Chapter 40 Air Dominance

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 On the day Li Yu came back, Yin Leiya had just led his men to defeat the sixth savage tribe, but this time the situation was a little different.

Because those savages actually chose to abandon their homes and ran away early.

Although they left in a hurry, they only had time to take away a small part of the food, and most of the rest was still piled in the granary.

But the female lord still noticed something unusual about it.

Did someone leak the news in advance? But everyone related to Morse in the team has been controlled, so there can't be any spies.

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In contrast, some of the tribes that were robbed before ran away, so it seems more likely that the news will be brought to this tribe.

Later, Miss Rabbit asked the monk who was on holiday to release four three-eyed birds to see where the savages had fled.

As a result, three of the three-eyed birds came back, but contact with another one was lost midway.

The female lord took this matter very seriously and sent nearly a thousand people to search the area for a long time. They almost turned over the land, but they still didn't know about the missing three-eyed bird.

So when Li Yu came back, she was like a primary school student who didn't bring her homework to school in the morning. Her ears were drooped and she kept looking down at her boots.

However, the prophet of Shuangxujiao did not complain about her.

Li Yu just wanted to see the footage taken by the drone before it disappeared and watched it several times.

It can be seen from the video that the drone did not explode due to mechanical failure or improper operation. Instead, it seemed to have been hit by something.

The fuselage shook violently before falling, but the attack hit it from an invisible angle.

Li Yu finally noticed through slow playback that at the last moment of the video, something like a lake appeared in front of the camera.

After that, Li Yu enlarged the picture again, looked at it carefully for a moment, and finally confirmed that it should be an index finger.

The prophet of Shuangxiu Cult said to the female lord, "It seems we have another guest."


"Those are the true allies of the dwarves," Li Yu said, "probably the reason why they dare to go to war with the empire."

Under normal circumstances, in a cosmic plane with only medieval civilization, a few drones are enough to control absolute air superiority.

But of course Li Yu will not forget those Yi tribe people.

With wings on their backs, they are natural air force from birth, and they are more flexible in the air than drones.

Once a drone is targeted by them, it will be difficult to escape.

After hearing what Li Yu said, Miss Rabbit couldn't help but become worried again.

"Have those Wing Tribe people followed us? If so, our three-eyed bird would be useless. And our whereabouts would be completely controlled by those dwarves."

The female lord has just experienced the joy of fighting and opening a small map. She can control every move of her opponent, and there is no way to hide all the conspiracies and tricks. She can also calmly command and deploy according to the situation on the field.

In fact, she has won consecutive battles in recent days and solved the food crisis. She has been unanimously praised by the army. Some people even started to call her the Valkyrie of the Empire in private.

Miss Rabbit felt like she had completely transformed into the shape of those magical iron birds.

Li Yu said, "It doesn't matter. There shouldn't be many Yi clan members coming this time. Otherwise, with the arrogance of those guys, they wouldn't have to avoid us at all. They would have already come to say hello to us."

"But even if there are only one or two, it's still very troublesome." The female lord looked solemn.

"Don't worry, leave those guys to me." Li Yu said.


Jacobi has been dealing with those dwarves for a year. As a noble sky species, even the seagull tribe is not very popular with other wing tribes. He does not like these humble land species very much.

But this time he received an oracle from the Mother Goddess and was the first to land in this strange land as a pioneer.

Prepare for the arrival of the army.

Although the Wing Clan warriors have an absolute advantage when facing those terrestrial species, it must be admitted that their numbers are still a bit small.

If you want to completely conquer this continent, you need to recruit more servants or helpers, so although Jacobi doesn't like those dwarfs who are drunk all day long, and each one is bragging, greedy and cunning.

But they still had to hold their noses and deal with them, half-coaxing and half-frightening them to ask the dwarves to help them defeat them, or at least disturb the Western Territory.

Jacobi formulated a brilliant plan for them, which could greatly consume the resistance in the West at the very beginning of the war.

The first half of this plan had been successful, even more successful than he had previously expected. However, the dwarves almost destroyed the second half.

The thousand men and horses they had ambushed in Gravel Valley were originally just to watch over the remnants of the army in the valley before the empire's reinforcements arrived.

As long as this task is completed, they can withdraw.

In Jacobi's opinion, nothing could be simpler than this, but the retreat quickly turned into a rout, with more than a thousand people ultimately able to escape with less than a hundred people.

They were literally hung up and beaten by that imperial army. Those who were lucky enough to survive were frightened out of their courage, and those imperial men were praised as invincible.

It was said that the imperial army could detect their traces from a long distance away, and no matter how hard they hid, they could not escape the pursuers behind them.

Jacobi felt they were just looking for excuses for their humiliating defeat.

But everyone who escaped back said this, which still made Jacobi a little more concerned about this matter.

But what really made him decide to take a look was the commander of the imperial army, the female lord named Yin Leiya.

Jacobi heard that she killed the black dragon, captured Gabriel, and then defeated Morn in a one-on-one duel.

At least two Wing Clan warriors died in her hands or because of her, which made Jacob become very interested in her.

Jacobi was actually not very convinced by Gabriel. He considered himself superior to Gabriel in terms of martial arts and strategy.

But there was no way anyone could make Gabriel's White Dove Tribe more favored by the Mother Goddess than the Seagull Tribe he came from, so until Gabriel's death, he had to obey the other party's orders.

As for Moen, he is a warrior whom Jacobi respects very much. Moen is from the Gray Eagle Tribe, and the warriors born from this tribe are all very powerful.

And Moen is one of the best.

But such a great warrior died just like that before he could write his own legendary epic.

Moreover, he died in a one-on-one duel. Jacobi wanted to see what the land creature that could kill Moen looked like and whether it had three heads and six arms.

However, before he got close to the female lord, his attention was first attracted by the tin birds in the sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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