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Chapter 1,071 The Battle of Camino (Part 2)

1071, Battle of Camino (Part 2)

Kamino is an ocean planet that is subject to storms all year round. Only the buildings built by the Kaminoans are the only safe islands on the planet.

The architecture of the Caminos is very unique. They are metal discs that are supported in the sea like mushrooms.



A bolt of lightning struck from the sky and brought an explosion.

In the flash of lightning, a person can be seen hanging from the bottom of the disc of one of the buildings.

It's Master Shakti!

At this moment, blood was constantly flowing from her waist, but she still used the Force to cling to the bottom of the smooth metal building and hang it in mid-air.

If it weren't for her powerful force and fine control, she wouldn't be able to work on this smooth metal shell, and the final result would be to be buried in the sea.

Shakti climbed back to the edge of the building bit by bit with difficulty, and struggled to climb back up. It was already half an hour later...

She raised her eyes and saw that the flames of war had spread deeper, and even the huge complex of buildings in Tipoca City, the capital of the planet Kamino, near the clone factory area, began to erupt with flames of war.

From a distance, you can still see the Trident-class amphibious assault ships wreaking havoc in the city of Kamino, as well as a large number of B-1 combat robots and B-2 super combat robots released from these amphibious assault ships.

Now the battle between the two sides has become intense, and one can even see black shadows swimming through the water at high speed, and the bright red electronic eyes are dotted in the sea water, giving off a sense of terror.

It is the A-Q series underwater combat robot.

Shakti's face turned solemn. Although the number of these separatist invaders was still small, they were all elite and had undergone very precise preparations.

They first used their extremely powerful special forces to completely mess up the defense line of Kamino Planet, and then used Trident-class amphibious assault ships to further expand the chaos, and put the robot army directly into the core of the city, blooming in the center!

Coupled with the cooperation of the A-Q series underwater combat robots that flexibly swim on the seabed and the Trident-class amphibious assault ships, the defense lines near Tipoca City, the capital of Kamino Planet, and the clone factory area were defeated almost in a short time.

Into a breakdown!

Unlike the creatures on ordinary ocean planets, the Kaminoans are actually not good at living underwater. This is because this planet was not an ocean planet at first. It was transformed by changes in the crust and melting glaciers more than 19,000 years ago.


At that time, the Kaminoans were already quite civilized, so they established floating city clusters to live in and continued the development of their own ethnic group through cloning technology.

This is also the reason why the Kaminoans have been helpless against the separatist army under the sea since the war broke out until now.

Shake-Ti briefly treated the wound and ran quickly towards the factory area. At this time, a large number of Republic fighter formations began to swoop down in the sky. They were constantly circling around Tipoca City, interacting with those on the ground.

Robot legion firefight.

There was war and chaos everywhere.

Suddenly, another burst of familiar crisp and short gunshots came. This time, Master Shake-Ti no longer needed to take care of the clone recruits. She was alone, and the force was fully unleashed!

The blue lightsaber swung rapidly, blocking all the bullets. At the same time, her figure seemed to turn into a phantom and quickly passed by.

Seeing that the situation was bad, those mysterious and elite soldiers fled again, but this time, Shakti was faster than them!

The lightsaber drew a blue half-moon in the air, instantly cutting two of them into two pieces. But the rest still fought and retreated and quickly left, showing their terrifying physical and mental qualities.

Shaak-Ti walked over and realized that these two people were both Salarians!

As a new and powerful race that emerged from the separatist side, the Salarians have long appeared in the manuals of the Republic's intelligence agencies, but because their numbers are really small, most of the time, Republic soldiers do not recognize them.

I only saw these Salarian soldiers wearing full-coverage helmets. Because they have a pair of tentacles on their heads, the helmets are made to look similar. From a distance, don’t they just look like they have a pair of terrifying horns? Again Coupled with their big eyes and the light emitting from the tactical goggles, it is not surprising that the panicked clone soldiers regarded them as demons.

However, the elite level of these soldiers is even far greater than that of the elite clone soldiers - ARC soldiers!

Then there is only one answer. This force that turned Kamino upside down with just a few people is the infamous Salarian Special Forces! The terrifying existence known as the most elite special forces in the galaxy!

Since even such the most elite troops are used, it only means one thing -

We must persist until reinforcements arrive! Because this time, the separatists are determined to win!


Suddenly a bullet was fired. Shakti raised her hand and cut the bullet in half with a sword. At this time, a transparent shadow appeared in the air in front of her.

"Ah, Jedi, another one. Can kill, special service force, you are not an ordinary Jedi. Hahahaha, come here, try the power of voodoo!" said a stiff voice.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely powerful psychic energy hit him directly! If an ordinary person was hit directly by this, the result would undoubtedly be instant brain death!

Shaak-Ti also used the Force to block this psychic impact, but the huge force still caused the wound she had just bandaged to burst open and bleed profusely.

She gritted her teeth, "You are the invisible killer who appeared on Coruscant before, using the Force in a completely unfamiliar way!"

"I prefer to call it psychic power!" Gabriel Tosh laughed ferociously, raised his gun and fired a burst of bang bang bang!

During the fierce battle between Master Shaak Ti and Gabriel Tosh, the robot army finally broke through the last line of defense in the clone factory area on the planet Kamino, and a large number of robots rushed into the factory and started killing.

In previous battles on the outer defense line, the adult clone soldiers suffered heavy casualties, but when the robots rushed into the factory, the underage clones were mercilessly killed!

The physical age of these clones is between 5 and 18 years old. They are still in the stage of accelerated development and are directly instilling knowledge through instruments. They know nothing about the outside world and are powerless to fight back against the robot army.

They were killed in large numbers.

For a time, the entire Kamino clone factory was filled with blood!

The robot army also directly accessed the mainframe of the clone factory, trying to steal the technical data and DNA data of the clones. As long as these things are obtained and compared with the original DNA of Jango Fett, who is currently cultivating in the Confederate-controlled area, they will immediately

Can reverse the Kaminoan modifications to DNA.

In this way, the advanced cloning technology of the Kaminoans can be further analyzed, and more seriously, targeted gene bombs can even be developed to accurately kill every clone on the battlefield without accidentally injuring others.

In order to defend the host area, the Kaminoans and the Republic defenders also went all out. They even gave up the defense of the capital Tipoca City and tried their best to block the separatists from attacking the factory host.

This chapter has been completed!
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