Chapter 1 A Weird Written Exam

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(All the questions in this paper are short answer questions. You only need to write down the answer. Please complete the answer within 60 minutes)

Q1: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Q2: What is the biggest difference between humans and animals?

Q3: What are the fundamental reasons for the different development speeds of different ethnic groups on different continents?

Q4: Why did Rome fall?


Q100: Why can paper clips bend?

After Li Yu got the test paper, he glanced at the questions on it and was stunned. Then he turned the paper back to the first page and carefully checked the header of the test paper.

After confirming that this was indeed a written test question from a company called Third Century Consulting Co., Ltd., I frowned.

Recently, Li Yu has been busy with job-hopping. He checked various companies to submit resumes, and also found some friends to help with internal referrals. In two and a half months, he has participated in more than 20 rounds of interviews and written tests.

Generally speaking, the written test of most companies is a personality test, a professional knowledge assessment plus some practical tests and the like.

The most baffling written test question that Li Yu had ever seen was asking him what impact it would have on the trend of A-shares the next day if Iron Man and Bruce Wayne went to war... This question is already ridiculous, but if you insist on saying it,

It can be regarded as an assessment of the job seeker's logical thinking (nonsense) and adaptability.

The test paper in front of me can only be described as outrageous.

Li Yu doesn't understand at all why he needs to know how Rome fell when doing management consulting. Could it be that the company thinks that among its future clients there will be Constantine XI, the last emperor of Eastern Romania? Not to mention these 100 questions.

It not only involves history, but also covers philosophy, sociology, materials science and a variety of other disciplines.

Li Yu even saw geographical and climatological issues in it such as "Why does East Asia have much higher rainfall than North Africa and West Asia, both belonging to the subtropical high pressure belt?"

It once made him suspect that this company had no intention of recruiting people at all, and was just calling a few applicants to make his boring workplace life more interesting.

In fact, a fresh college student who came to apply for the job with him had already thrown down the paper in his hand after reading the questions, and then slammed the gel pen in his hand on the table to show his dissatisfaction.

Then he picked up his shoulder bag and left without saying a word.

There were four applicants left, including Li Yu, in Conference Room 3, which was used as a temporary examination room.

One of the girls with short hair must have just graduated from school, and her face looks like a typical good girl.

According to Li Yu's workplace experience over the past three years, most such girls have good tempers, are obedient and obedient to leaders, and are also very careful in doing things. The disadvantage is that they are very obedient, push one step at a time, and have poor autonomy and initiative.

In addition, I don’t know how to say no, I’m not very good at protecting myself, and I’m easily fooled by my boss.

If there is another male leader with evil intentions, he will probably be eaten to the bone, but this has nothing to do with Li Yu.

One of the rules of survival in the workplace is to stay out of your own business.

If the school is an ivory tower, then society is a forest.

Each small animal plays its own role in it. Some are predators and some are prey. Together, they build a complete set of clearly hierarchical and orderly food chains.

The short-haired girl did not get up in arms like the previous boys, but looking at the weirder questions on the test paper, she probably felt the full malice of the question maker at this moment, her eyes could not help but turn red slightly, and she clenched her teeth.

I pressed my lips to keep from crying on the spot.

After a while, I probably felt that I couldn’t answer a few questions even if I tried hard, so I finally gave up.

Pack your belongings and leave silently.

There were only three people left in the conference room at this time, a man in his forties with a shrewd look and a mustache who looked like a seasoned man at first glance, a woman in her early thirties who was slightly overweight, looked tired, and obviously lacked sleep, plus

Li Yu.

The other two people's first reaction after seeing the questions on the test paper was similar to Li Yu's, they were both stunned.

But then the man with the mustache rolled his eyes and said proactively, "This paper is a bit strange."

Li Yu didn't answer his question, he had already picked up his pen and started to answer the questions.

Sixty minutes and one hundred questions, the time is quite tight.

It’s not like he didn’t know that the content of this written test was nonsense, but he couldn’t help it, the other party gave him too much.

The basic salary is 17,000 per month, and the performance bonus will be calculated separately according to the project. Although it is not clear how likely the bonus part is to be realized, after all, more and more companies now like to make fuss about it and play word games when recruiting.


But even the basic salary of 17,000 yuan is already attractive enough, not to mention that Third Century will fully pay each employee five insurances and one fund. This alone can kill at least 80% of private companies on the market.

In addition, Li Yu also did a lot of homework before coming here. He searched for this company on both Tianyancha and Maimai. Except for the limited information on Maimai, he couldn't see any problems in other aspects.

If I have to say it, it is a bit too clean. It was established in July 2019 and it has been almost three years now. There is not a single piece of legal action information on Tianyan Check.

Law-abiding...doesn't look like a company.

In addition, as a consulting company, Third Century does not advertise much. However, Li Yu still found some of their previous cases on the official website, and followed the clues to find several companies or institutions that Third Century has served.

Subsequently, I also searched the official websites of those companies and institutions and found press releases about their cooperation with Third Century.

In short, after preliminary investigation, Li Yu judged that the salary package offered by this company was relatively credible, which is why he came to take this written examination.

Even because of the impact of the epidemic, it is quite strange that Third Century still insists on choosing an offline written examination.

But I have applied to many companies, and I have encountered boss Li Yu who even deducted half of his salary and saved up half of it at the end of the year. He also claimed to be considerate of employees to prevent employees from having no money to celebrate the New Year. Now this requirement is naturally unacceptable.

A piece of cake.

As for the various and imaginative test questions on the paper, Li Yu is not an interdisciplinary talent, and he certainly cannot answer them all. In fact, there are too many knowledge points involved, and they are very complicated. Li Yu probably can't answer them all.

Anyone can do it.

So he first picked out the ones he could write, and covered the rest if he could, and left the rest blank if he couldn't.

This is a test-taking habit that Li Yu has honed by taking hundreds of exams since childhood, and it has almost become his instinct.

For the first question, Li Yu thought about it and chose the egg.

The reason is very simple. Chickens evolved from dinosaurs, and all known dinosaurs lay eggs, so eggs must have appeared before chickens.

For the second question, Li Yu first wrote down the tool, hesitated for about two seconds, then crossed it out and rewritten the language.

In the third question, Li Yu wrote about the environment.

Li Yu didn't know how to answer the fourth question, so he wrote the all-purpose answer "internal and external troubles" in an attempt to fish in troubled waters.

Question 5…………

Seeing that Li Yu didn't pay attention to him, the bearded man was not angry and continued to talk, "Have you noticed that the questions on this paper are not closely related to the position we are applying for, and the HR who just brought us to the conference room did not ask

We sat separately, and we were not allowed to talk while answering questions."

"What do you mean..." The woman on the other side who was a little sleep deprived was also having a headache about the questions on the test paper, and was quite moved when she heard Mustache's words.

"Yes, this written test is apparently to test our astronomy, geography, humanities and politics, but in fact it is to test our ability to cooperate." Mustache said his deduction confidently.

"This paper obviously cannot be completed by one person, just like most of the daily work cannot be completed by one person. Many companies attach great importance to the team attributes of candidates when recruiting.

"So I suggested that the three of us form a temporary group. Everyone picks the questions they are good at and then put the answers together and work together to complete this assessment."

The sleep-deprived woman was persuaded by the mustache, but when she saw that Li Yu still didn't react, she hesitated again, thought about it and asked, "But, but... if our answers are the same, will we be dismissed?"

Is this considered cheating?”

"It doesn't matter," Xiao Huzi said with a smile, "We can explain to HR generously that this paper was answered by our collective efforts, and if we want to pass it, everyone will pass it together."

After a pause, he asked again, "Where did you see this recruitment information? I received the invitation from the boss's direct recruitment."

"Me too," the sleep-deprived woman felt like she had found an organization. "It was so proactive and the salary was so good. I suspected that he was a liar at the time."

"Yes, that recruitment information should have been sent in bulk, and our written examination time was scheduled for ten days later. I estimate that many people have come to take the written examination before that, but the recruitment is still continuing, which shows that

They haven't found a particularly suitable candidate yet, probably because the previous applicants all worked alone."

The sleep-deprived woman was completely convinced by Mustache. She turned to Li Yu and said, "What he said makes sense. Let's do this paper together."

Li Yu still didn't look up, writing as he wrote, "The Third Age will only recruit one person this time."

After hearing this, Mustache answered quickly, "If we pass the written test, the three of us can compete fairly during the interview."

"Yes, fair competition." The sleep-deprived woman also agreed.

Li Yu finally stopped writing when he heard these words. He looked up at the mustache and then at the sleep-deprived woman. He said to the latter, "Give up your own advantages and use your own weaknesses and others' strengths."

A head-on collision, how is this fair?"

Seeing that the sleep-deprived woman was still hesitating, Li Yu sighed, "How old is your child? Who usually takes care of it?"

Having said this, Li Yu believed that the other party would be able to understand it as long as he was not hopelessly stupid.

Hidden workplace discrimination is everywhere. When it comes to the interview round, if she doesn't have the support of extremely excellent written test scores, she, a breastfeeding mother, will definitely be the first to be eliminated.

After being reminded by Li Yu, the sleep-deprived woman suddenly woke up. After that, she stopped mentioning teamwork and lowered her head to answer the questions.

This chapter has been completed!
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