Chapter 57 The Yun Familys Reserve Army

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It was dawn, and Li Si didn't want to open his eyes. The damn sun didn't care whether he woke up or not before climbing up the mountain.

So, Li Si wrapped his head in a blanket and continued to sleep.

Someone slapped her exposed buttocks. Li Si knew from the strength that this slap belonged to Aunt Cui, and her mother's slap was not such a gentle one.

So he groaned, turned over and continued to sleep.

Aunt Cui had no choice but to sit on Li Si's bedside and chatter.

"Sisi, it's time to get up. My wife will take you to get vaccinated today. The sun will get hotter in a while."

Li Si was writhing on the bed like a fish thrown ashore, roaring as he writhes: "I'm so annoyed, I'm so annoyed, let me sleep a little longer."

Aunt Cui quickly patted Li Si's back gently and said: "Okay, okay, then sleep with half a stick of incense. Auntie will help you get the washing water. After a while, you can sit down and I will help you wash your face..."


As soon as Aunt Cui left, Li Si's slight snoring sounded in the room.

Yu Xiurong stood under the eaves. He had just brushed his teeth with green salt and poured a sip of warm water into his mouth. After it gurgled in his throat for a while, he spit the mouthwash into the small garden in front of the eaves.

I learned this from Yun Chu. Usually when Yun Chu is at home, the whole family wakes up at the same time. At that time, there will be a row of people standing under the eaves to rinse their mouths. If the sun is at the right angle, they will spray out

After the water drops fall, a rainbow will appear in the small garden.

Yu Xiurong looked around and found that there was no one around her. She alone could not create a rainbow in this early morning.

There was no movement in Cui Yao's house. It's impossible to say that this slutty woman went to Fei Jiu's house to spend the night again. The two of them now don't look like husband and wife, and they don't look like adulterers and adulterers. There really is no such thing.

Way to say.

Yun Jin had already woken up. He was just sitting on the bed in a daze. When he saw his mother entering his room, he woke up as if from a dream and quickly changed his underwear and put on clothes.

Yun Jin was different. This child had always followed the rules. At this moment, he was sitting in front of the bronze mirror, hesitating whether to put a flame pattern on his eyebrows.

Yun Luan was different. He stood by the bed with his bare buttocks, eyes still closed, and a crystal water column flew out from his crotch. Liu Fei caught it with his agile skills. When the water column disappeared, Yun Luan fell on the bed again, four

Sleep with your back on your back.

No matter how lazy the children are, Yu Xiurong doesn't care. Once the time is set for departure, no matter whether the children have washed or dressed up, they must leave on time.

The prince had already been vaccinated yesterday, so today, the powerful families in Chang'an City also started to vaccinate their children.

The Yun family had made an appointment with Lao He a long time ago. Today is the first wave of vaccinations. Since the old god is doing it himself, there is no chance of any mistakes in timing.

Li Si was pulled up by Aunt Cui, and the lazy girl sat on the edge of the bed half asleep, letting Aunt Cui hold a hot towel on her face.

After Aunt Cui helped her wash her face, Li Si woke up and said to Aunt Cui, "Brother Prince came yesterday, right?"

Aunt Cui said: "I saw Madam receiving the Prince's gift, it should have arrived yesterday."

Li Si said angrily: "Why don't you come to see me?"

Aunt Cui said: "Sisi, I heard that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince just received a pox vaccination yesterday, so it's not a good time to come see you.

After you get vaccinated today, you can see your prince brother."

"Did he bring the Yuezhou Liaoling I wanted?"

"I brought it, I brought it, a dozen of them."

"Where's the green peacock pattern gauze I want?"

"I brought them here too. I saw them clearly. Madam put them in the silk warehouse. Tomorrow I can ask Hu Sanniang to make shirts for you and Yun Jin."

Seeing that Aunt Cui had put on her clothes, Li Si jumped out of bed, put on a pair of gauze shoes with two red pompoms on the toes under the service of the palace maid, and hurried to find Yun Jin.

On the way, he grabbed Yun Jin's water glass, rinsed his mouth, and went into Yun Jin's house.

Yun Jin looked at the empty water glass and roared: "Li Si, just stay lazy to death, who is such a big young lady who doesn't brush her teeth?"

Li Si was naturally a good person, so he came out of the house again, took the toothbrush and green salt prepared by Grandma Cui, brushed his teeth and went into Yun Jin's room again.

It's not that Li Si doesn't want to dress up in his room, it's because there are so many weird and weird things for makeup here in Yunjin.

Yun Jin was young, so of course she didn't need it. Li Si asked her if she wanted to come, so she had no choice but to spend the whole day dressing up at Yun Jin's place.

"Today is suitable for peach blossom makeup. The weather is hot and your face will be naturally red. Don't dare to use rouge, otherwise it will be washed away by sweat, which will be terrible."

Li Si nodded and said, "Does it look better if I wear a jade crown or a gold crown?"

Yun Jin used a large brush to brush his chin twice, then raised his chin to look at himself in the mirror, and asked a little irritably: "Why is the double chin still there?"

Li Si raised his hand and pinched Yun Jin's fat chin and said, "This is called baby fat, and you are still a baby."

Yun Jin looked at Li Si's more obvious double chin and said, "You have it too, it's more obvious than mine. If you continue to secretly eat braised pork, I guarantee that within two months, your chin will become streaked.


Li Si curled her lips and said: "Mom said that I am having sex, so I should eat more and sleep more at this time. When I get taller, the fat will be gone."

Yun Jin hummed and said: "You also listen to what my mother-in-law says? She used to practice martial arts. She eats five times a day, and whatever she produces will turn into sweat. If you are too lazy to move, don't tell them that you will become a fat lady when the time comes.

I advised you."

Li Si frowned and thought for a moment and said, "I will also practice martial arts starting tomorrow."

Yun Jin curled her lips and took out a flower crown and put it on Li Si's head. She carefully inserted the peach blossom corolla. She stood far away and looked at it. Then she took off the corolla and the corolla and found a gold crown to tie Li Si's hair up.

He clapped his hands and said, "You have a big face, so you should wear a long golden crown. This will make your face look smaller."

Li Si nodded in agreement.

When the two little girls finished preparing and came to the front hall, three boys, Yun Jin, Wen Huan, and Di Guangsi, were already sitting upright at the dining table, waiting for Yu Xiurong to come over and eat together.

Li Si cheered and rushed over, first pinching Yun Jin's face, then Wen Huan, and finally pinched the fat Di Guangsi with both hands, and waited until she pulled Di Guangsi's rubber-like fat face a few times.

, Yu Xiurong also came.

Yun Jin, Wen Huan, and Di Guangsi have long been accustomed to Li Si's weird behavior. Everyone knows that sister Li Si has a bad mind.

Ever since Wen Huan and Di Guangsi moved into the Yun family, Yu Xiurong stopped allowing the family to talk at the dinner table.

However, Yun Jin said it today.

"Auntie, I plan to move to the front yard to live with Wen Huan and Guang Si today, and I won't live in the back house from now on."

Yu Xiurong looked at the scratch marks on the faces of the three boys, nodded and said, "Okay, but the homework will be doubled."

Yun Jin nodded and lowered his head to drink the rice porridge.

Pretending not to see the threatening look from Li Si.

As long as a few children of the family are dispatched, all sixteen fully armed generals of the Yun family will surely follow.

Over the years, the generals of the Yun family have been changing. They used to be retired soldiers from Chang'an, and later they became generals who followed Yunchu in the south and north. Since they were replaced by Zhang Cheng and the sixteen others, there has been no change.

Change it again.

The most precious thing of the Yun family has always been its people, especially these children, who are the most precious treasure of the Yun family.

The Yunchu couple can go out with only the elders, but as long as the children go out, Zhang Cheng and the others will be there to protect them.

Yu Xiurong was very relieved about Zhang Cheng. As for why she was relieved, it was entirely because her husband Yun Chu said that with these sixteen people here, there would be no problem with the children's safety.

When getting on the carriage, Li Si threatened Yun Jin: "As soon as I see Brother Prince, I will tell you that you are not good to me."

Yun Jin got on the carriage expressionlessly. Wen Huan looked at Yun Jin for a while and said, "Are you going to endure it like this?"

Yun Jin said: "I'm used to it."

Di Guangsi rubbed his fat face and said, "If it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear it."

Wen Huan said: "I couldn't sleep last night because of the noise from the toads in the pond. I passed by the pond this morning and saw some toads that were very big..."

Yun Jin took a deep breath and said: "Li Si is not afraid of toads. When Aunt Naha was here, they often caught and played with toads, and even stuffed toads into my sleeves...

Besides, it hurts His Highness the Crown Prince to hit someone."

Wen Huan and Di Guangsi nodded in unison, pretending that they had not said anything.

Various rumors about His Royal Highness, the senior brother, are not uncommon in the Yun family, and even the idle people in Jinchangfang can talk about it.

No matter how the rumor started, it will definitely end with His Highness taking advantage of it.

In ancient times, there were rumors that His Highness the Crown Prince was being chased by Aunt Naha wielding a stick, but in the past two years, it has been basically ignored.

When the group arrived at Taiyuan Hospital, the place was already crowded with people.

It's strange to say that when the common people queued up, they were all conscientious. Today, when we specially vaccinate officials and officials, they had already been quarreling for a long time because of a queuing problem.

No one wants to be at the back of the queue, not because there is a shortage of vaccines, but because everyone feels that being at the back is extremely boring.

Although there was no loud noise, looking at the grooms from each family driving dangerously as if they had swallowed gunpowder, we knew that queuing was not in line with their habits.

Taiyuan Hospital, like all hospitals, has a backdoor that is unknown to ordinary people.

After the Yun family's motorcade drove in through the back door, Yu Xiurong saw a large group of various ladies, with the Yinggong's wife Xu as the center, surrounded by many older women, who were discussing in a low voice the magical disease of cowpox.


Yu Xiurong got out of the car and took the children to greet her. Of course, Li Si was waiting for others to come forward to greet her.

Although the title of Princess Anding sounded like the title of a dead child, it was this title that destined Li Si to be a level higher than everyone here.

Yu Xiurong didn't stay with these ladies for too long. Because he had an appointment with the old god, he went straight to the office area of ​​Tai Hospital with a long list of children.

When I arrived at the old god's office, I happened to see Prince Li Hong, dressed in white doctor's attire, bending over to listen to the old god's teachings.

Li Si howled, ran two steps quickly, and then leapt onto Li Hong's back.

Li Hong felt that it was very rude to do this in front of the old god, so he tore Li Si off her back, pushed her in front of the old god and said, "Taoist Priest, I always think there is something wrong with her."

This chapter has been completed!
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