Chapter 109 This can also help

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 "You had a nightmare?"

"I just dreamed...that someone wanted to kill me." Miss Rabbit said with a lingering heart.


"A guy nicknamed the Earth Bear, he was my opponent in the martial arts tournament, but I couldn't do anything against him."

"I thought you had already gone to clarify the misunderstanding with His Majesty the Emperor."

"I did confess to him about the dragon slaying, saying that it was everyone's credit, and I was just playing the role of a commander."

"Then what?"

"Then he seemed to have a deeper misunderstanding of me. He insisted that I was just showing the modest virtues of a knight, and he praised me. Oh, by the way, he also mentioned the battle between me and Hercules, what about the empire.

The honor needs me to defend."

"I couldn't convince His Majesty, so through the help of Geoff, I went to see the second prince Claudio and asked him for help.

"It turned out that Claudio offered me a condition to kill the Earth Bear in the tourney, because the Earth Bear killed one of his friends in a duel and hung the unlucky guy's intestines on his body.

Go up a tree and pee on him or something.

"But the bounty offered by Claudio is quite high. I must admit this. It seems that being his friend is quite good."

"You met Geoff again?" Li Yu was a little surprised, "How much did you pay him before he agreed to take you to meet the second prince?"

"Well, I didn't spend a single silver coin. Instead, I asked him to give me seventy gold lions, because this money was originally paid to him by the second prince, and I left thirty gold lions for him, which is considered the most benevolent thing.


When Yin Leya said this, a small look of pride appeared on her face, but it quickly disappeared and she said with a sad face.

"But it's useless for me to ask for the money. It's over. I'm definitely over this time. The martial arts tournament will start tomorrow. And the guy with the golden voice even made a poem about me having poisonous mist and being able to control thunder.

It's all over the city.

"The other contestants probably know how to deal with me now. I... I'd better prepare a suicide note." The girl said as she went to find a pen and paper.

But then I heard Li Yu say, "There's no need for a suicide note."

Miss Rabbit's ears suddenly stood up, and her dull eyes became bright again, "Really or not?! What else can you do about this?"

"It never hurts to be more prepared. Before coming to the capital, I had indeed considered the possibility of you participating in the martial arts tournament."

"You mean, you also helped me prepare a way to defeat other contestants?" The girl's heart was beating fast. If she had a smart bracelet to measure it for her, her heart rate would probably have soared.

190 upwards.

Li Yu's answer was also very simple, with only one word, "Yeah."

"Oh my god!" The happiness came so suddenly, the female lord jumped up from the ground, her long ears shaking as if they were equipped with small motors.

What kind of god is Saturday?! She had believed in Pixia for so many years, and Pixia ignored her at all, while Saturday and Merlin were even willing to change the rules of the world for her.

Because apart from this possibility, Yin Leya really couldn't think of how she could defeat those strong men.

"Let's go," Li Yu said, "Let's go see Watt together. He can solve the trouble you are encountering now."

Watt is Ge Lipeng's current Christian name, which was decided by Li Yu after consulting him.

In another dimension of the universe, James Watt built the first practical steam engine in 1776, pushing human civilization into the steam age. In order to commemorate this great inventor, people in later generations changed the unit of power to

Named Watt.

Ge Lipeng chose this church purely out of respect for his predecessors, not that he also hoped that he could be as famous as Watt and change the course of world history.

But I don’t know if there is some kind of providence in the dark. What Ge Lipeng has created now is indeed enough to usher in a new era.

In order for Yin Leya, who had almost no training and was a woman, to quickly gain the strength to defeat other opponents, apart from the so-called initiation and transfer of skills in martial arts novels, the first thing Li Yu thought of was of course a gun.

Hot weapons usually have an overwhelming advantage when facing cold weapons.

In 1519 AD, Spanish explorer Hernan Cortez led an expedition of more than 600 people to land on the east coast of Mexico. After several twists and turns, they finally conquered the Aztec Empire, which had a population of more than 5 million.

In 1532 AD, another Spanish explorer, Pizarro, led 168 people, invaded and later completed the occupation of the Inca Empire, which had a population of six million.

The Indians, who were brave and good at fighting, also performed poorly when faced with the guns of the colonists.

When Li Yu found Ge Lipeng, the latter expressed his desire to make a gun. However, the laws and regulations at the time did not allow Ge Lipeng to make such an attempt.

But when he is reincarnated in Bratis, of course there will be no such restrictions.

So Ge Lipeng was entrusted by Li Yu and began to make guns.

In Ge Lipeng's words, making a gun is actually not difficult.

Of course, in Bratis, which only has a quasi-medieval civilization, there are too many technical problems that need to be solved to produce familiar modern guns such as the AK, Thompson, Mosin Nagant...

In addition, the production of metal fixed bullets is also a problem.

So a more realistic choice is the flintlock gun.

"A gun or cannon is nothing more than finding a suitable tube, igniting the gunpowder inside, generating kinetic energy, pushing the projectile in front, and shooting the projectile out." Ge Lipeng said.

"It sounds very simple indeed." Li Yu said, "A pipe plus an ignition device."

"Yes, this is the gun."

"Based on the different ignition methods, guns can be divided into firelock guns, matchlock guns, flintlock guns, revolver guns and percussion guns. Modern guns usually use fulminant mercury impact for ignition."

"The advantage is that it is fast?"

"Yes, if you use a matchlock gun, you have to wait for the matchlock to burn to the bottom fire plate. This usually takes a while. In comparison, a flintlock gun can be fired much faster. On the battlefield, time determines

life and death."

When talking about guns, Ge Lipeng seemed to have become a different person and became much more talkative.

"To ignite a flintlock gun, you only need to hit the flint with the fire sickle to produce sparks. Both of these things are easy to obtain. What really takes more effort is the barrel.

"The first is the material. A good barrel must be able to withstand the pressure generated by tens of thousands of gunpowder explosions. Of course, if you don't plan to use it too many times, you can relax the standards a little. Then there are also requirements on hardness. If it is too soft, it will be too soft.

Not even hard.

"The barrel forged with the existing technology of Bratis Continent will contain a lot of impurities and trachoma. I can think of ways to improve the quality of the steel, but there is actually a more trouble-free way."

This chapter has been completed!
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