Chapter 141 Its fun to avenge yourself

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Yun Chu, Wen Wen, and Di Renjie all believed that someone must be responsible for the tragic stampede outside the White Horse Temple in Luoyang.

Of course, this is just the opinion of the three of them. The Luozhou government has classified this incident as a natural disaster.

Yun Chu believed that in this matter, the government had a responsibility, and it was a huge management responsibility. Therefore, the Luozhou government should give an explanation to the people.

Wen Wen believes that the emperor is responsible for this matter, and it is a huge management responsibility. Therefore, the emperor should give an explanation to the people.

Di Renjie believes that the wealthy families involved in creating this tragedy are responsible and committed a serious crime. Therefore, the wealthy families and their minions should give an explanation to the people.

Therefore, Yunchu planned to kill Sun Chengqian, the governor of Luozhou, Jiang Yucheng, the Sima of Luozhou, and Pei Yong, the commander of Luozhou.

The emperor originally had these three guys imprisoned and planned to behead them as a warning to others. However, for some reason, the three of them came out of the prison safely and were restored to their posts without any involvement at all.

This is wrong. There have been large-scale assassinations of officials in Luozhou and incidents that have caused riots among the people. They, the local officials, are unforgivable.

Even if these things have nothing to do with them, they still need to shoulder the responsibility for an oversight.

If nothing happens now, it means that they are deeply involved in these events, and someone must have grabbed the emperor's sore foot to cause the current situation.

Yunchu wanted to kill these three people and see what kind of strange things would happen.

Wen Wen could not kill the emperor, so he planned to spread the cause and effect of the matter through rumors to let the people know that it was the emperor's casualness that caused the people to suffer.

As for Di Renjie, he got a lot of gunpowder and fire oil from Yun Chu, and left with Mrs. Fang and his group.

In the early morning, Yun Chu summoned his five thousand useless soldiers and started a routine drill.

Although he knew that these people could no longer go to the battlefield, he still wanted to train these people's bodies to be excellent so that they could become qualified craftsmen or laborers in the future.

The military camp in Luozhou was very large and had very high walls, and the emperor still didn't trust these people very much. Therefore, outside the military camp, there was a group of people from Zuo Wuwei who were responsible for guarding these people.

Watching a group of limping wounded soldiers following Yun Chu in a difficult running circle on the martial arts field in the military camp, the soldiers and horses of Zuo Wuwei looked at them with contempt.

They already know that Yun Chu killed heroes by taking off their pants. Since these people are still alive, it means that they are not heroes. They took off their pants obediently under Yun Chu's order and have no dignity as soldiers.

Although they were very disgusted with Yun Chu's cruel and easy-to-kill nature, when they saw Yun Chu taking off his shirt and running around with a group of losers naked, they all felt that Yun Chu was not worth it.

Everyone knows that this group of guys with no dignity and no blood to speak of can no longer be regarded as soldiers. Yun Chu still has not given up on them. He wants to personally reorganize these people and instill heroism in them. He will make a last-ditch effort.

His behavior is still worthy of respect.

"One two one, one two one." Yun Chu ran at the front energetically, shouting some strange passwords constantly.

Five thousand people were running around in the teaching military field, which was not very big. In addition, these people had just been whipped more than ten days ago, so they were running sparsely. Not long after, five thousand people were in the teaching military field.

It ran up and down into a big circle connected end to end.

Yun Chu ran relatively fast, so he would appear at any position in the team from time to time. Only the occasional chant of "one, two, one" still inspired this group of courageless soldiers to continue running.

At this moment, a cavalry team consisting of twelve soldiers was running towards the Luozhou Governor's Mansion in Waiguoli, Luoyang.

The face armor of these twelve soldiers were all lowered. The horses under their crotches were extremely majestic horses, and the armor on their bodies was also extremely good. The twelve men held valuable horse spears in their hands.

Even the dust-proof cloak he was wearing was a very valuable multi-layered silk cloak that could reduce the damage of arrows, but the color was a bright red like blood.

Not to mention the horizontal knives on their waists, the throwing axes hanging on their breastplates, and the short crossbows hanging on their waist loops.

This kind of attire is not something that ordinary cavalry can afford. In the Tang Dynasty, ordinary generals could not assemble such a set of equipment.

Twelve cavalry rushed through the city gate of Luoyang's outer city like wind. The soldiers guarding the city did not even have the courage to ask them where they were from, so they watched them run towards the governor's mansion.

"I don't know which of the Sixteen Guards these generals are from." The city gate guard grunted and put the matter behind him. After all, ever since the troops of the Sixteenth Guards entered Luoyang City,

After that, they behaved like this arrogantly and domineeringly on weekdays.

At the gate of the Governor's Mansion, there are two rows of long standing cages. In each cage stands a prisoner. Just look at the sign hanging outside the standing cage and you will know that these people came to the Yamen to supervise because their family members were trampled to death.

Officials quickly cracked down on the unruly people.

In Luoyang at the end of May, the sweltering heat made people almost go crazy. The twelve fast horses brought a cool breeze, which made the guard at the gate of the Governor's Yamen sober up. Seeing that the twelve horses had not slowed down and dismounted at the gate, he asked.

When he was blocked, the man was knocked into the air by the war horse, and hit hard against the black door of the Governor's Mansion, suddenly knocking the half-open door open.

"Hululu..." The leader of the war horse breathed heavily, stepped up the steps to the Governor's Mansion, and then jumped down to the porch. Immediately, the other eleven horsemen also filed in.

They came in so fast that the subordinate officials of the governor's office had not yet reacted. The leading knight waved his horse's sword and slapped away a clerk who was holding a pile of documents. The horse's horse stabbed into the flower window and waved his hand again.

, the flower window fell into pieces.

Sun Chengqian, the governor, was working in the lobby when he heard a clicking sound. He looked up and saw a soldier with scarlet eyes looking at him coldly outside the flower window.


Sun Chengqian just screamed in surprise when he saw that majestic and outrageous war horse actually squeezed through the wooden flower door and walked into his governor's hall, breathing thick and rough breath.

"Sun Chengqian!" the knight on the horse shouted coldly.

Sun Chengqian stood behind the table and said loudly: "You are so bold, you dare to break into the governor's mansion privately. Come on, come on, let me take it down."

Immediately, the knight slowly pressed forward, shaking his head and saying: "You are not lacking in courage, how can you be a thief?"

Sun Chengqian gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty has pardoned my innocence."

Immediately, the knight sneered and said: "I pardon you, but I didn't say I would spare your life."

After saying that, he swung his horse sword to cut off the horizontal knife that Sun Chengqian was resisting, and then cracked it hard, splitting the heavy table gum into two.

At this time, the officials and subordinates who were reporting things to Sun Chengqian actually threw many inkstones, books, stools, chairs and other things at the knight.

After these things were swung away by the horse, the knight's horse stabbed into Sun Chengqian's throat. The horse shook quickly, and Sun Chengqian's head fell down. He was caught in the knight's hand and pointed at those holding chairs and stools.

The officials who were about to attack him said: "Work hard."

This sentence caused the officials and subordinates present to be stunned for a moment. No one continued to move, but watched the overly strong war horse spin a circle in the lobby and then left the lobby.

The chaos in the Governor's Mansion was not just in the lobby. At this time, the second entrance to the official office was also in chaos, and the other knights had already turned the place into chaos.

Pei Yong, who was at work, was besieged by four knights. He barely survived two rounds, but was cut into pieces by four horse spears on the spot.

Sima Jiang Yucheng's official office was at the back. When he heard that assassins were coming, he hurriedly climbed the wall and ran away, but was shot and killed by a crossbow on the top of the wall. The same head was also taken away by a knight.

It seems like a long time, but in fact, it only happened in a split second, so fast that even the guards of the Governor's Mansion had no time to react, because no one could have imagined that under Lang Lang's broad daylight, someone would dare to rush in.

The governor's office killed officials and rebelled.

When the guards hurriedly came to the governor's office with their weapons, they happened to see twelve full-armored knights leaving the governor's office. The knight holding the official's head waved his head and threw it out. Immediately, there were three

A knight drew his bow and nocked an arrow, and nailed the three heads firmly to the gate of the Governor's Mansion.

This skill of archery shocked the chasing guards. When they were stunned and frightened, the twelve knights ran towards the inner city where the Sixteenth Guards were stationed. Among the people who came to watch the excitement, there were also

I don't know who shouted "Long live your Majesty."

Those who were placed in the cage reacted immediately and shouted "Long live your Majesty."

As a result, the grateful people kowtowed to the departing knight one after another, and the shouts of "Long live your Majesty" gradually became louder and louder.

Some of the guards of the Governor's Mansion had already found the war horses and wanted to pursue them, but in the end they watched the last red-cloaked warrior disappear into the alley amid hesitation.

The soldiers were running in the alley, taking off their armor as they ran. When they ran out of the alley, they had turned into twelve ordinary people riding ordinary war horses. They mingled before the outer city gates closed.

Among the crowd leaving the city, he left silently.

Yun Chu led a group of government soldiers and ran under the scorching sun for an entire hour. Seeing that there were not many government soldiers left who could keep up, Yun Chu gave the order to end the run.

The order to end was given, and the few people who still persisted fell to the ground one after another, panting like cattle and sweating like rain.

Although Yun Chu was covered in sweat, he still stood firm, but his body seemed to exude a vague smell of blood.

The soldiers who fell at his feet couldn't help but crawl out. They all said that Marquis Yun was a fierce general who had killed countless people. Unexpectedly, even the sweat flowing out was still full of murderous intent.

"The one hundred and twenty-eight people who persisted until the end are the team's uprights!"

Yun Chuzhong shouted angrily at the soldiers at the Manjiao Military Field. After these people responded feebly, a soldier brought a bucket of water and poured it on his head.

It was warm water at first, and the water temperature of the next few buckets of water gradually dropped, until a bucket of cold well water poured down Yunchu's heart. Only then did Yunchu laugh boldly and said: "It's so happy!"

This chapter has been completed!
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