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Chapter 268 West County

Shu Xingyuan Mansion, West County.

To the south is Dingjun Mountain, to the west is the Han River Bieyuan Ju River, facing the Sichuan-Sichuan Post Road. Now it has become a fortress to resist the Han army from invading Xingyuan Mansion. Later Shu has been at peace for a long time, and so has Hanzhong, although it has maintained a certain level of stability for a long time. The army is still weak, but its preparations are still weak.

Therefore, when the Battle of Qin and Feng was completely defeated and the war approached Hanzhong, this ordinary county town was obviously caught off guard, and the whole city fell into a tense and chaotic atmosphere.

Inside and outside the city wall, a large number of civilians were repairing the city walls, trenches, and stockade towers despite the cold wind. In the shortest possible time, they were carrying out city defense construction. At the west ferry of the city, several horse barriers were set up to act as checkpoints, and there was enough for a battalion of Shu troops. Guarding and screening the fleeing people.

In front of the ferry, there were crowds of people, with big and small bags, old and young, and they were in chaos. There was noisy, noisy, and constant shouting and cursing. Liu Chengyou gave the order and led his troops southward. Although It was to achieve unification of the world, but what it brought to the people of Sichuan was war and displacement first.

It was also since the confrontation between the two countries that the propaganda against the Shu people was too harsh and the Han army was too demonized. As a result, the soldiers and civilians of the Han Dynasty rushed to flee for safety. Since Li Tinggui and other Shu army generals led their troops to retreat to Xixian, following the Since then, more than 5,000 people have fled south.

Of course, the increase in refugees has also brought considerable defensive pressure to Xi County. The city's capacity is limited and it cannot accommodate many people. The old, weak, women and children are of little value, and they must also be prepared for the Han army to sneak in and cause trouble.

"Everyone line up for me and undergo interrogation. Anyone who dares to intrude and cause trouble will be punished as a spy of the Han army!" Seeing that the scene was chaotic and chaotic, and almost out of control, a military academy in charge of the ferry rushed forward angrily. He waved the whip in his hand and whipped it at the refugees crowding in front.

The stern look on his face seemed to be a desire to eat people. After a few whips, the refugees in front became more honest. Feeling the fear in the refugees' eyes, the military academy's expression softened a little, and he whipped a few more times and cursed: "Fuck it." You untouchable deserves a beating!"

"Where are you all from?" the military academy asked, crouching at the waist and glaring at the men crowding in front.

Several people seemed to be relatively strong, and the weak ones could not squeeze in front. One of them was whipped on the face, the mark was obvious and it hurt, but when he heard the words, he still spoke with a local accent: "We all He escaped from Xingzhou!"

After observing for a few times, he asked the soldiers to search his package. Apart from a few ordinary clothes, there was only a small amount of iron money. Seeing this, he cursed a poor man secretly, took the money, returned the package, pointed to the open space next to the ferry, and ordered: "How many of you are waiting over there?"

"May I ask, Master, when will we be allowed to cross the river?" one person asked.

What I got was still a scolding: "I asked you to wait, just wait, why are you talking nonsense, talk to someone!"

He ordered his soldiers to drive those few people to wait at the edge, where dozens of men, all young and strong, had gathered.

"Those at the back, get checked!" he yelled.

What followed was obviously a group of people, all dressed better and carrying weapons, which aroused alarm. The leader, with a smile on his face, stepped forward and handed some silver pieces familiarly, explaining that he was a Nanzheng businessman. There are servants all around, fleeing and returning home, and so on.

Money cleared the way, but the effect was different. After a little inspection, they still let them go, but they withdrew all their weapons in order to strengthen their armaments. I don't doubt that they were spies of the Han army, and spies would not be so public.

In this way, despite the sound of whips and shouts, many people were still let go from the Jushui Ferry. An interrogation was almost exhausting, but some oil and water had to be left to use as military supplies.

Escape is not an easy job.

"Master Jun, little man..." An old man, accompanied by a child, looked lonely and groveling.

When he opened his mouth, he was whipped by the inspected Shu army, and yelled: "You are old, poor and weak. If you imitate other people's escape, you really don't know how to live or die!"

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"Go away!" Pointing to the pontoon bridge behind him, the sergeant said contemptuously: "After crossing the river, you are not allowed to stay for a long time. Leave Xi County as soon as possible!"

Time passed slowly, the winter wind became stronger and cooler, and the number of refugees gathered in front of Jushui Ferry finally decreased, but the atmosphere became more and more tense, with a sense of restlessness, as if a ferocious beast was coming.

Pointing to the more than a hundred men gathered nearby, he ordered to a captain: "Take these people to the bottom of the city and hand them over to the trench envoys!"


After giving the order, he looked back at the nearly a thousand refugees still gathered in front of the ferry, frowning. The military academy was getting more and more irritable and couldn't help but feel irritated. The Han army was not sure when it would come, and they were sent to check and screen the refugees at the ferry.

Although some oil and water can be obtained, it is too dangerous and of no use in the current situation.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Just at this moment, I saw from a distance that several Shu riders were flying towards me, following the post road with their hoofs and feet flying. They didn't slow down until they got closer.

The refugees hurriedly dodged, knocking down a large number, and then reined in their horses until they were in front of them. This was the postman of the Shu army. The leader took a few breaths and loudly said: "Xingzhou military situation, we cross the river to report

, move the horse away quickly!"

However, the military academy did not give an order to let him go. Instead, he stepped forward and asked, "Brother, how is the situation in Xingzhou? Can you tell me?"

After looking at him, the post knight frowned and refused: "Emergency military information is not for you to inquire about!"

At this time, the morale of the Shu army had long been unstable. The wavering caused by the consecutive defeats made them less disciplined than usual. The military academy immediately said: "Just tell me whether Xingzhou is still in the hands of the defenders!"

"If you don't tell me, don't cross the river. Just stay here with us!"

Facing the vicious gaze of the military academy, Yiqi felt a little helpless. He looked around and could only lower his voice: "We were just ordered to report the news. Before we left, Shunzheng City was not destroyed, but what happens now, I don't know!"

After seeing if he was lying, he gave the order to let them go. As soon as the horses were turned away, a group of refugees from behind immediately surged up and tried to break through. The guarding soldiers were also ruthless. They brandished their swords and guns and caused a lot of killings, dozens of them.

Life calmed people down again. After a while, the ferry became quieter, and after a while, a sad cry sounded...

In the west city, in the garrison hall, Li Tinggui, Zhao Chongtao, and Han Baozhen were discussing the army. The three of them were currently the most authoritative among the Shu army in the north. When they learned that Xingzhou had come to report, they immediately received them.

The news from Yiqi was very clear. They were ordered by the Xingzhou Defense Envoy to report that the Han army was attacking the city more urgently and that the city was about to be destroyed. In order to save the lives of the soldiers and civilians in the city, they planned to surrender. Please do a good job here in Xi County.


Upon hearing this, the three people looked at each other for a few times, and their expressions became more serious. Li Tinggui shook his head slightly and said with a wry smile: "This is a defense. Before surrendering, you sent someone to remind us. It can be regarded as the last show of friendship."


"People's hearts are so sad!" Zhao Chongtao sighed.

Li Tinggui looked at Yiqi: "You have worked hard all the way to report the military situation. Go down and have a rest and have a good meal!"

"Thank you, envoy!"

"Shunzheng City has weak troops and weak defenses. It is a city that slows down the enemy. It will fall sooner or later. It is rare that it has delayed the Han army for several days!" Han Baozhen said with a serious face.

"Shunzheng is only eighty miles away from Xi County, and the road is smooth. Now that Xingzhou is under way, the Han army will approach Guancheng by tomorrow at the latest!" Li Tinggui said sadly: "We need to be prepared!"

"Right now, although there are 20,000 troops stationed in the west city, most of them are auxiliary soldiers. The soldiers who have withdrawn from the north are in a chaotic organization and have low morale. The only ones who can fight are the 3,000 forbidden troops supported by Nanzheng..." Zhao Chongtao

Analyzing with a serious expression: "Although the Han army has not mobilized many troops this time, the troops are sharp and the momentum is strong. Xiang Xun is personally commanding the troops, so it is not easy to deal with it!"

"No matter what, we will never let the Han army succeed at this level in Xixian County again!" Li Tinggui said seriously, looking at Zhao and Han.

After a pause, Li Tinggui's face became more solemn and he said: "You two, with the situation in the west county, it is still not easy to hold on! In terms of the strength of the city, it is Nanzheng. I hope you two can return.

Nanzheng, reorganize the troops and prepare the city defense, I am here to delay the Han army!"

"Brother Li, what are you doing?" Han Baozhen heard something strange in Li Tinggui's tone.

With a hint of bitterness on his lips, Li Tinggui sighed: "I have been favored by two generations of emperors and promoted to a general to lead a large army. However, I cannot win in battles and cannot defend in defense. I have been defeated repeatedly in battles. I have lost my division and humiliated the country. I have even been in danger. The situation on the border is getting increasingly urgent."

.At this point, I have no shame. I will not ask for forgiveness from Your Majesty again. I can only fight to the death to repay the favor of the country. In Xi County, the power and the city will coexist!"

Li Tinggui said seriously, resolutely, and already had the will to die. From the look in his eyes, Zhao Chongtao and Han Baozhen felt it.

This chapter has been completed!
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