Chapter 868 Free Ants

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That's right, the reason why Yunchu exposed the Yellow River ice incident was firstly so that the people on both sides of the Yellow River would not suffer. Once the Yellow River really starts to overflow in winter, many people will definitely die.

After going to people's homes, people can still live in the wild for a while without dying immediately.

If the Yellow River floods in winter, even if the floods are not as severe as the Yellow River floods in summer and autumn, God knows how many people will die just because of the severe cold.

The people on both sides of the Yellow River are not as wealthy as the people in Chang'an. After losing the only house that can protect them from the cold, death will become the main theme of this disaster.

The second is to allow Li Hong to participate in the emperor's huge and cruel plan as a matter of course.

In the emperor's entire plan, he may have considered every aspect of the matter, but the only thing he did not consider was the braking plan.

The so-called braking plan was actually a very common thing in the era before Yunchu. As long as a huge plan was about to be implemented, there would always be a package plan for sudden crises or failure results during the implementation of the plan.


In this way, even if you really fail, you can still deal with the consequences of failure step by step, so that the consequences of failure will not be magnified due to the panic caused by the failure.

In Yun Chu's view, Xiang Yu just didn't know how to establish this system, which resulted in him winning a hundred wars, only to lose one in the end, and ended up being quartered.

Similarly, Cao Cao did not make a plan to deal with the worst outcome during the Battle of Chibi. Therefore, after the failure of the Battle of Chibi, the losses caused were much greater than if he had such a plan.

The same goes for Liu Bei. After the 800-mile camp was burned down in the Battle of Yiling, the Shu Han Dynasty turned from strong to weak and no longer had the capital to compete with Cao Wei for the world.

Examples of this kind appear one after another in history books, and they have led to the great achievements of many people - a historical wonder that flourishes and dies suddenly.

Li Zhi's plan was cruel and contrary to human nature. Even if such a plan succeeded, it would leave endless troubles. In Yunchu's view, if there were no remedial measures afterwards, even if Shandong and Hebei were pacified and temporarily bribed,

It is destined not to last long if it has captured the hearts of the people in both places.

Li Hong is Yunchu's braking plan for Li Zhi.

The emperor was tyrannical and capricious. He could kill millions of people with a single order, and the blood would flow everywhere. The question was, would it be over happily?

At this time, someone should appear in the Tang Dynasty to act as a buffer, and this person could only be Prince Li Hong.

Under Li Zhi's extreme terror, Li Hong should stand up and form a bright spot. This light can give everyone a little room to breathe, and we can hope that this light will eventually turn into the sun that shines on the earth.

As long as Li Zhi is alive, the people of Shandong and Hebei will not be able to move closer to the Central Committee of the Tang Dynasty wholeheartedly. After all, the grudges and grudges between the two parties are really unclear.

Li Hong can.

Therefore, Yun Chu needed to create an honest entry point for Li Hong, and the thieves who were preparing to explode the ice and cause floods to flood both sides of the Yellow River were the best point.

On the third day, Li Hong began to mobilize his troops. After the soldiers and horses of the East Palace changed into civilian clothes, they left the barracks one by one. Judging from the news sent by the scouts, Yun Chu had no idea about Li Hong's plan.

Still quite satisfied.

After reading it, Wen Wen said: "Defense, attack with both hands, and both hands are strong. It seems that this young man is still very confident. However, he also invited the men of Baiqisi to start collecting the roster of green forest heroes on both sides of the Yellow River.

, this is something I didn’t expect, tell me, how did he, a prince who grew up in the palace, know that there are such people as green forest heroes in this world? "

Yun Chu said: "I met them in the Wannian County Prison, and I was very interested in these people. For a period of time, when I had nothing to do, I liked to go into the prison and chat with the thieves who were sitting on the ground to share the stolen goods or flying over the walls. If those people were

If you tell the story well, you can get a piece of meat. Therefore, during that period of time, this child felt that it was more interesting to be a gangster who sat on the ground and divided the spoils and commanded thousands of heroes than to be a prince or something like that.

too much.

I gave up the idea after being beaten severely by my martial arts test as an excuse."

Di Renjie chuckled and said: "I am still looking forward to the scene where my father is the emperor and my son is a thief."

Wen Wen waved her hands and said: "The heroes of the green forest nowadays don't have much moral integrity. I guess the prince will send someone to tell them, and these people should bow to him and charge into battle for him. With such a group of people to help him, he will use people to line up in two lines."

The human wall would probably cover the 250 miles of river bank.

Those who want to blow up the river probably don’t have any chance.”

Yunchu immediately said to Di Renjie, "When the prince has finished using these bandits and gangsters, it's time for you, the prime minister of Dali Temple, to take action. Just catch them all in one go. They are all evil thieves, so there is no need to talk about unnecessary friendship."


Wen Wen said: "That's true. He is a gangster and a person who has done all kinds of evil things. Even if he repented on the surface, his heart is still black. It's just because he admires the power of the prince and wants to change from black to white. If these people are allowed to become white,

After all, what else do you need the imperial law to do?"

Di Renjie said: "Then let's make an agreement. When the time comes, the heinous guys will be beheaded, the ones who are not guilty enough to die will be sent to Longyou for farming, and the ones who are guilty of minor crimes will be left to the prince to be favored and establish a reputation for kindness."

While the three of them were talking, Li Hong came over with his empty rice bowl. Seeing that there was still noodles in the big bowl on the table, he used chopsticks to scoop out a bowl for himself, added chili pepper, vinegar, and made a spoonful of glutinous rice.

, finally took two cloves of garlic and held it in his hand, without saying a word, and began to eat the noodles in a hurry.

After eating a bowl of noodles, seeing the three masters looking at him, he threw the remaining half clove of garlic into his mouth, picked up the bowl and drank up the soup inside, patted his belly and said, "It's been a long time since I've eaten so happily.


Yun Chu said: "As a prince, you still have to pay attention to your appearance, words and deeds."

Li Hong nodded and said: "In the past few days, many unrelated people will come to Zhengzhou, and they asked Master to make way for them. If others did not come in, they would be killed by the soldiers."

Yun Chu said: "This kind of person can only be used for a while, not for a long time. If you have too many people like this, it will affect the rest of your East Palace. You must pay attention to this. If you can use good people, try not to use good ones."

People with bad deeds.”

Li Hong was stunned for a moment and said softly: "At that time, most of the people under Emperor Taizong's command were people with bad records, like Liu Hongji..."

Yunchu didn't wait for Li Hong to finish what he said, and said: "This is one of the reasons why Emperor Gaozu didn't like Emperor Taizong."

"But Emperor Taizong is not yet..."

"So, are you ready to pay the price Emperor Taizong paid?"

Li Hong thought for a moment and shook his head: "Forget it, it's better for me to take the right path."

Yun Chu sneered and said: "If you want your Li family's legacy to be passed on, you'd better change your Li family's bloody habit of ascending to the top. Although taking the right path may not look so grand and heroic, but

, as the prince, if you can get less blood on your hands, try to get as little blood on your hands as possible."

Li Hong muttered: "Master, you used to allow your disciples to finish their sentences."

Yun Chu said: "You used to speak so nicely. Now, when you open your mouth, you are full of calculations. It's better not to say it."

Li Hong clicked his lips and said, "I have been with Master Xu Jingzong for a long time, and I have developed some bad habits."

Yun Chu said: "You always put the blame on others. If Xu Jingzong heard what you said, how sad would it be for an eighty-year-old person who is still worrying about you."

Li Hong hugged the rice bowl and said unhappily: "Disciple thinks you don't like me now and like Sisi instead."

Yun Chu sighed and said: "The prince's responsibilities are too great, and his tolerance for making mistakes is small."

Li Hong nodded and said: "Yes, everyone says that I should look like a prince, but, master, what should a prince look like to look like a real prince?"

Yun Chu took the rice bowl from Li Hong's hand and filled him with half a bowl of noodles. He looked at Li Hong disdainfully and said, "I've never been a prince, how would I know."

Li Hong took the basin and placed it in front of him. He filled it with a lot of spicy, spicy, and vinegar. After taking a big mouthful, he raised his head and said to Yun Chu: "Since there is no role model for the prince, then I will take it from now on."

Be a role model."

Yunchu put two cloves of peeled garlic in Li Hong's hand and said: "First deal with the matter at hand, put your hands in Shandong and Hebei, and then talk about it. This Shandong and Hebei will be your rightful place, without any doubts."

The basis for controversy to take hold.

You will also become the first emperor in the Tang Dynasty who meets everyone's expectations and ascends to the throne."

Li Hong lowered his head to eat the noodles and stopped talking. After finishing the noodles, he said to Yun Chu, Wen Wen, and Di Renjie, "I haven't slept well in two days. I'm going to take a nap."

Wen Wen looked at Li Hong's back and said to Yun Chu, "No change."

Di Renjie also followed: "Just say what you are thinking directly. He is still the closest to you."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "What I think in my heart and my heart will need to be realized through him in the future. If I hadn't established a mutual trust with him, I would have been an idle cloud Yehe long ago. Who has the patience to work in this rotten place?"

Dragging its tail in the quagmire.”

Wen Wen sighed and said: "If a person wants to do something, the right time, the right place, the right people, and the right people are really indispensable."

Di Renjie said: "Even if you have the right time, place, and people, you may not be able to do a good job."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "There is no need to be so pessimistic. We can just do things with a smile. If you don't feel happy, then don't do it. Nothing is as important as being happy.

As for those great things, there are always people to do them, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be us.

If there is no one in this world, we will move on. Don’t take ourselves too seriously. We are all just ants under the sky.”

This chapter has been completed!
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