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Chapter 1,292 Count Dookus Fear

1292, Count Dooku’s fear

The Eastern Territory of the Milky Way, the Outer Rim Sector, the Laxus Subplanet, and the Congress Building of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

"...Ah, this is natural. Your Excellency, Governor Tang Xiao. I will naturally give my full support to the war in the Rendili System... Yes, I even asked General Severance Tann to come over to reinforce you.

You must know that without her restraint, the Republic's counterattack in the Eastern Star Region would be difficult to stop..." Count Dooku's majestic and rich voice came from the conference room.

Projected in the holographic projection in front of him was Tang Xiao's image.

After discussing with Tang Xiao for a while about the Interstellar Banking Association and Lundili Interstellar Power Company, Count Dooku closed the communication with a smile.

But then, his expression became solemn.

There is no doubt that the power of Tang Xiao and Dawn Planet is becoming more and more powerful, and even the Federation of Independent Systems itself can no longer ignore the political, military and industrial group headed by Tang Xiao.

The current actual control area of ​​Dawn Planet includes the entire Model Sector, all areas under the jurisdiction of the 19th Army of the Republic, and most of the areas under the jurisdiction of the 18th Army of the Republic. This includes core planets such as Haven Planet and Eriadu Planet.

After the split of the Interstellar Banking Association, the relationship between Thorn Hill and Tang Xiao became even closer. Coupled with the fourth group that was originally an alliance, Dawn Planet has the two strongest allies. And now, the Trade Alliance and

The Dawn Planet is very close. Now the Trade Federation is secretly developing and building the Endless-class super aircraft carrier. It is said that the Dawn Planet has help behind it.

In addition, the Enterprise Alliance also has some quarrels with Dawn Planet, or the chairman of the Enterprise Alliance, Parcel Argent, is a little afraid of Tang Xiao, so in most cases, the Enterprise Alliance at least will not go against Tang Xiao.


Then coupled with the Jivins, Semires and Salusts, three races with developed industries, they also have a good relationship with the Dawn Planet. They are almost an offensive and defensive alliance. The Salusts' solution

Srob Company also naturally became an ally of the Dawn Planet together with the Planet Sullest.

There are more races, the planets are attached to the Dawn planet, the Salarians, the Grans, the Daghers, the Yinxi-Tibu people, the Kali people, the Injoli people, the Jabim planet, the Ke

The planet Restofsis...these combined are also a very powerful force.

Politically, Claire Underwood of Dawn Planet is now the Minister of Administration of the Federation of Independent Systems, and Ainle Tim, the whip of the New Ring Faction, is also an ally of Tang Xiao.

Moreover, Tang Xiao also has great influence on gangs and underground forces. Not to mention the White Worm and Bloody Dawn in the Corellia Galaxy, he has a close relationship with him, several gangs in the Hutt Space, Ni Yongxiao's

The gangs and giant security forces are also very powerful.

The power formed by the combination of these networks of relationships and forces is truly terrifying!

If you add the Sith Lord Death Angel, Sith apprentice Darth Lilim, and an unknown number of masters, then this force with the Dawn Planet as its core is fully capable of dominating the galaxy.


And now this is also the case.

Although the Dawn Planet and its jurisdictions nominally belong to the Confederation of Independent Systems, you must know that the last two words of the Confederation of Independent Systems - 'Confederation'! This means that all political entities that join are quite independent!

Now, even if Count Dooku wants Tang Xiao to do something, he must do so in a discussion-based manner instead of directly issuing orders.

Under such circumstances, if Lundili Interstellar Power Company becomes part of the political group on Dawn Planet again, then as long as Tang Xiao is willing, the Milky Way may immediately become a tripartite situation!

His strength had expanded to such an extent that Count Dooku had no choice but to take precautions.

Of course, Count Dooku is still confident that he can suppress the Dawn Planet. After all, the sphere of influence of the Dawn Planet still tends to be in a corner and lacks the power to influence the core part of the galaxy. Moreover, the sphere of influence of the Dawn Planet is still too small, regardless of whether it is controlled.

In terms of the number of planets, population, and even the total amount of industry, there is also a gap with the Confederation of Independent Systems that currently controls most of the outer ring star regions and at least half of the middle ring star regions.

At least now that the planet Rendili has surrendered, the 600 billion people of the Dawn planet cannot afford it. In fact, the communication just now was that Tang Xiao wanted to get the support of the Federation of Independent Systems.

After Lance Tann opened the hyperspace channel, he used the exit from the Confederacy to ensure the huge material consumption of Rendili planet.

With a population of 600 billion, the amount of food consumed every day is astronomical!

Moreover, if the Lundili Interstellar Power Company's shipyard wants to operate at full capacity, it must import minerals and raw materials from the Confederation of Independent Systems.

These things were the ropes Count Dooku put around Tang Xiao's neck - at least that's what he thought.

I need more power! Count Dooku frowned and thought to himself. The Dawn Planet can be solved in other aspects, but the greatest threat now is the Death Angel!

The deceased angel is Tang Xiao, and Count Dooku has already confirmed it to eight or nine points. And this is definitely not good news for him.

He had dealt with the Nemesis several times, and he understood that the Nemesis was no less terrifying than Darth Sidious!

Once such a powerful Sith Lord controls such a powerful force, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Darth Sidious...

Count Dooku closed his eyes, it was over.

If the Archangel's greatest contribution to him is what it is, it is that it allowed him to understand Darth Sidious's plan, allowing him to break away from his previous idealism and understand the truth behind Darth Sidious.

There is no place for himself in Si's plan.

Therefore, the relationship between myself and Darth Sidious is over.

In recent months, Darth Sidious has not contacted him. He must have understood this. Count Dooku himself also understood that Darth Sidious would abandon him without hesitation.

, because he controls the entire Galactic Republic and has the support of Kuat Power Dockyard, he has no fear of any opponent.

As long as the war power of the Republic is developed, the Confederacy of Independent Systems will not be an opponent at all.

The power on his side... Count Dooku is planning...

Thora Balk, although his strength and swordsmanship are at the top level, he is also old. Asajj Ventress, although her talent is astonishing and powerful, but as she continues to grow, she also becomes a little uncomfortable.


Others, such as Quinlan Voss, Nikkos Thales, and Sator, although each is powerful in its own way, there is still a big gap between them and the top Force-sensitive people.

So, more power is needed now!

Count Dooku thought a lot, and then connected to Thora Balk's communication.

"Master Thora Balk, my friend." Count Dooku looked at the old Weequay Dark Jedi in the projection and nodded.

"Master Dooku." Thora Balk also nodded in greeting. He and Count Dooku's long-term relationship began when they were in the Jedi Order, so although they have both fallen to the dark side now, they still call each other master.

This chapter has been completed!
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