibetan warriors died at once, which was a big disaster for Tibet, which did not have a dominant population. It would be impossible to send another large army to covet the four towns of Anxi in a short time.

With the help of God's power this time, Pei Xingjian wanted more. Before returning to Kucha, he sent documents to the states and tribes in the Western Regions, hoping that they could come to Kucha to gather and discuss the pastures and land in the four towns of Anxi.

Distribution matters, this time, he was ready to solve the matters assigned to him by the emperor in one go.

A big blizzard seems to solve many things on the ground in Anxi. In fact, the blizzard is temporary, but the land of Anxi is eternal. The blizzard comes quickly and goes away quickly. After the snow melts, the young grass grows from the ground.

When it comes out, a new cycle of reincarnation will begin in the Western Region.

This chapter has been completed!
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