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Chapter 475 The man-eating Helong prepares for disasters

Qian Ruoshui, Yao Yigong, and Wang Ji were assigned to different positions. They were not high-ranking officials. Qian Ruoshui, who had the highest rank, was also the Zhenzhou judge. He had not yet entered the "Zhengzhou" level. Yao and Wang were still county-level officials.

In a recent batch of inspections on the performance and functions of state and county bureaucrats across the country, the three ranked among the best, becoming the best among more than 100 local officials, and were submitted to the Political Affairs Hall for review as the first wave of promotion lists.

And these three were specifically mentioned by Prince Liu Yang, so naturally they have some "intrinsic" connection. Qian Ruoshui once served in Dali Temple, and he was known for his clean work at that time. When he got there, he made some achievements and was promoted. Naturally.

As for Yao Yigong and Wang Ji, they are a bit special. It is not that they were born as Jinshi in the same discipline, but that they were both selected by the prince to serve as Lang officials in the East Palace, and were later transferred to other places. It can be said that Yao, The two Wangs were trained by the prince.

There are people in the court who like to be officials. When that "person" is the prince of the supervising country and has certain talents, how can they be missed in rewards and promotions? Even putting Qian Ruoshui and the two together is to make them The prince seemed to be less partial in this matter.

At this time, in the Guangzheng Hall, in addition to the prince, there were four ministers. Zhao Kuangyi, who was in charge, was as serious as ever; Zhao Pu, the old prime minister with hair as white as snow, mottled face and looking sleepy; was as dignified and dignified as ever. Lu Duan; and Song Zhun, the newly appointed Yin of Luoyang Prefecture who had just taken office.

"Qian Ruoshui is Qinggan, Yao Yigong is Kuanji, and Wang Ji is fierce. The three have different styles, but they also have their own methods of governing the people. What is even more valuable is that they can correctly understand and implement the will of the imperial court." Liu Yang's eyes fell on Lu Duan He praised the three of them.

Hearing the elegant meaning of Xiange, Lu Duan stood up and said calmly and calmly: "Back to Your Highness, regarding the next arrangements for the three of them, the Ministry of Officials has completed the review. Qian Ruoshui knew Fenzhou, Yao Yigong moved to Zhuozhou, and Wang Jicheng transferred to Tongzhou! "

Hearing this, Liu Yang visibly hesitated. After pondering for a while, he raised his finger and gave instructions: "Officials like this are entrusted with ordinary state duties. Of course they are following the steps, and I believe they can live up to the entrustment. However, Your Majesty once said As the saying goes, good steel should be used on the edge of the knife. Now, in the local states, where is the greatest shortage of talents?"

Who is Lu Duan? He could already hear something from the prince's words. After thinking for a moment, he asked for instructions: "Your Highness, please give me instructions!"

Liu Yang said directly: "Isn't there still some vacancies in Helong, which is giving the officials a headache? Then send all three of them! The northwest can be a grind."

"Yes!" Lu Duan responded solemnly, paying attention to Liu Yang's expression.

However, the prince's last sigh left Lu Duan with endless aftertaste. The northwest can indeed be a source of trouble, but it can also be a cannibal. For most officials in the world, the northwest is not a good place, it can even be said to be a bad place.

Over the years, it is difficult to know how many talented officials have fallen from the northwest officialdom and how many young talents have been buried. Even Lu Duan, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, cannot know without checking the archives.

In the first year of Kaibao, if we talk about the unpredictable changes in the officialdom, the drastic upheaval, and the ones that are always concerned by the court, I am afraid that only the Northwest Dao can be counted.

The northwest is indeed a melting pot. It is very difficult for normal people to break out without peeling off their skin. But the current situation in He and Long is even more bizarre, and the task pressure is also heavy.

After the Western Expedition ceases, it is immediately necessary to recuperate and recuperate. This is a laborious matter. The key is to deal with those "Western Expedition faction";

At the same time, the tax reform work has to be pushed forward. This is also a way to lick the wounds, and it is also a declaration of war against vested interests. A struggle between reformers and conservatives is inevitable, and with the officialdom of the northwest

Urinary tract disease will never pass smoothly. Strictly speaking, the opposition to Pan You's reforms in Gyeonggi Province was still very mild;

Another point is that local powerful and clan forces need to be suppressed to a certain extent. With the court's rectification of the northwest officialdom several times, some local forces are indeed rising. They use their best and most accustomed methods to hide in the shadows.

Compete with the imperial court.

This round of reorganization is very different from the past, that is, all vacant official positions at prefecture and county level and above are transferred from outside, either from the capital or from outside the prefecture, that is, no prefecture or county official is

Promote from home.

The court's attitude is quite clear. This is an indiscriminate attack in Helong. Because of this, the personnel arrangements in Helong have not been adjusted yet.

Under this premise, the quality requirements for local officials in Helong are very high, and it is difficult for ordinary people to grasp it. It is conceivable that the northwest will not stop in the next few years, and there will be a fierce struggle between outsiders and locals.

, it has been brewing since the personnel adjustment of the imperial court.

Under this background, Liu Yang decided to put Qian, Yao, and Wang in Helong. Although this was a kind of recognition and respect, it was also a test.

For the three of them, it is difficult to tell whether it is a blessing or a curse. No one can say whether the three pieces of good steel will be forged into a powerful weapon for the country in the future, or whether they will be melted and disintegrated.

The summer rain outside the hall was still pouring down, and the sound of the rain gave people a roaring feeling. Liu Yangke took into account the strange thoughts on Lu Duan's cautious face, slowly walked to the window with his hands behind his back, and stretched out his hand to

The window lattice was pushed half open, and dense raindrops were blowing against my face due to the wind.

Looking at the rain and mist outside, Liu Yang frowned and sighed: "Fire and water are merciless! Every time it rains like this, it makes people tremble!"

"Your Highness is concerned about the country and the people, and I admire you all!" The person who started to compliment was Song Zhun, the newly appointed Yin of Luoyang Prefecture.

After Lu Mengzheng was demoted, the Luoyang Mansion that was vacated naturally went through some open and covert struggles. The person who finally took this key position was Song Zhun, the Salt and Iron Envoy at the time.

Song Zhun is not young, and his abilities are not that amazing. His qualifications in the court are more junior. However, the favor of the number one scholar and the prince is enough for him to win among many opponents.

Heavy rains caused disasters. This time Song Zhun came to the political hall to report on the preparations made by Luoyang Prefecture to prevent floods. At the same time, he came to seek some official reserves, the deployment of emergency supplies, and the command and cooperation of the emergency relief troops under the Inspection Department.


As the imperial capital, the bureaucrats still pay more attention to such matters. After all, the capital cannot be flooded, especially Song Zhun. He has only taken office not long ago, and he does not dare to be careless at all. Luoshui is going through it in a mighty way.

Passing through the city, there is no room for any major omissions in this matter.

For Song Zhun, Liu Yang obviously still had great trust, and said directly: "I am not overly worried about the capital. With Song Qing and the princes here, and the capital's abundant manpower reserve, I expect that it will be able to survive smoothly!

What I am worried about is the lower reaches of the river. Every year during the rainy season, the prefectures and counties along the river are inevitably affected by disasters. This year’s rainfall seems a bit unusual.”

Liu Yang's worries are also justified. In recent years, there have been constant minor disasters along the Yellow River. Although the losses of officials and people were considerable, they were not to the extent of causing serious damage to their muscles and bones.

It has been almost twenty years since the last major flood in the Yellow River occurred during the tenth year of Kaibao. The river has been peaceful for such a long time. To be fair, it is normal for the river to suddenly become angry.

China has always been a country prone to disasters. At the same time, what makes Liu Yang even more worried is that after so many years, are the flood control and discharge facilities along the coast still reliable and sufficient? Regarding this, Liu Yang is

No confidence at all.

Sensing the prince's worry, several ministers present could not help but have serious expressions. Zhao Pu, who had been closing his eyes to rest, slowly opened his eyes, looked around, and turned to Liu Yang, dragging his old voice.

He said: "Your Highness, there is no need to worry too much. The Political Affairs Hall has issued an order to all prefectures and counties along the river to take strict precautions!"

"Just reminding is far from enough!" After hearing what Zhao Pu said, Liu Yang immediately turned around and said seriously: "Immediately select people and send the censor to patrol the river to supervise nearby. At the same time, let the surrounding Daozhou do their best.

We plan to immediately rescue people and provide disaster relief once the water situation is out of control! If the Yellow and Huaihe Rivers are integrated and the river is unstable, how can the Huaihe River be peaceful? The two Huaihe areas must also be reminded!"

After a pause, Liu Yang turned to Zhao Kuangyi and said: "Tokyo, Mr. Guangyang will go to Tokyo to take charge!"

This chapter has been completed!
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