Chapter 411 Columbus also wants to be an NPC

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 The last gift Li Yu gave to the female lord was a Disney watch.

It's pink and has a Mickey Mouse head logo on it.

French historian Le Goff once wrote in "Medieval Civilization", "The time of the Middle Ages was mainly an agricultural time. In this world with land as the basic resource, almost the entire society (whether rich or poor)

They all rely on the land for their livelihood, and the main time point they refer to is agricultural time.

"Agricultural time is basically a long torment. Nothing major happens in agriculture, and there is no need for a date. To be more precise, its date fluctuates slightly with the laws of nature, because agricultural time is natural time..."

Until the fifteenth century, when primitive mechanical clocks appeared in Europe, people could not accurately measure time.

Most ordinary people can only estimate an approximate time by observing the position and trajectory of the sun in the sky, while noble lords mostly use candles to time time, lighting candles and observing the length of burning. In addition, some towns usually have sundials.


The situation is similar on the continent of Bratis.

Therefore, when Miss Rabbit first saw the watch on Niu Xiangui's hand, she had no idea what its use was, but soon she seemed to think of something and became excited again.

"This is... this is a bracelet from the Kingdom of God! I have seen it on the hand of Prophet Merlin, but the style seems to be different."

The female lord then took the watch and tied it on her wrist under Niu Xiangui's guidance. She asked Ruby on the side, "Does it look good?"

Ruby nodded, "It's beautiful. This is the most beautiful jewelry I have ever seen."

This time she didn't lie, and that's what she really thought.

After hearing this, Miss Rabbit felt pleased with herself, and imitated Li Yu and glanced at her wrist from time to time, although she couldn't understand the scales and hands at all.

Niu Xiangui also looked envious.

As a former full-stack engineer, Niu Xiangui has reaped the dividends of many times, and his economic situation is quite good. Before time travel, he simply couldn't look down on small watches worth hundreds of yuan.

But now he also wants to own one, even if it's pink.

Some things are so common that no one notices them on ordinary days. Only when they are lost can they realize how precious they are.

When Niu Xiangui opens his eyes every day now, he has no idea how long he fell asleep.

He could only rely on the two meals provided by the cafeteria to split the morning and afternoon. This made Niu Xiangui, who was used to arranging the day's work in advance and completing each item item by item, very uncomfortable and felt dizzy.

When doing things, I don’t know whether my progress is fast or slow, and I always feel unsure.

However, this was an accident that allowed Niu Xiangui to have a deeper understanding of the teachings of Shuangxiu Jiao.

In the dead of night, while Niu Xiangui was lying on the wooden bed, he would think that maybe it wasn't that the pace of life here was too slow, but that he lived too fast before.

Every day it was like there was some wild beast chasing him. When the alarm went off, every minute and every second became hasty.

You need to brush your teeth and wash your face as quickly as possible, go downstairs to grab something to eat, catch a certain bus at a specific time, complete the check-in within the specified time, and finish which part of the work at what time...

Precise as an instrument.

The beast chasing him behind him is called deadline.

Niu Xiangui was very tired after being chased by it, and finally died. Now that he has relived his life, he doesn't want to live the same kind of life anymore, and he crams himself to the full every day.

He wanted to smell the flowers, lie on the hillside and enjoy the breeze, listen to the sound of the stream flowing by, and not think about cutoff lines, KPIs, or the boss's PUA.

He still has a job, goals, ideals and ambitions, and unfinished business, but that is no longer the entirety of his life.

What Li Yuhe Shuangxiujiao brought him was not only a physical rebirth, but also the reshaping of his soul.

But having said that, Niu Xiangui still wants to have a watch.

At least it's not easy to miss a meal, and you can check the time next time you have a limited time mission like this.

In Bratis, if you want a mechanical watch, even the cheapest one, which costs thirty or forty yuan, there is only one way.

Li Yu had mentioned to him before that the first version of the time traveler store would be online soon.

But Niu Xiangui estimated that it would be difficult to exchange the few Kingdom Points he had on hand for a watch, let alone other good things.

So I still had to do the mission. Niu Xiangui was thinking in his mind, after completing this mission, where to go to do other missions and gain more experience.

This is not the best thing about being a closed beta player. Many things are not perfect yet, and the game content is relatively open.

No, just waiting is not an option. You have to be more proactive. You can dig out tasks yourself even if the system doesn't issue them.

There were also many hidden tasks in the games he had played before, which had to be triggered in special ways.

Niu Xiangui had dealt with Li Yu several times and had a certain understanding of the prophet's style of conduct.

This is a calm and meticulous person who likes to do things according to the rules. He has clear rewards and punishments and does not mix personal likes and dislikes. In other words, as long as you do a good job, he will reward you.

So, where else can I help? Niu Xiangui scratched his head.

On the way back, he continued to think about this matter while pedaling the old Phoenix.

As the prophet of Shuangxiujiao, Li Yu's primary goal is undoubtedly to develop Shuangxiujiao. And the main job at this stage is to shake people.

But it’s not just about bringing people in, you also have to arrange their study and life. Especially in the first month after arriving, Niu Xiangui felt that he was no different from a fool, and he memorized it to the extreme.

Nothing goes smoothly.

The "Traveler's Manual" that Li Yu is compiling can undoubtedly play a certain guiding role.

However, no matter how detailed the manual is, it is impossible to list all problems, especially mental and psychological problems.

Niu Xiangui also had a deep understanding of that feeling of loneliness when arriving in a strange place for the first time. Thinking of this, his eyes lit up and he felt that he had found his direction.

When Li Yu came back the next day, Niu Xiangui came to hand over the task, and then made a new suggestion.

"What, you said you want to be a novice usher?"

Niu Xiangui nodded, "I'm basically familiar with the environment here now, and I can share my experience with everyone. Of course, I won't do it for a long time. I won't do it after the training period is over and I have a job. I believe in Saturdays and don't want to

Too hard."

When Niu Xiangui said the last sentence, he paid special attention to Li Yu's face. If it was another boss, he would probably be unhappy by now.

But Li Yu was not unhappy at all.

I can't stand it anymore, there is only one update today~ Good night everyone

This chapter has been completed!
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