Chapter 631 The essence of politics is tossing

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Zhang Hua, the new Wannian County Secretary, looked at the empty Wannian County Government Office in an irritable mood and felt sulky.

The Wannian County government office is not without people, but it is overcrowded. In an average county government office, including officials and servants, there will not be more than eighty people.

The number of various officials, government servants, and service-type servants in the Wannian County government office actually exceeded 300.

But in such an overcrowded county government office, Chief Secretary Zhang actually felt a strange sense of loneliness.

It's not that the officials here deliberately alienate him, nor is it that the officials here ignore him, but that he, who has been the county magistrate in Ji'an, Jiangxi for six years, can't understand the documents here.

It's not that he can't understand all the documents. He can read and understand the general writing. Once it involves the development of various industries and the industrial layout of Wannian County, the writing turns into various charts.

What makes Master Zhang intolerable the most is that he can't even read the most important account books. Whenever he sees those weird symbols on the account books, his head hurts badly.

The most important things in Wannian County are all in these charts. If he wants to be a good bookkeeper in Wannian County, he must first understand the various charts accumulated in the past few years and have a clear understanding of them.

Break out, or transform Wannian County.

Zhang Hua took another look at the asset income statement for the fourth year of Xianqing in Wannian County that Hucao had just sent over, and he became even more irritable.

Angry Zhang Hua roared at the servant: "Let Hu Cao come over."

After a while, Hu Cao Liu Yuanshou walked in with a smile, bowed and saluted: "Why do you want to call your subordinates?"

Zhang Hua pointed at the asset income statement on the table and said, "What is this?"

Liu Yuanshou craned his neck to take a look and said in surprise: "The asset income statement."

Zhang Hua said angrily: "I still know the words above. I mean, what are the things in the table below?"

"This is our Wannian County's income, costs, and expenses in the past three months... You see, here are the income, costs, and expenses for the same period last year for comparison.

Yes, and, look here, here are the revenue, costs, and expenses in the past three months as a percentage of the annual revenue, costs, and expenses.

With just one glance, the chief clerk can clearly understand the effectiveness of Wannian County Government's work in the past three months.

In the past, when Master Wan was here, it was always like this. Could it be that Master Zhang has new requirements for Hu Cao's affairs?"

Zhang Hua looked at Liu Hucao and said: "I am the chief secretary of Zhang, not the chief clerk of Wan. From now on, all documents in Wannian County must follow the old rules and don't do such messy things."

Liu Hucao said in surprise: "Since the use of forms, Wannian County's office paper has been reduced by more than 30%. The money saved can give everyone two more dishes for lunch. Isn't that good?"

Zhang Hua slammed the table and threw the income statement all over the floor and said: "How presumptuous!"

Liu Hucao picked up the various asset profit and loss statements scattered on the ground one by one, arranged them in order, put them on Zhang Hua's desk again and said: "It is best for the chief bookkeeper to learn this before the county official comes back.

When reading these things, if there is anything you don’t understand, call your subordinate at any time, and your subordinate will definitely tell you everything you know.

However, you must not show off your temper or show off your authority when you are in office. In this county government for thousands of years, the only one who can lose your temper and show off your authority is the county magistrate.

In these years, except for a few times when the county magistrate was displeased because of some sneaky things done by his subordinates, such a noble person as the magistrate seldom loses his temper. A handyman accidentally broke the magistrate's beloved teapot.

It's all a matter of kicking him.

If the chief registrar doesn't like it, if the county magistrate doesn't lose his temper, then no one in the county has the right to lose his temper in the past ten thousand years, especially when his subordinates have not made any mistakes."

Liu Yuanshou was the head of the six chief clerks in Wannian County. If Master Zhang hadn't descended from the sky and sat in the position of chief clerk after Master Wan had left, logically speaking, he should have been promoted to the position of chief clerk.

This was originally arranged by the county magistrate. Unexpectedly, the county magistrate went to the Western Regions to do business, so the people in the Ministry of official affairs got careful ideas and brought Zhang Hua in.

Liu Yuanshou was not very angry when he came out of Zhang's office. The position of Wannian County's chief was not easy to fill. When the county magistrate was unwilling to pay attention to minor matters in the county, the chief registrar and the county lieutenant were the ones who made the final decision.

Daily civil affairs are returned to the principal's book, and investigations of adultery and redundant matters are returned to the county captain. If things cannot be done, the county magistrate is asked. This has been the practice of Wannian County for many years.

Wannian County is the richest county in the world. In this county, many things and regulations are drawn up by the county magistrate himself. If you want to be a good registrar in this county, you must first listen to the county magistrate's words, and secondly, you must listen to the county magistrate.

Second, you still have to listen to the words of the county magistrate. If there is a third reason, you must understand the hidden meaning of the county magistrate's words.

The county magistrate of Wannian County has not been changed for six years, but the chief registrar will be replaced every two or three years. Anyone who leaves the position of chief registrar of Wannian County can be as high as

A Biejia in a state, at the very least, is the Zhengyin County Magistrate of a county. The last Master Wan went to Jinzhou to become a Biejia.

After Master Zhang descended from the sky to Wannian County, Liu Hucao knew that this person would not stay in Wannian County for a short time. When the county magistrate returned from the Western Regions, it would be time for this person to get out.

What we need to do now is to stabilize him and stop him from causing trouble.

After Liu Yuanshou returned to his official residence, he ordered the servants to invite the heads of the other five departments to have a meeting to calm people's hearts.

After a while, four people came. Except for the soldier who went to the outside of the city to inspect the soldiers and take care of the winter training matters, the rest all came.

Liu Yuanshou and other colleagues brought a teapot and said: "The County Lord has received a letter through Baiqisi's fast horse. The letter said that the County Lord has returned from the border of the Buddhist Kingdom in the Western Regions. If everything goes well on the road, at the beginning of spring,

The county magistrate should arrive in Chang'an."

As soon as Liu Yuanshou finished speaking, Zhang Jia, who had fallen from the position of county captain to a magistrate, took a deep breath and said, "The county magistrate has returned, and we don't have to suffer those insults anymore."

Liu Yuanshou said with a smile: "This is a small matter. The big thing is that the county magistrate has opened up a business channel with the Dashi people. This time, a caravan with more than 10,000 people from the Dashi country will arrive in Chang'an.

Here are the types of goods that cannibals were sent along with the letter from the County Lord. We need to arrange the sale and exchange of the goods in advance after the caravan led by the County Lord arrives in Chang'an.

Speed ​​up the exchange of goods, so that the transactions between Chang'an and the cannibals and Persians can be changed from once a year to twice a year."

After everyone took the goods list from the handyman, Zhang Jia said with some worry: "The county magistrate, the chief registrar, and the tax ambassador are not our own people. What if they don't agree?"

Official Cao Chen Wengong also said: "These three have recovered all the bonuses issued at the end of last year. I wonder what else they will do."

Liu Yuanshou chuckled and said: "You are all senior officials. You have served the county magistrate honestly over the years. Have you forgotten all the methods you used in the past?

A few officials from out of town have nothing but the power given by the court. We only need to respect his power. Whether he can exercise his power or not is not something we, the junior officials, can control."

Chen Wengong said carefully: "You have to make it clear to the county magistrate. What the county magistrate hates the most is the dirty tricks we use. Don't do anything wrong. In the end, the county magistrate will slap us on our butts."

Zhang Jia said with emotion: "I'm here to guarantee that everyone's butts are fine. If something happens, let all the boards fall on my butt alone."

The official Cao Chen Wengong laughed loudly and said: "In this case, you have done your best to respect your buttocks."

When Yunchu returns to Chang'an this time, he will bring back a huge amount of goods from the Western Regions, and even food and rare treasures from Persia.

How to sell these goods quickly is a huge matter for Wannian County. At the same time, it is also the key to whether Wannian County can make a big profit.

After Liu Yuanshou arranged the matter, most of the officials in Wannian County left the county government. Some went to Hedong, some went straight to Shanxi, some went to Luoyang, and some went straight to Yangzhou.

The people who stayed immediately began to prepare for warehousing and settlement matters. Major events have gradually begun to appear on the buying and selling signs in Qujiangfang. Various goods from Persia can be booked in advance if necessary, and they can even enter after paying a deposit in advance.


With so many cannibals and Persians arriving at one time, every city in the two red counties of Chang'an became busy.

Even the repertoire in Pingkangfang brothel has begun to change to the barbarian style, and the costumes of the singers and dancers have also tended to be barbarian.

Compared with the busy officials of Wannian County Government, Wannian County Magistrate Xie Rong, Chief Bookkeeper Zhang Hua, and Taxation Ambassador Qu You are so idle that they are almost going to be moldy, especially Taxation Ambassador Qu You

You, almost no one sets foot in his official residence on weekdays, except for a couple of times when a handyman delivers hot water.

Xie Rong, the county magistrate, was born in a poor family. The glory period of the Xie family was in the Jin Dynasty. When Xie Rong was born, the Xie family was already in great decline. As a Jinshi in Yonghui for three years, Xie Rong was already considered a rare young talent of the Xie family.


At that time, Li Zhi's sister, Xincheng Princess, was married to her cousin Changsun Quan, whom she liked. Xie Rong's talent was greatly appreciated by Changsun Quan, so Princess Xincheng introduced Xie Rong to her.

She married her brother Li Zhi, and Li Zhi naturally had no objections to Princess Xincheng, her half-sister.

As a result, Xie Rong came in third place when he took the Jinshi Science and Technology Examination.

When the Changsun family was unlucky, Changsun Quan was sent to Lingnan and was pardoned. Xie Rong, who was originally serving as a chariot in Daozhou, was found to have taken the path of the Changsun family and became an official. He was removed from Daozhou by the Baiqisi people.

Catch him back and prepare to behead him.

Just when Emperor Li Zhi was about to give his approval, he suddenly recalled that this person was recommended by Princess Xincheng. Thinking of Princess Xincheng who had been crying these days, he let Xie Rong go.

Just when everyone thought this guy was about to die, for some reason he was recommended by Xu Jingzong and became the county magistrate of Wannian County.

Until now, Xie Rong still doesn't understand the true meaning of Xu Jingzong's recommendation of him as the magistrate of Wannian County.

He went to Xu Jingzong's house to thank him, but Xu Jingzong just said that talents are rare and sent him away.

Although Xie Rong did not know the real reason why Xu Jingzong recommended him, he also knew that Xu Jingzong did not let him come to Wannian County to facilitate his promotion and fortune.

Therefore, when the three idlers from Wannian County gathered together, Xie Rong said to Zhang Hua and Qu You: "Wannian County is not the land of the Yun family..."

Chapter One

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