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Chapter 1009 Accusations


Obi-Wan Kenobi walked quickly in the vast and bright hall of the Jedi Temple. The coarse cloth cloak on his body was still covered with scorch marks and dust left on the battlefield.

The Jedi knights and apprentices along the way saw his beggar-like appearance and did not dislike him at all. On the contrary, they all looked at him with respect.

Every Jedi warrior who goes to the battlefield and fights bravely for the Republic is an elder worthy of respect.

He went straight to the top floor of the Jedi Temple, but as soon as he got off the elevator, he was blocked by a Jedi Knight. He bowed politely and said: "Dear Master Obi-Wan Kenobi...Master Windu is having a meeting in the council hall.

, it’s inconvenient to disturb you at the moment.”

Obi-Wan Kenobi frowned, "What about Master Yoda?"

"Master Yoda just led the troops to go on an expedition." The Jedi Knight said calmly.

"Then I'll wait here." Obi-Wan said.

"Excuse me." The Jedi knight spread his hands and saluted, but his feet did not move at all and were still blocking the road.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was anxious, but he had no choice but to pace back and forth in the corridor.

After about half an hour, Obi-Wan heard a soft knock from the door of the conference hall. He hurriedly walked over. The Jedi guarding the door stopped blocking him. When he came to the door of the conference hall, he saw him face to face.

Master Mace Windu opened the door and came out.

Obi-Wan Kenobi said eagerly: "Master Windu, I have very important things to report to you. Many things...the Dawn Planet, the Speaker...and so on."

Before Master Windu could speak, Obi-Wan heard a gentle voice coming from behind Master Windu, "Ah, it's Master Obi-Wan. I seem to hear that you want to see me for something?"

Obi-Wan Kenobi looked up and saw Sheev Palpatine, the Speaker of the Galactic Republic, standing in the chamber. It turned out that it was him who had just been meeting with Master Windu!

Looking at the old man with a kind face in front of him, but because he has been in a high position for a long time, he has an aura of calm and self-restraint in his eyebrows. Obi-Wan Kenobi can't talk to him like a Sith Lord no matter what.

Get in touch.

But thinking about Tang Xiao... he found that he was also completely unable to connect Tang Xiao with the Sith Lord, and his confidence was shaken. When he looked at Sheev Palpatine, the haze in his heart disappeared again.

It also lingers.

"Master Obi-Wan?" Sheev Palpatine saw that Obi-Wan didn't speak and was just staring at him, so he asked again with a smile.

"No matter what you are thinking, Obi-Wan, it is very rude to stare at the Speaker." Master Windu said.

Obi-Wan Kenobi woke up from his dream, quickly stood aside to make way, and bowed with his hands on his chest, "I was rash, Mr. Speaker. I was a little distracted because I was eager to report the situation on the battlefield to Master Windu.


"Things like being distracted should not happen to a Jedi Knight, let alone you, Master Obi-Wan." Master Windu was as stern as ever.

"Oh, I guess he can't be blamed. After all, the news coming from the planet Marastal was not very good. We all thought you had been sacrificed for a time, Master Obi-Wan. Now, I think you should go back and have a good rest.

Well, we still have too many enemies to fight next." Palpatine finished speaking with a smile, nodded to Master Windu, then turned and left.

"You have something to say to me." Master Windu waited until Palpatine walked away, and then said seriously to Obi-Wan, "But you should not show your emotions in front of the Speaker, this will put us in a trap


"Yes." Obi-Wan lowered his head and accepted the instruction.

Master Windu then brought Obi-Wan into the meeting hall, closed the door, and turned on the signal blocking, blocking out all sounds and signals inside.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath, and then said: "I learned the true identity of the hidden Sith Lord, the Dead Angel. He is the governor of the Dawn Planet, Tang Xiao."

Master Windu frowned, "Are you sure it's Tang Xiao? This is... very incredible information, but if you think about it carefully, it seems logical."

He thought for a while and said: "This matter can only be spread among the Supreme Council of the Jedi Order for the time being. I will hold a meeting tomorrow to discuss how to deal with the Angel of Death."

Just like the death angel's judgment, the Jedi Order would not let this news spread. Obi-Wan sighed in his heart, the one who knows you best will always be your enemy.

Things would not change at all...Obi-Wan suddenly understood why the Angel of Death would tell him this so openly.

"Our policy should not change, but this is still a vital piece of information, Master Obi-Wan. I sincerely thank you for your sacrifice and your bravery." Sure enough, Master Windu

He also said the same, "But to defeat the Angel of Death, we can only proceed step by step according to the established plan. If he has been hiding on the Dawn Planet, we have no way to assassinate him."

Master Windu shook his head, "Master Yoda has led the fleet to take the initiative to attack, and the target is the Dawn Planet. Because from the beginning of the war to the present, the threat posed by the Dawn Planet to us is second only to General Grievous. Now that I think about it,

Since Tang Xiao is the deceased angel himself, then this is not so difficult to understand."

Obi-Wan continued: "There is another news, but this news is very serious, and I can't confirm the authenticity of the news... But if this is true... maybe, this will be an earth-shaking event.


Master Windu's face became solemn, "I believe that if it wasn't a really terrible thing, you wouldn't use such a serious description."

"The news came from the deceased angel. He told me that his master was Darth Plagueis. And Darth Plagueis's other identity is Hego Darth, who was once the co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association.

Musk II. At the same time, Darth Plagueis actually has two apprentices. In addition to the Angel of Death, there is another person - Darth Sidious." Obi-Wan Kenobi said


Master Windu's fists were clenched tightly, and it was obvious that he was going through a storm in his heart.

Obi-Wan Kenobi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "And Darth Sidious is... He is Sheev Palpatine."

At this moment, Obi-Wan Kenobi felt as if Master Windu's terrifyingly powerful force had set off an abnormal tsunami! The entire conference hall was shaking under his force!

"This is a very, very serious accusation. It will even affect the Galactic Republic and the very existence of our Jedi Order! Then, tell me again what you want to say." Master Windu's voice even trembled.


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