Chapter 68 Meeting

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Ilea was quite excited when she first arrived in Yanxue City. Especially after meeting a group of nobles and hundreds of people outside the city who welcomed her, her vanity was greatly satisfied.

Everyone called her a dragon-slaying heroine, which made Miss Rabbit even more beautiful.

Seeing that the big shots who were so superior before were now all polite to her, the girl felt as if she had become one of them.

She did something that generations of Arias family heads and ancestors had not been able to do, and squeezed into the top power circle in the Western Region, and everyone was surrounding her.

I have to say that it was indeed a very happy day.

The largest and liveliest city in the Western Territory completely opened its arms to her. However, after the initial novelty gradually faded away, the girl found that she was not as excited as she was at the beginning.

Especially when she realized that everyone here actually wore a mask, and it was difficult to see the sincerity between people no matter how long they had been together, Miss Rabbit suddenly missed her little castle.

Although it is remote and deserted, with nothing but carrots, the people there are mostly upright and not so mean-spirited when they get along with each other.

Then the girl found that she felt a little homesick.

Although she had only been in Yanxue City for a few days, her heart had already drifted back to the green fields.

Miss Rabbit made up her mind to return to Teacup Castle immediately after settling her father's matter.

Maybe she could catch the first heavy snowfall in winter, and she could invite Li Yu to drink carrot soup while enjoying the snow.

The girl thought to herself as she and Li Yu arrived outside the Grizzly Bear Tavern.

Ilea was still a little nervous, not only because she was about to meet the suspect who murdered her father, but also because there was David's spy in the pub.

For example, the lame manservant who is wiping the table with a dirty rag, the bearded mercenary who is drinking alone in the corner, and the most inconspicuous and easily overlooked person outside the tavern who is responsible for serving the drinkers. Pygmy groom taking care of horses.

The girl kept Li Yu's advice in mind and tried not to stare at these people, acting as if she only came to the tavern to eat.

She found an empty table and ordered a pork pie and a glass of ale, while Li Yu ordered roast chicken and a bowl of boiled beans.

Not long after the two of them sat down, they were recognized by a drinker. He was a small swordsman with freckles on his face. From the moment the female lord entered the door, his eyes never left, and at the same time, his face There was also a hint of thinking.

After hesitating for a moment, he came over and said politely, "Are you Miss Ilea?"

The girl was also looking at the person opposite. Well, he seemed a bit too young and too short. The most important thing was that he didn't have triangular ears or amber pupils.

But the female lord nodded after hearing his question, and the little swordsman said in surprise.

"It's really you. When you first arrived in Yanxue City six days ago, I went to the city gate to greet you. I saw you from a distance. I didn't expect to meet you here. I can buy you a drink.

Liquor, thank you for everything you have done for the Western Region."

"Um, okay." Ilea didn't expect that the first person she met would be her fans.

The little swordsman looked satisfied after receiving the expected answer, and did not disturb the two of them while they were dining, and just quietly stepped aside.

After a false alarm, the girl's baked pie and Li Yu's grilled chicken were served together, but the other party in today's meeting still did not show up.

Just when Ilea was considering the possibility of Hells breaking the appointment, an uninvited guest wearing a cloak and wrapping himself tightly appeared in the Grizzly Bear Tavern.

With his arrival, the temperature in the tavern seemed to have dropped a bit.

After entering the tavern, the man didn't want to drink. He just quickly swept his eyes over the drinkers in front of him, finally stopped at Miss Rabbit, and strode over to this side.

The girl's heart also jumped with the appearance of this mysterious man. In addition, from the corner of her eye, she noticed that the bearded mercenary who was drunk on the table also opened his eyes. Apparently he also noticed that

Suspicious guy.

The cloaked weirdo then sat down in front of the female lord.

The next moment, a voice came to Ilea's ear, "As you wish, Miss Ilea, I'm here to keep the appointment."

However, the cloaked monster did not open his mouth. The voice came from behind Miss Rabbit, and the girl was about to turn around.

The voice said again, "No, there is my brother's spy in this tavern. If you don't want to attract the guards immediately, it's better for us to maintain the current method of communication."

After a pause, he added, "The person next to you must be the famous Prophet Merlin. I have admired his name for a long time."

Li Yu said, "You can actually sit in front of us directly."

"Ha, you know nothing about my brother's methods..."

"Three." Li Yu interrupted him.


"Your brother has three spies hiding in the Grizzly Bear Tavern."

As Li Yu spoke, he turned around and saw a young man at the adjacent wine table wearing a white long coat with blue embroidered cuffs, a belt around his waist, and a purple square scarf on his shoulders.

Male priest.

In order to hide the iconic triangular ears of the Figuerola family, he also wore a Liripipe hat on his head, and he was apparently chatting with another priestess opposite.

But soon Hells noticed a change in his companion's expression.

So Hells followed her gaze and glanced back, and then couldn't help but want to curse.

Because he saw the cloaked monster that Ilea and Li Yu had thrown out to attract attention, and then looked at him together.

Hells couldn't continue acting, and with a look of helplessness on his face, he waved the cloaked weirdo to leave and give up his seat. Then he walked to sit down opposite Li Yu and Ilea, and sighed.

"Is it true that the Arias family's style of doing things is so direct?"

"I'm really not used to too many twists and turns," Miss Rabbit admitted.

"Your way of doing things will not work in Rock Snow City." Hells said, "I would like to remind you that my brother's cavalry is two streets away. Once the secret whistle in the tavern spreads the news of our meeting,

, they will be here soon, so we don’t have much time, so we can only keep the story short.”

"Don't worry, your brother's cavalry won't arrive so soon." Li Yu said.

"How do you know?" Hells narrowed his eyes.

"Because his secret whistle cannot convey the message."

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