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Chapter 1,301 Mysterious Information

1301, mysterious information

"Endless-class super aircraft carrier??" Fleet Commander Admiral Tan Lei's face changed drastically, "How do you know this?! Who are you!?"

Everyone here is a person in a high position, so they naturally know this information that is classified as confidential in the Galactic Republic military - the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier.

The Infinity-class supercarrier is one of the many worries of the Galactic Republic. Nearly a year ago, Rush Clovis, the current executive officer of the Interstellar Banking Association (S), was still serving the Separatists.

, a super battleship project operated together with the Trade Federation.

Then after the Galactic Republic heard the news, it appointed Senator Padmé Amidala, who had had a relationship with Rush Clovis, to approach him. Finally, with the help of Anakin Skywalker,

They finally got the plan for this super aircraft carrier.

However, the production line of the Endless-class super aircraft carrier is built on the planet Semires, and this planet is located in the hinterland of the eastern border of the Milky Way. If you want to reach the planet Semires, you must drive straight into the separatist-controlled area.

Just hit it to the core.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the separatists did not change the production line of the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier even if the intelligence was leaked.

Therefore, there was no chance of sending a fleet to attack, so the Republic Intelligence Department sent a large number of agents to sabotage the production line, and even failed to find some information. However, the security of the planet Semels was watertight, and the Republic Intelligence Department had no chance at all.

The main reason is still because of the Samirs. There are almost no other races on the planet Samirs. 99% of the population are Samirs. And the Samirs who evolved from gastropods are really

It is so distinctive that it makes all other races that enter the planet Semels very conspicuous.

There is no other way, the Republic Intelligence Department can only slowly dig out and train Semires spies, but this requires a lot of time and energy.

Therefore, the Galactic Republic has not been able to do anything about the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier that is being intensively built on the planet Semels.

However, this mysterious man in front of him revealed this top-secret information and even claimed that he had a way to sabotage the aircraft carrier's production line?

This mysterious man still did not look directly at Admiral Tanqueray. It seemed to him that among the people present, the only one who was qualified to talk to him was Jedi Master Paul Voyinsh-Radour.

Master Ladul pondered for a while and then asked: "So, how can we determine the validity of your information?"

The mysterious man said straightforwardly: "There is no need to be suspicious, this is an opportunity before your Galactic Republic. I will provide you with a seasonal hyperspace channel, and will also give you a copy of the information about the planet Semels.

Information on troop deployment, but I must also remind you that this information on troop deployment is incomplete and can only be used as a reference."

"Seasonal hyperspace channels? Such temporary hyperspace channels are often accompanied by very great dangers. If you are not careful, the entire fleet will be buried in them." General Ladure said solemnly.

"This hyperspace channel is located in the Ultaar galaxy. Every 1022 standard days, a gravitational wave from a mysterious location in the Milky Way will propagate here, and this gravitational wave will directly act on it.

onto the stars, causing a certain degree of space warping. Therefore, during a period of 11 standard days, the projection of the stars of the Ulta galaxy in hyperspace is actually curved." The mysterious man directly said

The secret was revealed.

He glanced at the meditating Master Ladur and continued: "So, during this period of time, although it is detected by the hyperspace detector, this channel will pass directly through the mass projection of the Ulta star.

It is an untenable route. If all spacecrafts hit the mass projection in hyperspace, they will be wiped out in an instant... But in fact, due to the space warping caused by gravitational waves, the actual scope of influence of this mass projection is actually different from the instrument detection.

It’s different… that is to say, within these 11 days, this is a navigable waterway—from the Ulta Galaxy to the Semels Galaxy.”

Finally, the mysterious man said: "Then, I can give you the information about the defense of the planet Semels now. You can test it yourself, calculate it, or go directly to confirm whether this hyperspace channel is real.

.Anyway, in 5 days, this channel will be open to traffic."

"You can actually get such information?" Master Raduer frowned and asked, "Who are you? What do you want?"

"I don't want to say the same thing a second time, but a Jedi Master's inquiry can still make me make an exception." The mysterious man said, "It doesn't matter who I am. And what I want is the endless level.

The blueprint of the super aircraft carrier. I will not deny at all that it is absolutely impossible for me to obtain this thing on my own, so I can only go through you."

"Aren't you afraid that we won't hand over the blueprint to you in the end?" Admiral Tankre asked coldly.

"Don't worry, if you really plan to do this, then I will find many ways to make you regret breaking the appointment." The mysterious man replied without caring at all.

The scene fell into silence.

"I have to remind you that now is an excellent opportunity. The separatist General Severance Tann happens to be away from the east, but with her strength, it won't take long to settle things in the Rendili System.

.Once she and her flagship, the battleship Destruction, return to the East, you will once again be exhausted under her strategic command, and the counterattack plan will continue to be postponed." The mysterious man added, "There is only one chance."

His holographic projection gradually dimmed, but his voice still came clearly, "After the period of this temporary channel is over, I will contact you again and ask for the blueprint of the endless-class super aircraft carrier...or...collect the corpses for you.


Communication was completely interrupted, leaving only the senior commanders at the scene looking at each other.

"Master Raduul...is this credible?" Admiral Tanqueray asked.

Master Laduer thought for a while and said: "We still have some informants on the planet Semels. Let's try our best to activate it to verify the authenticity of the intelligence. Then on this channel... I will personally drive the detection spacecraft to Ulta.

To conduct detection near the galaxy."

The Intelligence Department official present said: "But I must remind you, Master Ladul. Our informants on the planet Semels are very few and very precious. If this intelligence on troop deployment is to lure our intelligence personnel into taking the bait,

, if you let them leave their disguised identities and go to the location designated by the intelligence to investigate... this is equivalent to drawing a very narrow cage for them, and the possibility of them being exposed is more than 90%."

Master Ladul stroked his beard and said: "At least this, I did not foresee serious danger in the perception of the Force. And it is related to the endless super aircraft carrier, we must try something. So..."

His eyes became sharp, "Just do it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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