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Chapter 1,419 The End of Onderon (Part 1)

1419, End of Onderon (Part 1)


A TX-130 Saber hover tank was hit by the Thor's hammer particle beam cannon and was instantly blown into countless pieces!

The robot guards coming from behind also discovered the enemy and immediately opened fire.

The Destroyer robot unfolded its body, opened its deflector shield system, and fired rapidly with the two blaster machine guns on its arms, forming a dense fire net!

The Republic Army troops from the rear also arrived one after another and started a firefight with this robot guard.

However, at this time, the number of troops arriving from the Galactic Republic was not large, and those TX-130 Saber tanks did not pose any threat to the Thor mecha at all.

Before the huge and bulky AT-TE walker arrived, the Thor mecha was almost invincible!

The thick armor, powerful firepower, and flexible waist steering make the Thor Mecha invincible in this narrow environment, and it can kill!


There was another violent explosion, and the last TX-130 Saber tank that rushed in was destroyed.

Dr. Zhang Jiarui did not hesitate at all and immediately started the self-destruction program of the Thor mecha, then quickly opened the hatch, looked below, activated the emergency life-saving device on the hatch, and jumped directly from a height of more than ten meters.

The moment he landed, two IG-100 guard robots came up, helped him up, and quickly ran towards the back.

The other 10 Destroyer robots were left behind, and they lined up, blocking the entire passage.

Zhang Jiarui quickly ran towards the depths of the base. In front, General Kalani was waiting, as did his adjutant Liu Zhichao and other senior commanders.

They have destroyed all the remaining confidential documents in the Steel City on the Dexon satellite, and now the only thing left is to evacuate as soon as possible.

The secretive mass launcher is not very powerful, and the 'projectile' it is equipped with is a rescue capsule with a very complete buffer system and a reverse thrust engine. It can put people in the rescue capsule and launch it to Ender like a cannonball.

Go up to Planet Long.

Now the trial is waiting on the planet Onderon, and the king of the planet, Ramses Dundup, will also secretly assist. Even if they cannot leave the planet immediately, they can at most hide in the vast primitive jungle of the planet for a while and wait for the storm to pass.

It’s not too late to escape later.

After all, this large planet with a diameter of 15,000 kilometers has only 20 million residents and dozens of cities, so there are too many places to hide.

There was a violent explosion behind him, which was the devastating impact caused by the self-destruction of the Thor mecha. If there are any Republic troops around who want to recover it, then there is no doubt that they will only become the burial objects of Thor!

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The ceiling in front of the passage was suddenly penetrated by two concentrated plasma beams. Then the two plasma beams drew a circle and directly burned a large hole in the metal ceiling.

It's a lightsaber!

Two people jumped out of the big hole, one male and one female, one tall and one short. They were Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano!

"Jedi Knight!" Zhang Jiarui gritted his teeth and looked forward, taking two steps back.

Although he is muscular and can be used as a fitness instructor in a gym, he is not naive enough to think that he can compete with the Jedi.

"You! It's you again..." Although Anakin Skywalker has never met Zhang Jiarui, his sense of the force told him that the muscular man in front of him was the one who piloted the Thor mecha and killed him with a white phosphorus bomb a few months ago.

The man with a large number of resistance fighters!

The last time, he had a single thought. Although his heart was full of anger, he still did not kill Zhang Jiarui, who had no will to resist. He has been a kind person since he was a child, and the creed of the Jedi does not allow him to kill indiscriminately.

, so he stopped.

But now! But now!

This man once again sat on the Thor Mecha! This time, he used a mysterious new weapon and shot down hundreds of spacecraft, including a Cheer-class assault landing ship! As a result, countless soldiers died!

All this is because his lightsaber did not penetrate at that time!

Anakin Skywalker's eyes showed a fierce look, and he roared loudly: "It's you again... who caused countless killings! You... should pay the price!"

With that said, he waved his lightsaber and rushed forward!

Two IG-100 guard robots immediately stepped forward to block Zhang Jiarui, turned on the high-voltage electric staff, and waved it flexibly to greet him! These two guard robots were given to General Kalani by General Grievous.

After personal training and programming by General Grievous, it can even compete with ordinary Jedi Knights!

However, Anakin Skywalker is no ordinary Jedi!

More B-2 super battle robots also surrounded them, surrounding Anakin and Ahsoka. Zhang Jiarui did not dare to neglect any of them, and headed in the direction of General Kalani under the cover of the robots.

Run quickly!

"You can't run away! Today, you are destined to pay the price for your killing!

"Anakin Skywalker's roar came from behind.

Zhang Jiarui walked all the way to the refuge passage, where General Kalani was already here.

"A Jedi Knight is coming!" Zhang Jiarui said loudly.

General Kalani raised his hand and waved, and behind him were two more IG-100 guard robots running in the direction of Anakin Skywalker. At the same time, they also turned and headed in the direction of the mass launcher.

However, not long after, General Kalani turned around and said: "I lost the signal of these guard robots, and the Jedi are catching up."

"Asshole! What to do! We will all be killed by the Jedi!" Adjutant Liu Zhichao said.

General Kalani stopped, looked at Zhang Jiarui and said: "Jedi warriors will not kill people casually. This is the last chance."

As he spoke, he opened a window on his head, revealing the extremely sophisticated electronic components inside.

He said to Zhang Jiarui: "One of my tasks is to bring you back safely. So now I will give you my central processing chip and hide it in a place where others can't find it. If the worst happens,

, just surrender, and maybe I can help you then."

After saying that, without giving Zhang Jiarui a chance to respond, he directly pulled out the central processing chip in his head, and then his body became stiff and motionless.

Zhang Jiarui's eyes were extremely complex. He took the chip from General Kalani's hand and put it on his body, then led the others forward quickly.

When they arrived at the mass transmitter hidden inside the base, before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief, they found two figures already waiting in front.

One male and one female, one tall and one short.

Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano!

This chapter has been completed!
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