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Chapter 1,189 Weapon Test (Part 2)

1189, Weapons Test (Part 2)


Another HMP robot gunship was shot down by Anakin Skywalker. Seeing the might of Anakin Skywalker's fighter jets, the resistance fighters on the ground burst into cheers.

Then, they turned around on their hoverbikes and continued their attack on the combat robots.

More than a dozen Vulture robot fighters flew from the sky, but these were not a threat at all to Anakin Skywalker.

Although the Jedi's ability to predict in an air battle breaks out in the atmosphere, it will be greatly restricted due to the limit of the flight speed of fighter jets. After all, they cannot directly accelerate to more than 3000G like in space, making it impossible for fire control radars to lock on.

Himself, but for a Jedi like Anakin Skywalker, who has powerful Force powers and is very proficient in flying, he can also form a huge advantage over ordinary fighters.

The excellent maneuverability of the Eta-2 fighter was fully utilized by Anakin. The fighter turned rapidly in the air, accelerated and decelerated just right, and flew through an unimaginable curve in the air. At the same time, the laser cannon on the fighter fired rhythmically, almost

He killed one Vulture robot fighter in one burst, then the second, and then the third.

The battle on the ground has also entered a fever pitch. The combat robot troops, supported by several AAT armored assault tanks, launched an attack on the rebels. They have powerful firepower and are numerous in number, but the rebel fighters have an absolute advantage in mobility. On the hovering motorcycle 300

At speeds of more than kilometers per hour, most of the combat robot's shots fell into the air.

At this moment, more than ten rockets were suddenly shot out from the woods!

These rockets pulled out long tail flames and instantly hit one of the AAT armored assault tanks! Boom! Boom!

!The armor of this tank was finally penetrated, a violent explosion occurred inside, and the tank turret was directly blown out!

Saw Gerrera walked out of the woods, holding a rocket launcher that was smoking. Behind him, more rebels jumped off the hover trucks and rushed to the battlefield shouting slogans.


"for freedom!




"No! This is definitely a trap!

"On the outskirts of Aziz City, Stella Guerrera was using a hoverbike to drive quickly in Lux-Bontry. "They have been eyeing Councilor Mina-Bontry for a long time! They got it from her.

The intelligence is very likely intentional! They deliberately released the information to ask us to take advantage of THOR!"

"They captured my mother!

"Lux-Bontry was still saying loudly.

"It's not yet sure what Mina Bontry's situation is, but no matter what, now you can only throw yourself into the trap, and you can't do anything. Let's find the Jedi as soon as possible, he is the only one who can help you now!

Stella said loudly, "And we must tell them what's going on here! This THOR is a trap!"


A rocket landed on the container carrying the Thor mecha. Even though it was made of military materials, the extremely sturdy container was blown into a huge dent.

The violent vibration made Zhang Jiarui, who had been sitting in the Thor cockpit, alert. He quickly turned off the action movie and turned on the communicator to contact General Kalani, but found that the communication was interrupted!

"Asshole! I was attacked! What on earth is going on?" Zhang Jiarui cursed loudly, and he quickly started operating on the console.

The powerful medium-sized cold nuclear fusion reactor of the Thor mecha began to operate, extremely powerful energy began to be transmitted to every part of the mecha, and a dull mechanical roar began to sound.

As each system is activated, the mecha's sensors also begin to work, and the holographic projection in front of the cockpit begins to operate, projecting images from the outside into the interior of the cockpit.

At this moment, a gap had been blown out of the container. Fire continued to shine in from outside the gap, and explosions and gunshots were heard constantly.

"Damn! It's really an attack! We have to fight!" Zhang Jiarui gritted his teeth, still feeling a little nervous.

Despite his muscular build, he fights with Rory Swann all day long, but this is just a hobby. He is essentially a doctor of energy and mechanical engineering, an engineer, not a soldier.

Although he took the initiative to apply for the battlefield this time, he actually had better judgment at that time and did not choose those frontline planets that were really a mess. Instead, he chose the planet Onderon, an important industrial base of Tyron Heavy Industry.


At least here, safety is guaranteed.

However, unexpectedly, he was still attacked!

"When you go out, shoot at every hostile target? I always feel like I was tricked by that robot general!" Zhang Jiarui recalled what General Kalani said to him before leaving, and he came back a little bit.

The roar of the machine became louder and louder, and Zhang Jiarui also turned on the high-power searchlight in front of the mecha. However, the sound and light were obscured by the explosions and thick smoke on the battlefield. No one paid attention to this huge machine that had not moved since the war began.


"Who is attacking? The rebels? Where do they get the strength and courage? Is it the Republic? Well, never mind! Come on!

"Zhang Jiarui shouted and pressed a button.

There was a burst of banging, the small explosives installed at the joints of the containers exploded, and the huge container instantly decomposed!


Stop it!

It's a trap! It's a trap!

"Stila Gerrera drove Lux to the battlefield. She placed Lux ​​in a floating truck, then found Saw Gerrera and said loudly.

"What are you talking about? We are fighting now! If you don't want to fight for freedom, then just watch from the sidelines!" Saw Gerrera said impatiently.

"Those robots surrounded Lux's home! It's possible they arrested Mina Bontri too!" Stella said.

"So what?" Saw Gerrera's face was expressionless, he didn't care about what happened to Lux.

"This shows that the information obtained from Mina Bontry was probably leaked to us on purpose!" Stella said loudly, "It's not too late to retreat now!


"Retreat?" Saw Gerrera's face turned cold, and he turned to look at Stella, "I find that you have changed, Stella! You have become cowardly and incompetent! Can't you see what's going on here? We

We are fighting! We are fighting with our lives! And we are also heading towards victory!

But, listen to what you are saying now! You want us to retreat? When we have lost so many brothers and are almost successful, you want us to retreat?!"

"I'm reminding you! Where is General Skywalker? He must know this!" Stella said loudly.

"It's not necessary Stella! You are no longer a member of our resistance army! Go home and stay safe! You are not worthy of fighting for freedom!" Saw Gerrera pushed Stella


At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The communication suddenly heard the exclamations of many resistance fighters, "It's open! The container is open!"


"It's THOR!


"Oh my God! What is this! No!"

Saw Gerrera was shocked, and he immediately looked towards the center of the battlefield.

Although the battlefield was very vast, he could still see it without a telescope...

He saw something that he would never forget!

The light of several searchlights illuminated the surroundings, piercing the night sky like sharp swords.

And in the middle, an extremely huge mecha was standing up from the decomposed container, stretching its body!

A mecha?

No! Is this a mecha? It’s clearly a monster! A machine monster!

He is more than 20 meters tall, has a huge body, and is close to 20 meters wide and thick. He looks extremely bloated. However, the powerful cannons installed on this huge body will make people forget about it in an instant.

Its bloatedness has deeply imprinted its terrifying firepower into my mind!

"This... this is... THOR?" So-Gerrera was dumbfounded and muttered to himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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