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Chapter 1,379 Fierce Battle with Onderon (1)

1379, Fierce battle with Onderon (1)

Dexon is one of the four satellites surrounding the planet Onderon, and it is also the largest satellite.

It is said to be a satellite, but in fact the diameter of the Dirksen satellite is more than 7,000 kilometers long, and it is like a pair of brother planets with the Onderon planet. The distance between the two planets is also very close, so that every year in the Milky Way standard time

From April to May, the atmospheres between the two planets will also be attracted by each other's gravity, thus forming an interconnected cloud belt between the two planets.

It is also for this reason that the ecological environment and landforms of the Dirksen satellite and the Onderon planet are very similar, and both are covered by large tracts of primitive jungle.

Many scientists have also judged that Onderon may have been a giant planet with a diameter of more than 24,000 kilometers billions of years ago, but it suffered a devastating comet impact and split into one planet and four

The structure of the satellite.

And even so, the Onderon planet with a diameter of 15,000 kilometers is one of the largest habitable planets in the entire galaxy. It is precisely because of this that the sparsely populated Onderon planet has not colonized the Dexon satellite because there is no way to colonize it.

No need, they have no worries about living space.

In the war against the Galactic Republic initiated by Mandalorian Ultimate 3963 years ago, the Dexon satellite was used as one of the forward bases of the Mandalorian Crusaders, and was successfully preserved during the war, and then was


These once huge bases of the Mandalorians have been submerged by the jungle after a long time. However, when the Interstellar Banking Association and Tyranid Heavy Industries selected this place as the industrial base for the Behemoth-class battlecruiser, it could accommodate

A huge base of millions of troops was once again excavated from the primitive jungle.

Although the base has been buried in the jungle, it has not actually suffered much damage. The hardened ground and a large number of buildings have become the best foundation for building a factory.

The research center and huge production line of the Behemoth-class battlecruiser can be built in a short time, and the existence of this base is indispensable.

Now, after several years of operation and production, this base has long returned to its former busyness, showing the gray of steel and the red of flames everywhere.

Whoosh~~~~A formation of V-19 light fighter jets flew straight over and invaded the thick atmosphere of the Dirksen satellite.

These fighter jets are extremely fast, leaving long trails in the humid atmosphere. Below these fighter jets, there is a steel city!

This city covers a huge area, with a radius of more than 500 kilometers, and you can even see more than a dozen Behemoth-class battlecruisers that have just been assembled on the ground.

The air defense radar on the ground has locked onto the incoming fighter jet, and the missile launcher usually hidden underground stretches out and adjusts its direction according to the flight time of the fighter jet.

Countless close-defense turrets are also ready. Point-defense lasers, six-barreled electromagnetic cannons, large-caliber cannons that fire delayed high-explosive bombs, and various medium-range and long-range air defense missiles form a three-dimensional air defense firepower.


There are countless B-1 battle robots and B-2 super battle robots standing all over the city, raising their blaster rifles and pointing at the sky.

In a hangar, the hatch at the top of the hangar was opened, and hundreds of Vulture robot fighters took off one after another, flying towards the invading Republic fighters.

Just an hour ago, the armed space station on the outer edge of the planet Onderon had been destroyed by a Galactic Republic fighter group, and the spaceport had also been severely damaged. If the Republic hadn't seemed to want to keep the spaceport useful, it might have been destroyed as well.

Got it!

Without the protection of the armed space station, the Republic's fighter formations will be able to enter the Dexon satellite unbridled without fear of being intercepted by the space station.

These Republic fighter jets flew in a circle at a very high speed in the sky of the Dexon satellite, and then swooped down directly at a factory with three semi-finished Behemoth-class battlecruisers!

At this moment, countless anti-aircraft firepower on the ground opened fire instantly! Countless lasers and artillery fire instantly filled every space in the sky!

Point defense lasers are constantly shining on incoming fighter jets, electromagnetic cannons are pouring out barrages at hundreds of rounds per second, and high-explosive shells with delayed fuses are constantly exploding in the sky. All incoming targets have nowhere to escape.


Boom! Boom! Boom! One after another fighter jets were blown into fireballs in the air and fell. One of the fighter jets launched a proton torpedo before falling, but this torpedo was still intercepted by the intensive anti-aircraft firepower.

It exploded directly in mid-air.

At the same time, in this steel city, inside a pyramid-shaped building.

General Kalani stood in front of the window, clasping his hands behind his back and looking at the sky quietly. His three electronic eyes kept adjusting the focus, completely taking in the sight of this massacre that could not even be called a battle.

"Fighters are unmanned." General Kalani said in a straight tone.

"Does the Galactic Republic think they have too many fighter jets?" A senior officer wearing the uniform of the Fourth Civilization standing nearby asked with a frown.

His name is Liu Zhichao, with the rank of colonel. He is the military commander stationed by Tyron Heavy Industry on the Dexon satellite. After General Kalani arrived on the planet Onderon, he served as the opponent's adjutant and at the same time acted as a check and balance on the power in the hands of General Kalani.

General Kalani did not answer this question directly, but said: "Of course I hope that the Republic can directly attack Dirksen. How are those Behemoth-class battlecruisers?"

"Those models made of trees and iron sheets are basically ready. About one-third of them use real behemoth-level shells, and signal generators are also placed inside, which can interfere with them to a certain extent.

Their judgment made them think that we are still here to continue producing the Behemoth class." Liu Zhichao said.

"Very good." After General Kalani said this, he stopped talking and just stood motionless in front of the window.

Liu Zhishan knew that no matter how intelligent General Kalani was, he was still a robot and could stand here for a week, so he went to do his work.

"How long do you think the planet Onderon can last?" General Kalani suddenly asked with his back turned.

Liu Zhichao frowned and said: "On the one hand, the people on the planet Ondelon enjoy the jobs and benefits we bring, but on the other hand, they are afraid of the strong military strength of the Galactic Republic, and their will to resist will not be too strong. I predict

In a week at most, the planet Onderon will fall."

"No. It only takes one day for the Republic to capture the planet Onderon." General Kalani said.

"Why did you say that suddenly?" Liu Zhichao asked.

"Look, the Republic battleship is in action." General Kalani looked at the radar screen on the other side of the command center.

Sure enough, the radar soldier over there said loudly: "An enemy ship has been detected firing!"

"Raise the deflector shield!" an officer shouted.

As the button was pressed, a huge hemispherical building suddenly emitted a strong light in the center of this steel city. Then the light condensed into a beam and spread towards the sky, and then ended up about 10,000 meters above the ground.

It began to spread and soon enveloped the entire city.

City level deflector shield!

Several beams of light fell from the sky in an instant and hit the deflector shield directly. The collision of energy erupted with a dull sound, and the deflector shield flashed for a while, and then blocked it without any damage.

"The Republic battleship is approaching! Main gun charging detected!" the radar soldier continued to report.

"Orbital defense system activated." General Kalani said, "Half. Odd group."

"Activate the single-array orbital defense system!" The command was immediately issued.

In the steel city, huge orbital defense cannons raised their barrels one after another. This kind of orbital defense cannon has a spherical main body, with the lower part buried underground. On the ground are huge barrels and supporting near-miss weapons.

defense system.

These giant cannons are more powerful than the heavy turbolaser cannons equipped on battleships, because they can be directly connected to a huge energy core on the ground, and there is no need to worry about space issues.

As the main gun charged, the turret began to slowly rotate, aiming at the Republic battleship 30 light seconds away, and then suddenly opened fire!


!Even if it is an energy weapon, such a shot produced an extremely strong shock wave! A thick green beam instantly pierced the sky, the atmosphere was penetrated, and a huge hole was instantly punched out in the clouds in the sky, and the aftermath is still lingering.

Continuously dissipating towards the surroundings.

And there are five such giant laser cannons!

The five Jaeger-class battlecruisers of the Galactic Republic engaged in several rounds of firefights with these orbital defense cannons, and then stopped as the Dexon satellite rotated.

But this is just the beginning. The group of Republic fighters that suicidally rushed into the Dirksen satellite seemed to be just the beginning. The Galactic Republic warship took off more than 300 fighter jets again and rushed directly towards the Dirksen satellite!

This time, these Republic fighter formations did not fly directly over the steel city to meet the countless anti-aircraft firepower. Instead, they started from the periphery and continuously launched missiles and proton torpedoes in the direction of the city.

For a time, countless explosions exploded on the deflector shield above the city.

The sky was exploded, and the flames and lasers turned a fiery red!

At the same time, a piercing siren sounded, and the soldier operating the sensor turned around and shouted: "Large-scale hyperspace jump fluctuations detected! Ship signals, more than 200!"

The white light flashed fiercely, and every time it flashed, a spaceship would leave hyperspace, almost as if it appeared out of thin air.

However, what came here was not a battle formation composed of battleships, but except for the 6 Cheer-class assault landing ships, the others were all transport ships.

After all the spaceships arrived here, a few minutes later, a huge battleship broke away from the hyperspace channel alone and appeared directly in the center of the formation!

This is clearly a triangular wedge-shaped battleship, with a towering bridge and densely packed main gun groups.

The newest battleship of the Galactic Republic, the Archon-class Star Destroyer!

This huge 1,600-meter-long warship came to the battlefield as if it were a king, surrounded by other spaceships surrounding it.

Under the bridge of the battleship, the name of the battleship is spray-painted - Tarkin's Will!

On the bridge of one of the Cheer-class assault landing ships, Anakin Skywalker frowned as he looked at the holographic star map in front of him and the Archon-class Star Destroyer marked on the star map.


Next to him, his apprentice Ahsoka Tano stood here, and opposite stood the Dream Sisters. One of them was wearing a red dress, the other was wearing a blue dress, but they were also looking at the holographic star.

Picture and say nothing.

At this moment, the screen next to him flickered, and the sinister face of Wilhuff Tarkin appeared.

"I hope the ground forces are ready, Anakin," Tarkin said calmly.

"You can leave at any time." Anakin also said expressionlessly.

"Very good. As we can see, the Separatists do not have any external defenses on the planet Onderon. Apart from the armed space station, they don't even have a battleship." Tarkin said, "But considering Dirk,

There is a production line for Behemoth-class battlecruisers on the Sen satellite, so we must also consider the possibility that they hide the battleships on the satellite."

"The Separatists will not do this. They should know very well that it would be foolish to confront us head-on on Onderon." Anakin Skywalker said.

"Given the choice between a behemoth production line and stupidity, it's hard for us to know what the separatist commander will choose." Tarkin said, "Their commander is a tactical robot named General Kalani?"

"Yes. According to my analysis, he has as much wisdom as anyone else and is a difficult opponent." Anakin replied.

"If this is the case, then the entire army will attack and start landing on the planet Onderon immediately!" Tarkin directly issued the combat order!

Ahsoka Tano on the side was stunned for a moment, then stood up and asked: "Landing on the planet Onderon? Shouldn't our target be the Behemoth-class battlecruiser production line on the Dexon satellite?"

Tarkin glanced at her and said coldly: "You still need to learn a lot about war. Or, you should simply stay away from war, little girl."

"I'm not a little girl! I'm a Jedi!" Ahsoka Tano also had no good impression of Tarkin, she said viciously.

Anakin said slowly: "Landing on the planet Onderon can make contact with the resistance, and allow the old king Ramses Dundup to come back to power and cut off the support of the Dexon satellite. After that, we can directly announce that Onderon

After the liberation of the Delong planet, the Dexon satellite will truly become an isolated island."

He gently tapped Ahsoka Tano on the shoulder to show support and encouragement.

"I will only give you three days at most, Anakin Skywalker. I hope you can implement my battle plan." Tarkin said.

This chapter has been completed!
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