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Chapter 83 Choice

With a smile on his face, he showed his appreciation and said to An Shenqi: "With such a majestic army guarding the northern border, the court will be safe! There are not many masters and disciples like this, only ten thousand soldiers, so why worry about the north?" The captive is uncertain, and the shame is hard to avenge?"

Liu Chengyou's words are just a trick. Divisions and brigades have strengths and weaknesses, soldiers have courage and cowardice. The officers and soldiers who are greeting them are all the elites of the Northern Army. If there are really more than ten thousand soldiers, they can really be relied on. Go north.

To this, An Shenqi responded calmly: "Your Majesty's great ambitions will one day be realized!"

"By the way, where is King Yan? Has he not arrived south yet?" Liu Chengyou asked.

Hearing this, An Shenqi reported: "I received a report from the outpost yesterday that King Yan and his party are approaching Yongqing. It is estimated that they will arrive today!"

When the emperor patrolled to the north, he naturally summoned Zhao Kuangzan, the king of Yan, and issued an edict in advance to summon the king of Yan to go south, hoping to meet at Waqiao Pass and establish a relationship. Zhao Kuangzan apparently also followed the edict and went south.

"How many people are there in the crowd?" Liu Chengyou asked.

"Thousands of cavalry and light armor!" An Shenqi said: "I have ordered that troops be stationed at checkpoints along the way to closely monitor and be alert to any unexpected events!"

"It doesn't have to be like this!" Hearing his answer, Liu Chengyou immediately bowed his hand: "The King of Yan has guarded Youzhou for many years, and he is a minister of the Zhu Kingdom. The soldiers of Yan are also the son-in-law of our Han army. Such taboo behavior shows our narrow-mindedness and causes its doubts.

Pass the order, open the checkpoint road, and the officers and soldiers along the way should treat each other with sincerity, and there should be no neglect or delay. In addition, I will send my relatives to the north to welcome you, and you will send an officer as a guide!"

"Yes!" An Shenqi cupped his hands and complimented: "Your Majesty is open-minded and treats each other with sincerity, which I admire!"

After a slight pause, An Shenqi said with a calm face: "Your Majesty, I am not trying to slander you behind my back. I have been in the north for two years and have some knowledge of Youzhou and the Yan army. He has been guarding the pass for many years and has established his own foundation." In the first line, in the early years, the Han and Liao Dynasties were fierce and had constant border conflicts. Youzhou served as a northern barrier and served as a buffer between the Han and Liao Dynasties.

However, since the peace talks between Han and Liao in the fourth year of Qianyou, there have been fewer incidents on the border and the people have been at peace. Youzhou, which lies between Han and Liao, has had both sides. Over the past few years, the King of Yan has not been in court for many years, and the relationship with The imperial court is already far away..."

It was rare that An Shenqi took the initiative to bring up the matter in Youzhou and expressed his concern. Hearing this, Liu Chengyou smiled slightly and said, "How could I not know An Qing's concerns about the matter in Youzhou. But, at the beginning, I The Zhao family and his son of the Youyan sect can predict today's situation. Regardless of the relationship between Han and Liao, the contribution of King Yan and Youzhou to the defense of the northern frontier of the Han Dynasty cannot be erased!"

"Your Majesty!" An Shenqi said: "Times have changed and things are different from the past. Today's situation is also very different from that of the past. As far as the Han Dynasty is concerned, the disadvantages of the Yan army outweigh its advantages.

It is said that Youzhou now has 10,000 infantry and cavalry all the year round. There are also more than 10,000 troops deployed in the pass fortresses and Zhuo and Yizhou. With less than 200,000 people in the three states, they support more than 20,000 soldiers. It can be said that it is a militancy, but the imperial court still needs to allocate money and food every year to help it raise troops, and it has gradually become a force that cannot be lost. However, the subordinates of the Yan army have many arrogant and powerful generals, who do not respect the imperial court and only respect the King of Yan...

I believe that at this time, Your Majesty should make a quick decision and take action against the Yan army to eliminate the source of trouble and relieve the Yan army's worries. Otherwise, if things go on like this, it will cause serious trouble and may even affect the overall situation of the Khitan!"

After An Shenqi's remarks, Liu Chengyou frowned and said in a deep voice: "An Qing, with just one word, you have exposed all the hidden worries in my heart! As you said, a single move can make a difference. Whole body, the Khitan has been resting for so many years, its national strength is increasing day by day, and the enemy is in the north, so it is not appropriate to move lightly!"

"Because of this, it is even more inappropriate to take advantage of the opportunity to threaten the enemy's self-respect. It can only be controlled now, but it will be unpredictable in the future!" An Shenqi said: "With your majesty's wisdom, I am afraid that you have a clear understanding of the matter of Youyan, and you still hope. Make a decision early!”

"According to An Qing's wishes, how should I solve it?" Liu Chengyou smiled softly and looked at An Shenqi. Speaking of which, even though he was entrusted with the position of deploying the northern capital and taking charge of all the armies, this was the first time An Shenqi had , take the initiative to give him advice and suggestions for the country and the army.

An Shenqi said resolutely: "The most important thing about the Yan army is the King of Yan. His sons are still young. Apart from him, there is no one else in charge. Now that he has come south to pay a visit under the imperial edict, why not take the opportunity to kill him?" Detain them, and then quickly send troops northward. When they are leaderless, they use great force to capture Youzhou and defeat the Yan army!"

"An Qing's plan is to make me lose trust in others!" After listening to his advice, Liu Chengyou sighed: "If we follow this plan, King Yan may be able to be restrained, but if he wants to cut off the Yan army and successfully take over the three states of Youyan, It's not that easy. If something goes wrong, Youyan will be in chaos. Even if it succeeds, the balance that has been maintained in the north for many years will be broken. If things are not done smoothly enough and the Khitan intervenes, the situation will be even more unpredictable. ....."

"Today's small chaos will determine the future situation. What are the pros and cons? Your Majesty, please think about it!" An Shenqi said solemnly.

After listening to his words, Liu Chengyou did not answer for a while, but fell into deep thought, obviously weighing the pros and cons. And An Shenqi, from Liu Chengyou's tone, could also feel that he was actually tempted, he was just worried about the impact, and worried about the long-term peace of the north. Once that step is taken, the situation in Northern Xinjiang will suddenly change.

As for summoning King Yan to the south for a meeting and suddenly launching an attack, although it was suspected of betrayal, it was always considered as a last resort. For a monarch like Liu Chengyou, pros and cons are the weighing criteria for decision-making.

As for the Youyan incident, it is not limited to Youzhou. The Khitan's attitude and reaction are also reference factors, and the Khitan side is out of control...

Seeing that the emperor was silent, An Shenqi said again: "I can understand your majesty's concerns. But no matter what, the King of Yan and the Yan army must be restricted and weakened to prevent them from continuing to become powerful!"

Hearing what An Shenqi said, Liu Chengyou's eyes narrowed slightly and he said in a cold voice: "If the imperial court takes any action and wants to change the course, it will definitely arouse the fear of the King of Yan. Either do not move, or move thoroughly, solve the problem with a thunderbolt, and solve the problem." The turmoil was eliminated in the shortest time and within the smallest scope!"

An Shenqi was slightly surprised by the emperor's statement, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The emperor of Han's judgment was indeed outstanding, he was also sharp in seeing problems, and he was deeply loyal.

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Chengyou stretched out his hand to touch An Shenqi, who was still about to speak, and said, "I already understand An Qing's intention. Don't say any more. Let me think about it again!"

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"Yes!" Upon seeing this, An Shenqi clasped his hands and said.

"Besides, before King Yan arrives, this matter is still empty talk!" Liu Chengyou suddenly added in a relaxed tone.

An Shenqi's eyes brightened upon hearing this. The emperor's words can be understood from another perspective, that is, if King Yan arrives, it will be operable...

There was no further conversation between the monarch and his ministers. An Shenqi sat down in danger, while Liu Chengyou fell into deep thought. To be honest, how could he, the emperor, have no idea about Youyan's problem? In recent years, the development of the three states of Youyan , the situation of the Yan army, and Zhao Kuangzan's political tendency, he can always pay attention to it. In Youzhou, so many people have been arranged, and it is not for nothing.

It can be said that the changes and every move in Youzhou are under the monitoring of the imperial court. But it is precisely because of this that Liu Chengyou feels troublesome. The perennial infiltration arrangements are indeed effective, but if you want to have a subversive effect, you still have to Not even close.

Youzhou is essentially a military government. The core lies in the army, and infiltrating the Yan army is not easy. Bribing, dividing, and disintegrating are delicate tasks. It must be effective and avoid causing a backlash... .

After years of centralization and the reduction of vassals several times, as the only subordinate of the Han Dynasty, the Yan Army still maintains semi-independence and controls military and political power. Its status is actually somewhat embarrassing. However, it is different from other Fangzhen. , Liu Chengyou wanted to take back his power and control his army like a cook, but it was not easy, and the root cause was the Khitan.

Again, it is difficult for the Yan army to break out of the Wuzhi Mountain of the imperial court, and they can only consider the influence of the Khitan. After all, if the Han army defeats You Yan, it will definitely not be a friendly signal to the Khitan.

As An Shenqi said, Youzhou's role as a buffer barrier between Han and Liao is no longer great. The imperial court can do both, but over the years, the three parties have become accustomed to it, and Liu Chengyou needs to consider the cost of breaking the balance. Of course, you can It is foreseeable that the longer Youyan's problem is delayed, the more difficult it will be to solve it in the future.

However, once the Yan army is mobilized, there are doubts about how far the situation in the north will develop. Whether the Yan army can successfully conquer it, whether Youzhou can be quickly pacified and brought under the control of the imperial court, whether the Khitan will participate, and whether it will affect the south levy strategy......

It has to be said that An Shenqi's sudden advice made Liu Chengyou's thoughts rush wildly and presented him with a difficult problem. It was time for him to make a choice after weighing the pros and cons.

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