Chapter 897 Welcome back, Prophet Merlin

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 Li Yu still trusted Ilea very much. Even if Cornelia appeared before, Li Yu only felt that the girl was coerced by Cornelia and had to cooperate with the latter to deal with him.

Li Yu even planned to go back and rescue Ilea after dealing with Hui and Selina.

But the way he looked at the girl now didn't seem like she meant what she said, and by this time Cornelia had arrived again.

Li Yu looked at her, "Is this all your arrangement tonight? How did you confuse Ilea and make her believe you so much."

Cornelia shook her head when she heard this, "No, this is your arrangement. It's not me she believes in, but you. It's you from the beginning to the end."

"Are you taking me for a fool?" Li Yu said coldly, "Am I arranging for you to attack me tonight?"

"If you had just given me a little more time in the tent, I would have explained everything to you." Cornelia said.

She walked towards Li Yu as she spoke, "About five months ago, you defeated Black Hand in Jingu and captured my messenger Hui.

"However, one night you quietly found Hui, untied the rope from his hand, and helped him escape from the guards.

"Although the process was a bit thrilling, he was hit by an arrow, which almost killed him, but with the help of the fast river water, he was able to escape from the pursuers and survive."

"I don't remember that I have ever done this." Li Yu's eyes were alert, "And I don't think I have any reason to do such a thing. Hui is yours, why should I help him?"

Cornelia's expression was very gentle, "Because you want him to bring you a message to me and guide me to the nearest one... Well, you seem to call that kind of thing a radio station.

"It's very magical. Although we are thousands of miles apart through the radio, we can hear each other's voices."

"I haven't contacted you on the radio." Li Yu said firmly.

"In fact, you did, and you successfully convinced me to give up my king, abandon him when he was fighting a crucial battle with your queen, and travel thousands of miles to find you, alone, without any hesitation.

Trapped in enemy camp."

"That sounds a bit stupid, but you don't seem like a stupid person." Li Yu said.

"I'm not, but what you told me scared me."

"What did I tell you?"

"I can't say it." Cornelia glanced at Ilea, "I can't say it in front of so many people. This is what you told me."

"Why do I have no impression of these things you mentioned?" Li Yu frowned.

"Because you let me hypnotize you." Cornelia said.

"I asked you to hypnotize me?" Li Yu looked a little strange.

"I can read minds. That's why you found me. You need someone to manipulate your memory.

"And I agreed to your request. I found you, and then you told me a lot of things, a lot of dark things... Then you asked me to hypnotize you, because you needed to use this hypnosis to help you pass a test.


Li Yu's eyes flashed, "Is that what I told you?"

"That's right, you told me that the test is very important to you, you can't lie, and they have been watching you on the other side and know all your methods.

"But they don't understand me, and they don't care about an indigenous priestess who has just scratched the surface of the skills of using faith. In their eyes, I am no different from a monkey who has just learned to crack nuts with stones. This is you

's original words."

Cornelia had already walked to Li Yu's side at this time. She stretched out a hand, but Li Yu took half a step back.

"You can control people's thinking. How can I be sure that you are not manipulating my thinking now?"

"Do you remember what I said when we first met? Only when you are willing to completely open your heart to me can I see what is in your heart.

"I can't modify your memory without your permission."

"But what if you have also modified this memory of mine?" Li Yu asked, "Your king just experienced a disastrous defeat, and you should also realize that you have no way out.

"Alister can't defeat Ilea, even with your help, so you just gave up on the poor guy and came here to control our minds."

"You imagine me to be too powerful. If I were really that powerful, I would have gone to Solomon to manipulate his mind. Why would I follow Allister to suffer in the north?" Cornelia said.


The priestess stretched out her hand again, "Come on, let me help you restore your memory, and you will remember everything. This was your arrangement."

Li Yu fell into silence after hearing this.

Cornelia sighed upon seeing this, "I know you don't believe me, but you should always believe her."

The priestess pointed at Ilea, who was looking at the two of them with concern.

Li Yu was silent for about half a minute, and finally said, "Okay."

After hearing these two words, Cornelia finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Great, I'll be there on Saturday."

Her palm finally touched Li Yu's cheek, and then she took out a sachet she carried with her and shook it under Li Yu's nose.

"Don't resist, follow my guidance, and I will return your true memories to you soon."

Li Yu felt that his thoughts were drifting into the sky along with the strange fragrance just now, drifting farther and farther away, and Cornelia's voice was getting further and further away from him.

When he was about to lose his hearing, a ringing sound rang in his ears, and then he heard the priestess say, "Okay."

Li Yu opened his eyes again, and there were several more memories in his mind, memories that belonged to him.

"Welcome back, Prophet Merlin."

Li Yu glanced at Cornelia in front of him, then at Selena, Hui, Greta, and Thomas who had just been injured by him. Fortunately, the latter's injuries did not seem to be serious.

Too serious.

The dwarf armor worn by the guard captain saved his life, helping him withstand most of the damage from the claw, and also protected him from being disembowelled by the sharp bear claws.

Li Yu nodded at them, "Thank you for your hard work."

"I didn't know you were so good at fighting before." Thomas stood up with the help of the knight squire.

"I haven't tried my best yet."

"Bless Saturday." The knight drew a six in front of himself, pulling the muscles in his chest and grinning in pain.

Li Yu looked at Cornelia again and said seriously, "I saw a lot of things yesterday, and I still have some questions I want to ask you."

The priestess nodded, "I will tell you everything I know."

This chapter has been completed!
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