Chapter 15 Biological Analysis of Dragons

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Li Yu found a clearer angle for the black dragon in the video, took a screenshot, saved it, and then printed it out using Polaroid.

The Arias family sent someone to take him to Yanxue City to ask for help.

And he himself was not idle. He had dinner after get off work, completed a day of fitness exercises, and turned on the computer when he returned home.

The opponent this time is different from the past, and Li Yu knows very little about it. So far, he only has a piece of video data in his hand.

This was the result of the two dragon-seeking teams fighting for their lives and paying the heavy price of almost annihilating their entire army.

Based on the terrifying strength and cunning mind displayed by the dragon in the video, Li Yu estimated that it would be difficult to collect more useful information later.

He doesn't like this feeling.

It's like fighting an encounter in the fog of war. You don't know anything about the types and numbers of the enemy's troops, so it's difficult to make too many targeted deployments before the war.

Winning or losing depends entirely on luck.

Although he is immortal and can switch sides and restart the game if he loses, the believers and wealth he accumulated before may be lost.

After struggling for so long, the construction of the sect was finally on the right track, and Li Yu didn't want to start from scratch and do it all over again.

So it's best to resolve this crisis smoothly.

If you want to find a solution to a problem, you must first have a sufficient understanding of the problem.

The video Jude brought back is undoubtedly very precious, but just one video is obviously not enough.

Li Yu entered the word dragon in the Google search bar and hit Enter.

In the search results that jumped out, I found the page of Dragon (Western) in Wikipedia. I clicked on it and looked through it from top to bottom. Unfortunately, I didn't gain much.

It has to be said that dragons appear quite frequently in various myths and legends.

For example, in Greek mythology, the dragon appeared as the guardian of the golden apples, and in Anglo-Saxon mythology, the dragon became Beowulf's opponent and died together with this great hero.

In Celtic mythology, the red dragon represents the British nation, while the white dragon symbolizes the Saxon nation. The victory of the red dragon over the white dragon means that the British people will eventually drive away the hateful Saxon invaders. Then the red dragon simply became the symbol of Wales.

Appears in the Welsh flag.

As for Nordic mythology, there are even more famous dragons, including Nidhogg who gnawed the World Tree and brought Ragnarok, Jormungandr who surrounded the world, and Fafnir who transformed into a dwarf.

In addition, this monster also appears in Slavic mythology.

As for Chinese mythology, there are more stories related to dragons, but Chinese dragons and Western dragons are obviously not the same species.

Although both sides are called dragons, the difference between them is probably greater than that of red pandas and giant pandas. Li Yu still focused his main attention on Western dragons, although Westerners themselves have huge differences in their descriptions of dragons.

That’s it.

For example, in ancient Greek times, most dragons had no wings or legs, but could secrete venom. In Babylonian mythology, dragons were more like unicorns, with lion feet, eagle claws, scales, and scorpion needles on their tails.
Li Yu read some information on the Internet and found that the dragon in the heroic narrative poem "Beowulf" was relatively similar in appearance to the thing in the swamp.

He has a slender body, can fly, and can breathe fire. As for the fact that there is venom hidden in his teeth, Li Yu has not verified it yet. It cannot be seen from the image data brought back by Jude for the time being, so it can only be placed in the waiting area.

And this is almost the typical description of Western dragons in popular literature and film and television works.

However, in these fictional works or myths and legends, dragons often appear together with magic, or they themselves are some kind of monsters with divine power.

However, there is no magic on the Bratis Road. At least according to Hephaestus, all the universes selected by the Third Age to be able to produce and harvest faith are different from the universe in which modern humans live today.

The value will not exceed 5%.

All the rules of chemistry and classical physics still apply.

Based on Li Yu's personal experience for more than a month now, he has not seen any humans or creatures that can master magic.

Therefore, although this black dragon is really similar to the dragons in "A Song of Ice and Fire", Li Yu still prefers to analyze it from a biological perspective rather than covering it with a layer of magic.

It's best to find some weaknesses in its body structure that can be exploited.

So Li Yu decided to change his mind and instead of searching for clues from myths and legends, he tried to find answers from existing creatures.

He closed his eyes and recalled the video recording he got during the day.

According to Jude's description, the dragon they encountered was seven meters long. The only reptile on earth that can approach this length is probably the crocodile.

But the crocodile is just longer, and its size is far different from that of the black dragon.

And the most important thing is that the dragon can fly, so now the question becomes, how does such a huge creature fly from the land?

Li Yu looked through the catalog of all flying animals on earth, but could not find a single player of this magnitude.

The heaviest bird on earth is the North African ostrich, which is only three meters tall and weighs three hundred pounds. It has completely lost the ability to fly.

But if we look back in history, all the way to the Cretaceous.

From 84 million years ago to 65 million years ago, there lived the largest flying creature known to mankind - Aeolian Pterosaur.

Its wingspan can exceed 11 meters and its weight reaches an astonishing 500 kilograms. It can prey on Tyrannosaurus rex and is a well-deserved dominance in the air.

Li Yu then searched some popular science literature about Aeolian Pterosaur. How Aeolian Pterosaur flew has always been a hot topic among researchers.

At present, academic circles generally believe that Aeolian Pterosaurs may need updrafts when flying, or use ground effects to fly long distances or rise. In addition, some people also say that the atmosphere during the Cretaceous period may be denser than it is now...


There is a saying that aroused Li Yu's interest. When flying, most animals cannot take off by flapping their wings alone. They also need to push their hind legs on the ground to give upward thrust.

Li Yu once again recalled the video that Jude brought back. At the end of the video, he captured the scene of the black dragon leaving. The guy's hind legs did make a forceful kick on the ground at that time. Its well-developed muscles

It was originally used here.

In other words, if the dragon's hind legs are injured, does that mean it will lose the ability to take off?

Li Yu wrote this down in his notes.

This chapter has been completed!
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