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Chapter 1,180 What is THOR?

1180,What is THOR?

"Very good!

See what we got?" several rebel fighters said happily.

"Move first, it may not be safe here. If those robots find that the system has been hacked, they will take off drones and find this place very quickly." The black man at the head said.

"Saw Gerrera is right, let's go!" the black woman said with a smile. Compared with the serious black man next to her, her character looked much brighter.

The rebel soldiers present agreed, and then began to pack their things. They moved very skillfully. Within a few minutes, they completely cleaned up the temporary operating base and loaded it onto a hover truck. Soon, a convoy drove out of the warehouse.

Go away from the dust.

Soon, less than ten minutes after they left, hundreds of drones surrounded the warehouse and carefully scanned every inch of the warehouse. Immediately afterwards, an MTT personnel carrier stopped, and General Kalani stepped out of the transport vehicle.

After getting off the military vehicle, he came to the outskirts of the warehouse, looked around, and said calmly: "They can't escape, catch up slowly, don't be anxious. Time is on our side."

"THOR (Norse mythology, God of Thunder)? What is this word?" In a rebel camp, rebel soldiers gathered in front of the terminal and looked at the files decrypted from the previous robot's host.

The black woman from the resistance army kept operating on the computer, and it was strange to see the information they got from the robot's terminal.

"There is no such grammar in Galactic Common," said a rebel soldier.

"Check carefully! Is there no such syntax or an encryption algorithm? Find out!

!" The black man So Guerrera slapped the rebel soldier on the back of the head.

"Okay brother, don't force them like this." The black woman Stella Guerrera quickly blocked her raging brother and said: "Maybe we can think about this issue from another angle. Maybe this is not the universal language of the galaxy?"

Saw Gerrera, a black man, took a deep breath and said: "Now we are oppressed by robots, and we cannot waste a second! These obvious things should not confuse us!"

"Okay, Brother Saw Gerrera, I was a little distracted just now, I will crack this as soon as possible." The rebel who controlled the computer said quickly.

"Okay, maybe it's not that complicated. This is the information we got directly from the other party's host. Maybe it's not that difficult." said Stella Guerrera, a black woman.

The rebel technician controlling the computer softened his expression and said, "I already have an idea. Thank you, Sister Stella."

There was another moment of silence, with only the sounds of operating keyboards and personal terminals. After a moment, the rebel technician suddenly laughed and said: "Haha! Intercepted! This THOR is a word!

I applied the results obtained from more than 13,000 languages ​​​​in the galaxy. This is the word of the Dawn Planet!

It’s a proper noun, and it means…Thunder God!”

"Dawn Planet! This matter is indeed related to separatism!

"In the corner, a figure covered by a coarse robe said.

But in fact, her attire doesn't cover up much. Anyone who is familiar with her can immediately recognize her - Jedi Padawan, Ahsoka Tano!

"So, the Separatists have sent an additional legion of robots to the planet Onderon, and in seven days, something codenamed THOR will arrive on the planet Onderon." Ahsoka Tano said.

"No matter what this is, just blow it up!" said the black rebel soldier Saw Gerrera.

"We have taken too many actions recently. Such high-profile actions may be counterproductive for us." Next to Ahsoka Tano, another man wearing a coarse robe said.

Unlike Ahsoka Tano, this person's face is completely hidden under the cloak. No one can see his true face no matter what. Obviously his Force training is far better than Ahsoka's, and even no one else can.

See his appearance.

"No! The planet Onderon does not belong to robots!

Every civilian on our planet should realize this!" Saw Gerrera snapped.

"We should take it step by step! What does it mean for ordinary residents to let them immediately resist an army of robots?" said the black sister Stella Guerrera.

"It means freedom! It means responsibility!" said her brother So-Gerrera.

A Jedi Knight wearing a coarse robe, Anakin Skywalker shook his head and said: "If you think so, then you can only think that our recent training has not been effective, Brother Saw Gerrera. What we need to resist are robots.

The rule of China is not the life of ordinary residents! You know, maybe they can’t get freedom, but at least they can get life!”

"Freedom is more important than anything else!" So-Gerrera said.

"For ordinary residents, this is not the case." Anakin Skywalker said earnestly, "Our actions must make all residents realize where their future lies, in order to be successful!"

"For me, as long as I kill all the robots! Anything will be fine!" Saw Gerrera snorted.

"In short, we need to figure out what this THOR is! If it can be destroyed, it will definitely boost the morale of the civilians on our planet! This will allow everyone to stand up against the tyranny of the robots!" Black sister Stella Guerrera


"If this THOR is a powerful war weapon, then if we directly operate on this thing, everyone will understand that we will be invincible!" Saw Gerrera punched the table.

"This mentality will not help us win the war, Brother Saw Gerrera." Anakin Skywalker said: "Remember the training I gave you in the past few months. Also remember what I taught you, droids.

The Legion has no other emotions. Their only purpose is to win the goal! For this goal, they will do even the most extreme behavior! Only by thinking from their perspective can we avoid falling into the trap!"

The black brother Saw Gerrera said loudly: "There is nothing to say! The moment this THOR arrives on our planet, no matter what it is, there is only one ending - destruction!"

Seeing his appearance, Anakin Skywalker sighed lightly and said, "Okay, I respect your judgment, Brother Saw Gerrera. Next, we will target this secret cargo.

Maybe there is a bigger secret hidden in this THOR, which can give us more advantages in the war."

"There is only one way - launch more attacks!" Saw Gerrera said coldly.

During the following period, the robot army stationed on the planet Onderon continued to be attacked. As long as a robot patrol was left alone, it would almost certainly be attacked.

The attackers used very advanced EMP grenades, which can instantly paralyze the movement of every robot within a five-meter radius.

Under the continuous attacks of the rebels, the ruling class of the planet Onderon is in a state of distress. There is almost no way to stop the attacks. They can only continuously reduce the frequency of patrols to prevent being raided during patrols.

At the same time, the secret weapon named 'THOR' is about to arrive. The rebels have regarded this secret weapon as their biggest operational target and have made relevant preparations.

As long as this secret weapon arrives, no one on the Onderon planet will have any ground to stand on, and they will be completely surrounded and wiped out by the separatist robots, and then the entire Eastern Central Region will be lost!

At the end of January of 20BBY, ​​a large transport ship flew to the planet Ondelon. Dr. Zhang Jiarui took his prototype Thor mecha aboard the transport ship and began to land in Aziz City, the capital of the planet Ondelon.

This chapter has been completed!
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