Chapter 813 Natural Enemy

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 That great white shark is much larger than the tiger shark just now. As the protagonist in many ocean horror movies, its average length exceeds six meters.

The one in front of Li Yu was particularly big, nearly eight meters long, which was why Taylor was excited.

Moreover, this great white shark is not as timid as the tiger shark just now. When it saw a huge monster approaching it, it did not run away, but looked eager to try.

Maybe he thought that if he could kill the giant squid in front of him, he wouldn't have to worry about food for the next half month.

Taylor couldn't help but chuckle when he saw this.

This giant squid from the Third Age is not just big. After being transformed by top faith technology, it has become an out-and-out hunting machine.

Taylor followed suit and stretched out a tentacle to wrap around the great white shark, but the latter opened its mouth and bit it.

Taylor did not flinch, and just watched helplessly as the tentacle was bitten by the great white shark, and its sharp teeth easily pierced the skin of the giant squid.

But Li Yu found that the pain was not as strong as he imagined. To use an analogy, it was probably equivalent to being pricked by an intravenous indwelling needle used for infusion.

"Pain blunting." Taylor explained, "We can actually reduce the pain to one percent. Even if the head falls off, there will be no pain.

"But that would be too boring, so I asked the scientific research team to retain some pain to make hunting more exciting."

As Taylor spoke, he stretched out another tentacle, grabbed the great white shark, and began to exert force. The great white shark also sensed the danger, and was not willing to accept the "fat" on the side of its mouth, and was still biting the tentacle.

Don't let go.

Taylor didn't care either. As the force on the tentacles became stronger and stronger, the stubborn great white shark finally couldn't help but let go.

Taylor did not take back the tentacle that was still bleeding out, but continued to wrap around it.

As the two tentacles worked together, the great white shark soon couldn't stand it anymore and was strangled to death.

When Taylor let go of his tentacle, Li Yu could clearly see two deep strangulation marks on the shark's body, and there was also an obvious depression in that area of ​​skin.

Taylor smiled and said, "Look, I've been able to control this body for so long, so I should have learned it. Then let's try it on you."

Before Li Yu could answer, she had already exchanged control of the giant squid.

The next moment, Li Yu discovered that he could already move the tentacles, although they were still a little jerky.

Li Yu wanted to try moving one of his arms and legs, then thought of something and said, "I listened to the local radio before and heard rumors of sea monsters in the nearby sea..."

"That's right, our people controlled this giant squid to move around, and it was seen by some passing ships," Taylor said.

"But this is the sea, which is mysterious and unpredictable. There are many species that humans don't know about. This is why we put the experiment in Neverland.

"If such a large creature appears on land, it will definitely cause a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Li Yu warmed up while listening to Taylor's words, and then tried to continue swimming forward.

Although he also has the ability to transform, he has never tried transforming into a giant squid and hunting in the ocean. Taylor didn't lie to him. This is indeed a very novel experience.

After taking over the body, he swam forward for a certain distance, but did not encounter any prey worth catching. When he was about to change the direction and look again, a black shadow appeared behind him.

Li Yu did not notice the black shadow at the first time. It was not until the latter came behind him that Li Yu caught a glimpse of it from the corner of his eye when he turned his head.

After just one glance, Taylor, who had been quiet for a while, suddenly said in surprise, "Sperm whale, that's a sperm whale, the natural enemy of the giant squid."

Li Yu still remembers a children's picture book he read when he was a child, which tells the story of a giant squid fighting a sperm whale.

It wasn't until he grew up that he realized that he had been deceived, because the fighting power of the two was not equal, and there was no such fierce battle as in the picture books.

King squid is one of the favorite foods of sperm whales. Because king squid swims much slower than sperm whales, it is almost difficult to escape once they encounter each other, and the size of the two sides is also very different.

The average body length of a sperm whale is over 16 meters and its weight reaches 40 tons. Even the largest king squid cannot reach this level, so it can only be eaten.

This is also the reason why this sperm whale rushed here with great interest.

Anyone who encounters an oversized ocean fries will be tempted to try it.

But this time it hit the wall.

Li Yu turned around and avoided the sneak attack of the sperm whale behind him with incredible agility.

Then he followed Taylor's example and stretched out his tentacles to wrap around the sperm whale.

The sperm whale didn't care about this. Instead, he opened his mouth, waited for the meal, and sucked the two tentacles into his mouth like noodles.

But then more tentacles wrapped around it.

The sperm whale still didn't pay much attention to it. It wasn't the first day it had eaten king squid. It had long understood the tricks of these giant squids, although the one in front of him was a bit big.

But food is still food no matter how big it is... huh?

The sperm whale found that the force coming from its body was a little abnormal.

"Strength enhancement, I remember you seem to have a similar godhead." Taylor said leisurely, "But the company's strength enhancement for this giant squid is not the godhead, but a piece called [Foot of Hercules].

Five-star equipment.”

The sperm whale felt that the tentacles wrapped around its body were so powerful that its bones could not help but tremble.

The intense pain finally started to scare him.

At this moment, the identities of the prey and the hunter were quietly reversed. As the arms and legs continued to tighten, they had sunk into its flesh.

The absurd scene described in the children's picture book seems to be becoming a reality.

Taylor's voice became excited again, "Kill it, this is a rare prey!"

However, seeing that the sperm whale was about to be strangled to death, Li Yu suddenly let go of his tentacles.

Taylor looked a little surprised, "I didn't know you were a marine environmentalist."

"I'm not." Li Yu said.

"Then why did you let go?"

"Because sperm whales are protected animals, killing them is illegal." Li Yu's answer was simple.

"This is not your country."

"I checked and sperm whales are also a protected species in Australia."

Taylor was amused, "You are just a giant squid now. Natural selection is the law of survival in nature."

"But you don't hunt those animals for food."

Taylor's tone sounded a little disappointed, "Have you read the book I recommended to you? Morality and so-called civilized rules are just useless burdens in the survival of the species."

This chapter has been completed!
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