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Chapter 1,336 Particle Light Spear (Part 1)

1336, Particle Light Spear (Part 1)

At the edge of the Semels galaxy, the Light Spear disaster-class battlecruiser, the Light Spear.

"The fifth shooting is completed! The temperature of the energy transmission system has reached 92% of the design limit! Do you want to continue shooting? Mr. Chief Engineer." A soldier trotted over and saluted and said.

"No need, that battleship must have been destroyed. No need to continue shooting. Immediately self-check and report to me the operation of the entire light lance system." Standing in the center of the bridge was a tall and thin Salarian.

Astonishingly, it is the chief engineer of the Fourth Civilization’s Scientific Research Department, Arroyo Barlow!

For the first actual combat test of the light spear system, as the chief engineer, he actually came to the scene in person. Because Tang Xiao ran away to the planet Karl, Chief of Staff Qi Jian and others were unable to restrain this stubborn Salarian. Later,

They went to find Modin Thoros, the current elder of the Salarian people, but Modin didn't care about the matter at all. He just said to let him go, and then continued to work on his own affairs.

Modin, who has become an elder, is naturally very busy. He is responsible for the survival of the entire Salarian race. Since the reproductive restrictions of the Salarians have been relaxed, the number of egg-laying Salarians has begun to skyrocket. Now the total number has

It is close to 100 million, and the age structure of the population is approaching a younger age. What Elder Modin needs to do is to maintain the stability of the Salarian social structure as much as possible, and decide when to restart restrictions on reproduction and to what extent.


Salarian people are very persistent in scientific research projects, so for Chief Engineer Arroyo Barlow to personally come to the front line to test the light spear system, to Elder Modin, it is actually quite normal.


"The energy system self-test is completed! Everything is normal!" A technician turned his head from the operating desk and said.

"The energy transmission rate of the seventh node, the ninth node, and the sixteenth node has decreased. Immediately send people to the site to check the feedback data." Arroyo Balor ignored him, pointed directly at him, turned to the person next to him and said, "This

The person was immediately demoted to a janitor cleaning toilets.”

"Yes!" The crew and engineers who received the order immediately got busy.

The engineer who only knew how to look at the system data but didn't know how to detect it based on the on-site conditions left his seat dejectedly and walked towards the toilet.

Several engineers quickly took a compact engineering hover vehicle and began to check along the energy transmission lines of the entire light system. As expected, problems were found at the seventh, ninth and sixteenth nodes, and at the same time, the existence of the control system was exposed.


"The Kyber crystal emission source is intact!"

"The cooling system is operating correctly!"

"The maximum output power of the energy core is reduced by 1.4%!"

"The temperature of node 4 is abnormal!"

All the data was summarized to Arroyo Barlow, who immediately organized and calculated it with his scientific research team.

The Catastrophe-class battlecruiser is 1,550 meters long. The overall hull is long and narrow, like a long knife. There is a reason why this battleship was selected by Arroyo Barlow as the prototype ship carrying the light lance system.

The Catastrophic class is the main battleship of the Amarr Empire in the technology tree of "EVE". According to the battleship classification rules of the Fourth Civilization, it is a battlecruiser. This kind of battleship originally used the gallery gun mode, with eight guns on the left and right sides of the battleship.

A laser cannon with extremely powerful firepower, but there is no firepower at all on the front of the battleship.

Coupled with the long and narrow structure of the battleship, it can be used as a prototype for the light lance system.

According to Arroyo Barlow's research and development, the fourth civilization's first-generation particle lance system is 1,100 meters long. In addition, it must be combined with the energy core at the tail of the battleship. Currently, the fourth civilization does not have any

It can be applied to battleships, including the Behemoth-class battlecruiser. The length of the entire system of the Behemoth-class Yamato cannon is only about 700 meters. Therefore, the Behemoth-class is generally a more traditional battleship, with marines, fighter squadrons, etc.

In that huge database, there are other warships that can carry the first-generation particle lance system, but they all require a long period of research and development. However, the Salarians have been conducting research on the Amarr Empire warship technology in "EVE"

research, so it was not too troublesome for them to develop the disaster-class battleship - of course, after joining the Fourth Civilization Navy, this design that was originally a battleship was naturally downgraded to a battlecruiser.

In Arroyo-Barlow's design, the emission source of the first-generation particle lance system was a large Kyber crystal array. Because the lance system originated from the technology tree of "Stars", however, when it was actually used,

It was discovered that the level of technology required to achieve ultra-long-distance energy focusing like a light spear is very advanced, and is basically at least 100 years beyond the current level of technology in the galaxy, whether it is the Fourth Civilization or the Galactic Republic.

But more than two years ago, General Severance Tann, who had just shown his talents, drove all the way to the energy planet Sarabin in the core area of ​​the Galactic Republic. In the process, she seized the secret weapon being developed by the Galactic Republic - the Extractor.


The Extractor is a weapon that uses Kyber crystal as a launch source, but it is just a large 30-meter-long land combat unit. After obtaining the Extractor prototype, both the Confederation of Independent Systems and the Fourth Civilization carried out research on this project.

Extensive research led to the Fourth Civilization's Army Lieutenant General Cheng Shitao being seriously injured in the Republic's attempt to recapture the Extractors.

Later, during the research process, scientists from the Fourth Civilization believed that the extractor model was not very suitable for the army. On the contrary, if this system was enlarged, it could become a quite powerful naval weapon.

Therefore, the very forward-thinking Salarian chief engineer Arroyo Barlow immediately made the decision to launch the particle spear project after checking the extractor's information. The key to the entire plan was to use Kyber crystal to replace the emission source.

The technology required for the entire technology has been reduced to the level that the fourth civilization can complete!

Kyber crystal is one of the most extraordinary resources in the "Star Wars" universe. Whether it is the lightsaber of the Jedi Knights, the future Death Star, or the launch source of Starkiller Base, they are all made of Kyber crystal.

Why the Kyber Crystal can stimulate such a huge amount of energy, and where does this energy come from, including scientists from the "Star Wars" universe and researchers from the Jedi Order, have not been able to get an accurate answer.

The only thing they can know is that the connection between Kyber Crystal and the Force is the strongest among all substances.

In other words, everyone knows how to use Kyber Crystal, but no one knows why it can be used in this way. Generally speaking, Kyber Crystal has two functions, the first is to focus energy, and the second is to amplify energy.

As for why energy can be amplified, this is completely throwing the law of conservation of energy to the ground. No one knows how it is achieved.

Then, if the Force is injected into the Kyber Crystal, various unpredictable and wonderful phenomena will occur, which is closer to metaphysics.

In short, after conquering and occupying the crystal planet Christophsis, the Fourth Civilization also had a very large and stable crystal supply chain, and the source of the Kyber Crystals was also solved.

Therefore, Arroyo Barlow was able to complete this advanced weapon research - the particle light spear!

This chapter has been completed!
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