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Chapter 17 New Town

Miss Rabbit was quite regretful that she missed the battle between the nobles of the Western Region and the tribal clans of the Dragon Crest Mountains.

Who doesn’t like fighting when the wind is blowing?

With the numbers, weapons, equipment, and discipline all being completely dominant, the main theme of the battle was a relaxed and enjoyable battle. Before the nobles in the Western Region had time to exert their strength, the group of savages on the opposite side were beaten to the point of crying for their fathers and mothers.

If the female lord is here at this time, she can show her champion style with the hand of judgment in front of everyone, and gain a lot of reputation for the Arias family and Shuangxiujiao.

Miss Rabbit even imagined that when the battle between the two sides reached a stalemate, she would suddenly lead someone to kill them and seal the victory in one fell swoop.

Reproduce the feat of Count Philip "Snowclaw" in the battle of the Blood Dragon's Wail more than 900 years ago, rushing thousands of miles to aid Alessandro, and completely becoming a hero in the West.

It's a pity that those tribes and clans were too inattentive. The female lord estimated that when she returned to her territory to gather her troops and lead her men to kill them, she would be able to attend the coalition's celebration banquet.

Besides, she also has a lot of things to do here, so she can't take part in the fun for the time being.

The first is to resettle the new residents.

The number of civilians behind the team has exceeded the 20,000 mark. Some of them were brought by Jilan, some came here after the martial arts competition, and many more joined after witnessing Li Yu performing miracles along the way.

These people followed Li Yu and her to Luye, hoping to live a different life.

The female lord had never thought that one day she would be able to have such appeal and attract so many people to join her. While she was proud, she also felt a heavy weight.

She didn't want to betray the trust these people had in her.

The first task before her now is to ensure that these new members can find a place to stay and spend the next winter safely.

And because of the radio station, Greenfield can start preparations early.

Thirteen large and small brick kilns were put into full operation during the two-day holiday. Even the laying of bricks on the city walls was postponed and all efforts were devoted to the construction of new brick houses.

The new brick house is different from the old brick house. It is no longer a small single-family building with a yard, but more like a university dormitory.

It is unified into three floors with six rooms on each floor. Each room is 18 or 18 square meters in size and can accommodate six people. In this way, a new brick house can accommodate at least 100 people.

Li Yu called it low-rent housing.

During this period, Fitzwilliam led the craftsmen of the Bureau of Truth to build a total of 67 low-rent houses, which could solve the accommodation problem of nearly 7,000 people.

But there are still more than 13,000 people left, so it's up to Yin Leya to find a way.

So the female lord also had a number of additional longhouses built, plus tents, to ensure that everyone had a place to stay.

In addition, Yin Leya also accepted Li Yu's suggestion and conducted a rough investigation of these new arrivals.

The main purpose is to find out what professional skills each person has, among which more than 90% are farmers.

But there are also some blacksmiths, carpenters, stonemasons, butchers, warriors, businessmen... These people are the focus of Miss Rabbit.

The female lord is currently busy building a fort around Teacup Castle, and these people will all come in handy.

On the tenth day after leaving Lake City, this team, which had traveled thousands of miles, finally arrived at their home.

The moment they set foot on the green field, many people could not help but shed tears of excitement, because they finally no longer had to wander any more.

Even though the Arias family and the Shuangxiujiao people have tried their best to ensure their food and daily life and provide them with clothing to keep out the cold.

Li Yu had spent tens of thousands of gold lions before and after, and Yin Leya also reluctantly spent four thousand. At the same time, the prophet, who had retired from teaching, also performed miracles from time to time to heal people.

However, the bumpy trek that lasted for several months still left many people with haggard faces and emaciated bodies. There were even some older or frail people who failed to reach the finish line.

The remaining people were carrying their belongings on their backs, supporting each other, and looking around with some anxiety.

In the eyes of most people in the Empire, the Western Territory is almost synonymous with remoteness, only slightly better than the Northern Territory with biting cold winds, vast territory and sparsely populated areas.

And the journey along the way also confirmed their views, let alone the green field that no one had heard of before.

The territory of the Arias family is relatively remote even in the Western Region. If it weren't for the Black Stone City next door, no one would have noticed this inconspicuous place.

But what the refugees didn't expect was that they actually saw a city here.

Miss Rabbit was also immediately looking at the town in front of her.

That ring of city walls had surrounded the hill where she was, as well as a large area of ​​land in front of the hill.

Although it is not made of stone and is not particularly tall, the thick city wall still gives people a sense of security.

Moreover, it is quite lively outside the city gate, with carriages coming and going from time to time. This is because the sales of several flagship products of Shuangxiujiao are very good, and more and more caravans are coming here to seek transactions or cooperation.

In addition, a large amount of materials were needed during the construction of the new city, which also made nearby businessmen see business opportunities, so they rushed over in droves.

It creates a lively and prosperous scene for people.

Advisor Fausto and guardian knight Alfred led people outside the city to welcome the female lord home.

Bread and radish water specially made by the Arias family were also prepared as gifts and distributed to everyone who was about to enter the city.

Miss Rabbit raised her neck and took a big bowlful of it.

After eating so much delicious food in the royal capital, the female lord still misses her own taste. Moreover, the radishes in Lionheart Castle are not grown by the Arias family, and the taste is not authentic.

After finishing her sip, the female lord felt comfortable all over. She returned the wine glass to the maid, then waved her hand and said energetically, "Enter the city!"

The new town looks quite impressive from the outside, but it's a bit shabby once inside. Mainly because compared to a real town, it's a bit too deserted inside.

Now most of the place is still vacant, with only a few scattered houses.

The largest house is the exchange in the city, and there are not many pedestrians on the street.

But it doesn’t matter, isn’t this person already here?

The female lord glanced at the long team behind her. They certainly couldn't all stay in the city, but even if only 30 to 40% remained, the place would never be as deserted as it is now.

Moreover, Li Yu also promised that several textile factories will be moved here in the future, which will bring a large number of employment opportunities.

In short, it allows people in the city to have work and no longer have to go out to farm.

This chapter has been completed!
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