Chapter 90 Black Dog Guard

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 Jude had no intention of taking out the ax, and just stood there, waiting for Tok to rush in front of him.

The lizard man kept waving the two-handed sword in his hand, and the strong wind brought up rolled up the snow on the ground. The cold light shrouded the entire body of the ugly-faced man, and it seemed that the latter's body was about to be destroyed.

Torn to pieces!

However, whenever the big sword was about to hit Jude, he could always dodge it the next moment.

The ugly-faced man just relied on his deft steps to make all Tok's attacks fail.

As if he was toying with his opponent, the sturdy lizard warrior roared repeatedly, using up all his energy to feed, but he didn't even touch the corner of Jude's clothes.

Finally, taking advantage of his opponent's heavy pressure, the ugly-faced man stretched out his left foot and lightly hooked Tok's leg, causing the latter to fly out and fall to his knees.

"Anyone else wants to try?" Jude looked at the others.

Lizardmen warriors, you look at me and I look at you. Finally, no one thinks that the ugly-faced man in front of them is joking.

So this time four people jumped out at once, and Jude became more serious when he saw this, and took out his battle ax.

However, this battle did not last too long.

The word "fair fight" never existed in the ugly-faced man's dictionary, so before the four lizard warriors could complete the encirclement, Jude had already taken the initiative to attack.

He picked up the snow on the ground with his boots, sprinkled it into the eyes of a lizard man, and then knocked down the other lizard man closest to him as quickly as possible, and then threw the lizard man away as a large hidden weapon.

Go out and block the third lizard man.

This operation bought Jude time to challenge the fourth lizard warrior. After knocking that guy down, the remaining two ugly-faced men went straight to 1v2, and finally won easily.

Judging from the current dueling rules on the Bratis continent, Jude's victory was obviously not very honorable.

But the lizard people were not good birds before they met Li Yu, but they were more pleased with their deputy leader.

After several lizardmen got up from the ground, their attitude towards Jude suddenly changed 180 degrees, and they all became respectful.

The ugly-faced man commented, "The new equipment you are wearing is very good, but unfortunately your combat skills are too rudimentary and you cannot exert the power of the armor and weapons you are wearing."

This is probably a common problem among lizard warriors. After all, when they first lived in the swamp, they had always had very few iron tools on hand, and most of their weapons were agricultural tools.

He didn't have any armor on his body, or he was only wearing homemade leather armor. Now he was suddenly switching from guns to guns, but he was a little unaccustomed to it. His movements and pace had slowed down a lot, and he even looked a little clumsy when fighting against Jude.

Li Yu had previously asked Yin Leya to hire two guards to teach them, but unfortunately the effect was mediocre. Although the two sides had fought side by side, the lizard people still didn't believe in the warriors of the Arias family from the bottom of their hearts, and would rather practice blindly on their own.

Fortunately, Jude is here to take over this trouble. As a top expert, and he successfully fought with the lizard people in only two battles, the ugly-faced man should be able to gradually train these lizard people warriors into regular troops.

So there was only one problem left for Li Yu.

"Let's come up with a name for this army." Li Yu said to his two captains, "I have a few options here, the Dragon Hunter Knights, the Swamp Knights, and the Guardian Knights...

...or you can suggest any names you like."

"I don't care about the name. It's up to you, the prophet, to decide." Onunde said.

Li Yu nodded and looked at Jude on the other side, only to see that the latter was hesitant to speak.

"What do you think?"

"These names are all good, but there are no knights among us." The ugly-faced man said.


Li Yu was also preoccupied by the three major knights, so when he talked about forming an armed force, he first thought of the knights. However, when Jude reminded him, he also realized that there were no knights on his side.

Although there is no wife in the wife cake, and there is no fish in the fish-flavored shredded pork, it is not impossible to insist on calling it that.

But since it was discovered early, let’s change it to a more appropriate name.

"Do you have a good name?" Li Yu asked the ugly-faced man again.

The latter hesitated for a moment, "Can we call them Black Dog Guards? Because Black Dogs mean loyalty. Your purpose of forming this army is to guard the cult and its believers. Then loyalty is the most important thing. Black Dog

Wei should always remember that we are the sword in the hands of the Order and you."

"Black dog guard..." Li Yu thought for a moment, "Okay, I don't have any objections."

"I have no objection either." Onunde said.

"Then let's make a decision. Let's recruit...well, a hundred warriors first."

The Black Dog Guard is the first professional army formed by Li Yu. It is planned that all members will be out of work, and the salary will be paid by the religious order, so that the soldiers who join it can focus on honing their combat skills.

In this way, the number of people must not be too large, otherwise it will drag down the production plan on the other side.

Nowadays, in addition to the lizard people, some believers from other places have gradually joined the territory of Shuangxiu Sect, including those who came to Green Field to see doctors before and their families, as well as civilians who chose to convert to Saturday after slaying the dragon. The number has already

A crowd of fifteen hundred people was reached.

The ratio of military to civilians is about six to seven percent, which is also within the normal level on the Bratis continent. Of course, if a war breaks out, militiamen and the like will also be mobilized.

However, this is generally not included in the standing army.

Since the envoy sent by Miss Rabbit to invite Li Yu to go back to enjoy the snow had been waiting outside the territory, Li Yu didn't hesitate too much, and it only took him three or two minutes to finalize the name of the army.

Compared to the Black Dog Guard's later fame in the continent of Bratis and even in the foreign city-states on the other side of the strait, this decision-making process was undoubtedly a bit hasty.

As a result, many historians in later generations have had different opinions and endless disputes as to why Shuangxiujiao, the ace army, had such a strange name.

But for people who are involved in a major historical process, this day is actually not much different from ordinary days. Li Yu took a carriage and rushed back to Teacup Castle before dark.

After drinking a bowl of carrot soup made by the girl herself, the astonishing sweetness in it almost sent him away on the spot.

Then the two of them climbed onto the city wall and looked into the distance together, watching the sunset gradually sink into the horizon.

The cold wind whizzing past the city made Miss Rabbit's little face turn red, but the girl's heart was still as hot as fire.

As night falls, lights gradually light up in her territory, and those lights seem to welcome the arrival of a new era.

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