Chapter 851 The best person in the world

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Yunchu was quite familiar with Zhou Xing. The famous idiom "Please enter the urn" was based on this person's actual life experience. Without his existence, the words "Please enter the urn" would be meaningless.

Anyone who has read history books will not have a good impression of this ruthless official who likes to make false accusations and kill innocent people indiscriminately. The same goes for Yunchu. However, now that he has become the deputy guard of Chang'an City, everything is different.

The idea that the butt determines the head has been around since ancient times, and it is not anyone’s new invention.

In Yunchu's view, Zhou Xing's biggest crime was to comply with the political needs of Empress Dowager Wu Zetian, to make extensive accusations, and to persecute the clan and ministers.

Yunchu never thought there was anything wrong with persecuting clan members and ministers.

When these people habitually persecute others, why don't they feel pity for others?

Besides, what's wrong with the clan and ministers being persecuted when they are fat-headed people who are usually supported by the people?

They have a very high resistance to persecution. Even if they were executed this time, as long as one kid escapes, twenty years later, he still wants to become a clan member, an official, and continue his career.

The unfinished business of those persecuted ancestors.

The essence of being an official is struggle!

Struggle is the crop cultivated by officials on one-third of an acre of land. If the crops of the common people encounter natural disasters and man-made disasters, they will admit defeat. If the crops of officials encounter natural disasters and man-made disasters, that is, if the struggle fails, you have to admit it.

On the road to longevity and longevity, and to being a prince for generations, it is a natural phenomenon to eliminate some people, and it is also a manifestation of the healthy development of politics.

If you don’t get copied and executed by everyone in your family, and I don’t get copied and executed by everyone in your family, how can you let the officials behind you find a way to advance?

Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty never used perfect utensils. He believed in imperfection. As long as the utensils were exquisite and flawless, he would artificially create some flaws, so that they would last a long time.

Therefore, there is a gap in his old man's rice bowl.

The arrival of Zhou Xing shows that the emperor has learned the serious consequences of the disorderly killings in Yanshi County. This time he is prepared to deal with local problems in an orderly and disciplined manner based on his own needs and the law.

It’s a matter of returning home.

Indeed, doing this is much better than those bastards who sent Baiqisi to do whatever they want.

When Zhou Xing met Yun Chu, his young Shangguan was still as approachable as before.

There was an old-looking kettle on the table. The kettle was open, and the fat lid was filled with strong antiseptic. When Yunchu saw Zhou Xing come in, he drank up the strong wine in the lid in one gulp and threw it away.

Throw the empty lid to Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing naturally knew what Junhou meant, so he picked up the kettle and poured a full cap of strong wine, then drank it all in one gulp.

"This is an anti-toxic drug used in the military, not alcohol. It is not considered a violation of military discipline."

Zhou Xing put the lid next to Yun Chu's hand with both hands, and filled it with anti-toxic medicine. He cupped his hands and said, "I'm sorry to kill you."

Yunchu shook his head and said: "You should be happy that you have successfully made Yunchu, the Hou of Lantian in the Tang Dynasty, have a reverence for the law."

Yun Chu was sitting there, so naturally there was no seat for Zhou Xing. Seeing that a leg of lamb was roasting on the charcoal stove at Yun Chu's feet, he picked up his robe and squatted down, turning the leg of lamb gently to avoid being burnt.

Yun Chu took another sip of wine and said seemingly unintentionally: "Don't die so easily."

Zhou Xing's body shook for a moment and then regained his composure. He took out his hand pick, cut the roasted lamb leg into a plate, placed it next to Yun Chu's hand, and continued to squat down to roast the lamb leg.

Up to this point, Yunchu didn't say a word and just ate the lamb leg roasted by Zhou Xing until the leg of lamb was eaten by him.

Zhou Xing took out his handkerchief and wrapped it up in the leg of lamb, which had no meat at all. Then he put it in his arms, drank wine and said goodbye.

Yunchu took a breath of wine and said, "Let's have another drink. I'll have the last one when you come to Chang'an."

Zhou Xing smiled, filled the lid of the empty pot that Yun Chu had filled with wine again, and drank it all in one gulp.

Until he walked out of the Chinese army's tent, a vigorous voice came from the outside - beautiful work will eventually become a building, fine steel will not make a hook. The warehouse is full of mice and birds, and the grass is gone, the rabbit and the fox are sad..."

After Zhou Xing left, Wen Wen came in from outside the tent and said to Yun Chu: "This is the poem you wrote when you were taking the Jinshi exam. Your paper was defaced by His Highness the Crown Prince. Most people don't know the content. He is

How do you know?"

Yun Chu frowned and said, "It can be said with certainty that this guy has already taken refuge with the Queen."

Wen Wen gritted her teeth and said, "Do you want to kill him? I always feel that this guy seems very dangerous. You have already confided in him just now, and this guy still worships you without any hesitation."

Yun Chu looked at Wen Wen strangely and said, "Do I have the power of a dragon or the power of a tiger? Can I make others bow to me with just a random vibration?"

Gentle shook his head and said: "Long's power is not there, but the tiger's power is a little bit. The scope of its coverage is very limited, only in the city of Chang'an. Under normal circumstances, after being your subordinate, it will be difficult to regard others as your real boss. I

I thought Zhou Xing was the same."

Yun Chu clapped his gentle hands and said, "Forget him. This kind of person will not live long. Once the emperor's goal is achieved or fails, he will die worse than anyone else."

Wen Wen nodded, feeling that what Yun Chu said made sense, so she called for the guards, put the lid of Yun Chu's wine pot into the boiling water, boiled it for a while, and then put it back on.

"The eaves are low and the grass is green on the stream. Qin's voice is so charming in the drunkenness. Whose old lady is white-haired? The eldest son is hoeing beans to the east of the stream, and the middle son is weaving a chicken coop. I like it best if the little one dies and lies down at the head of the stream.

Lotus pod."

Before the emperor reached Bianzhou, Yunchu's poetry and wine had already been delivered to the emperor.

After Li Zhi took the poem and read it once, he said to Wu Mei: "This two hundred and fifty understand everything. In the last article, he relied on Emperor Qin to persuade me not to go astray. In the next article, he immediately begged for mercy. I hope that I will see his loyalty.

For Geng Geng's sake, don't kill him and allow him to return to his hometown to farm.

However, if farming can be done as described in his poems, wouldn't it be a blessing?

To say something about a white-haired old woman at such a young age is to think too far."

Wu Mei came over and took a look and said: "Pretending to be flattering, daring to do something but not taking it seriously, is for the sake of rats."

Li Zhi looked at Wu Mei and said in astonishment: "Do you like to be pointed at the nose and scolded? Let me tell you first, I don't like it, let alone having other people's saliva sprayed on my face. I don't have as big a mind as Emperor Taizong.

It's good for Yunchu to do this. He said what he should say with the help of poetry, so that he wouldn't feel that his corpse was above him, and he wouldn't feel guilty in his heart. He could be frank and frank, and finally beg for mercy from me, even

He has already thought out the punishment for me, and asked me not to take it to heart. Even if he accepts the punishment, he can still live a good life with his wife, Qin Yin, who is drunk and charming.

Very good, the minister has fulfilled his duty, which is rare.

However, speaking of it, he wrote this article very well in both long and short sentences. It is written in vernacular for a few words and he describes farm life vividly and fascinatingly. It is much better than the ministers around me."

Wu Mei said: "Is this the reason why you stayed in Zhengzhou in Yunchu?"

Li Zhi nodded and said: "Once the Zhou Xing you recommended ruins the situation, with Yun Chu around, there will be no chaos."

"So, Your Majesty stayed in Zhengzhou in Yunchu just to be on guard against me?"

Li Zhi looked at Wu Mei and said, "It's just a matter of preparation. Queen, don't be angry. Someone is coming. I'll order Lu Jianzhi, the regular servant of Sanqi, to copy these two poems, frame them and present them to me. I'm going to hang them in the study."

Wu Mei hesitated for a moment and then said to the emperor: "Master Xuanzang went to Shaolin Temple. There are many temples in Songshan Mountain. How should your majesty deal with them?"

Li Zhi frowned and said: "The Shaolin Temple made some efforts when Emperor Taizong defeated Wang Shichong of Luoyang, and was personally commended by Emperor Taizong, but this is not the reason for their wanton behavior.

A temple has nearly 20,000 acres of temple property and more than 5,000 pavilions. The number of monks in the temple is nearly 2,000, and there are no less than 800 warrior monks, of whom 50 are qualified to wear armor.

Not counting the interest earned by KJC.

With such a temple, the small farmhouse scene that Yunchu wanted in his poems is just a delusion."

Wu Mei said: "Your Majesty is no longer pragmatic and has begun to pay attention to practical benefits."

Li Zhidao: "Yunchu's poems describe the Emperor of Qin like this - King Qin swept Liuhe, how majestic the tiger looked! Swinging his sword to cut through the floating clouds, all the princes came to the west. If I had read these sentences a few years ago, I would naturally be filled with enthusiasm.

I wish I couldn't replace it with my own body.

Humph... Now, all the princes are coming to the west. Whoever I want to come must come. In my opinion, the majesty of Emperor Qin is just that. It is not uncommon for all the countries to come to me.

Nowadays, if anyone wants to use some great cause, situation, or reputation to blackmail me, he or she is seeking death.

The drunken old lady with white hair that Yun Chu wanted, do I also want those villages that I didn’t see the carriages and horses passing by? How dilapidated each one is, I really think I am blind, keep talking about eternal glory and prosperity.

Are they taking the days of the people of Chang'an and treating them as the days of the people of the entire Tang Dynasty to fool me?

How many places have I exempted them from money and food over the years? How many places have I subsidized the hardship? Our Chang'an still doesn't even have a strong and strong city wall. As for them, they have become fattened like pigs one by one. They have been safe and prosperous for so many years.

It’s time for some blood.”

Seeing that the emperor was determined, Wu Mei had no choice but to say with a smile: "Buddhism is different after all."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "It's nothing different. It's just a building. If it's demolished, it will be demolished."

Wu Mei remained silent, just looking at the sleeping Taiping, lost in thought.

The blockade between Yanshi County and Zhengzhou was opened, and Li Si's large army followed Yunchu's army and entered Zhengzhou.

In order to open up the situation in Yanshi County as soon as possible, Li Si contacted all the people in Yanshi County who could find people wearing Yin and Yang shoes. These people were dealing with the people and merchants in Yanshi County every day.

It can be called a real economic bridge in Yanshi County.

Children like Li Si, Yun Jin, Wen Wen, and Di Guangsi will not be able to accomplish anything if they deal with the farmers on their own for a hundred years. However, through these people who wear Yin and Yang shoes, they can directly delve into the economic content of Yanshi County.

all aspects of.

With these people working together, Li Si's cooperative was in full swing in Yanshi County. When Li Jingxuan entered Yanshi County to prepare for the rebellion, he was shocked to find that there was not much he could do.

Li Si's people have basically stabilized the rural farmers in Yanshi County. After selling a large amount of affordable living materials through middlemen, the rural farmers who pay attention to practicality naturally developed a good impression of the princess Li Si.

After all, except for cooperatives, when the rich are almost dead, they have no other source of goods.

Li Si sat in the carriage and kept fiddling with a huge abacus. After the abacus crackled for a while, he said to the other three people who were sleepy: "Chang'an's excess supplies finally have a way out. This in and one out."

, we made a lot of money."

Wait a minute, there's more

This chapter has been completed!
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