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Chapter 1,433 The Second Mandalore Coup

1433, The Second Mandalorian Coup

Deep in the northeastern reaches of the Milky Way, the planet Mandalore.

Now the planet Mandalore is forming a delicate and dangerous balance, and this balance may be broken at any time, leading to catastrophic consequences.

Ever since the planet Mandalore suddenly announced a referendum without warning and then joined the Confederation of Independent Systems, this sector was destined to never be peaceful again.

That farcical referendum soon ended with the disappearance of the Grand Duke of Mandalore, Satine Kryze. Afterwards, Almec, the prime minister who proclaimed himself the Grand Duke of Mandalore and ruled the planet Mandalore, did not overthrow Satine Kryze.

Referendum results in Tin Kriz.

Because he was also concerned about Satine Kriz's political reputation and hoped to use this to consolidate his dominance.

But after all, this is impossible. What the Galactic Republic wants is not the truth. What they want is just an excuse to send troops.

Therefore, the Second Galaxy Army of the Republic, under the personal leadership of Master Windu, immediately left the defense zone and headed for the planet Mandalore. It also issued an ultimatum to the planet Mandalore, asking them to dissolve the current government and establish it according to the list given by the Republic.

The new government immediately joined the war and declared war on separatism.

Prime Minister Almek rejected this ultimatum. He knew very well that once he accepted this ultimatum, he would never be able to touch the position of the Grand Duke of Mandalore again.

He kept sending communications to Count Dooku, hoping that the result of this referendum could be exchanged for support from the Confederation of Independent Systems. This was also the reason why he had been unwilling to give up the inexplicable referendum result of Satine Kryze. Because

If Count Dooku is willing to support, it will be a disguised support for his status as the unknown Grand Duke of Mandalore.

With the assurance of being the second most powerful person in the galaxy, his position as Grand Duke will be extremely secure.

But on the other hand, the Galactic Republic is also waiting for this.

Under the leadership of Master Windu, the main fleet of the Republic's Second System Army rushed into the Mandalorian planet after the ultimatum arrived. Although it did not directly occupy it, it also completely blocked the planet.

This is actually done because the Galactic Republic is wary of the Alliance of Neutral Planets led by Mandalore. After all, this is a large alliance of more than 1,500 galaxies. Once the Galactic Republic's armed invasion of Mandalore becomes a fact,

Those 1,500 galaxies will likely react in very extreme ways.

With the blockade of the Galactic Republic fleet, Prime Minister Almek's situation became worse and worse.

Because the planet Mandalore had already become a mess after the disappearance of Grand Duke Satine Kryze, the people's trust in the government almost dropped to the freezing point. Many cities, including the former capital of the planet Mandalore, Korda Bay City,

All administrative divisions have also announced that they will no longer accept the management of the Sundari City Government.

At the same time, Count Dooku didn't give him any response at all. He neither agreed nor refused, just dragging on.

Under such circumstances, the Prime Minister of Almek was almost unable to maintain his rule.

Therefore, after the planet Mandalore was blocked for a week, Prime Minister Almec had to announce that he would abandon the referendum results, but at the same time he also announced that he would continue the previous policy of Archduke Satine Kryze, and the planet Mandalore would still remain neutral.


But the Galactic Republic will not give him this opportunity. The requirements of the Second Galaxy Army have not changed - Prime Minister Almec will step down immediately, and the Galactic Republic will preside over the selection of the new government of Mandalorian planet. Note the words they use.

It's a selection, not an election.

The blockade is still going on.

However, even at this level, it is still difficult for the Galactic Republic to directly implement military occupation of the planet Mandalore, because the 1,500 star systems of the Neutralist Alliance have not yet made a clear stance.

From this point of view, Satine Kryze's policy was actually very effective. At least, the political environment she left behind really made the Galactic Republic extremely worried about direct armed invasion.

But now, this fragile balance has been broken!

On the flagship of the main fleet of the Second System Army, Master Mace Windu received a communication - from the satellite of the planet Mandalore, the governor of Concordia on the Concordia satellite, Transcendent Vizsla's


Extraordinary - Vizsla told Master Windu that he would replace the Republic army, expel the current government of Prime Minister Almec, establish a new pro-Republic government, and be willing to accept the conditions of the Republic - to join the war, and to oppose the Confederacy of Independent Systems

Declare war!

Super Vizsla also told Master Windu that he was a Mandalorian, so if this matter was left to the Mandalorians themselves, it would be much simpler than it would be handled by an external force like the Galactic Republic. But

At the same time, the Galactic Republic must also publicly recognize the legitimacy of the Mandalorian organization he belongs to.

That's right, recognize the legitimacy of the Death Guard!

Master Windu directly agreed to this request. He agreed to this request as the commander of the Second System Army and reported this decision to the headquarters on the planet Nubia.

Soon, the Governor of the Second Army, Fliry Vorru, agreed to the decision and submitted it to the Galactic Senate.

The results came quickly. The Death Watch, an extreme terrorist organization born on the planet Mandalore, was officially recognized by the Galactic Republic!

After being recognized, the Governor of Concordia State, Chaofan Vizsla, immediately stood up and declared his identity as the Death Guard to the public on the planet Mandalorian. He also declared that Prime Minister Almec's regime was illegal and that he would overthrow Almec.

Mek's rule put the planet Mandalore on the right track.

This was just the beginning. Bo-Katan Kryze, the sister of the missing Grand Duke of Mandalore Satine Kryze, also stood up and publicly announced her support for the Death Watch, and also revealed her identity as a Death Watch.

At the same time, the activities of the Death Watch were directly made public on the planet Mandalore!

The Death Guard wearing black Mandalorian Crusader armor swaggered onto the streets, charging towards the city's administrative center, grabbing all the city's administrative agencies with great fanfare, and shooting them on the spot!

The Death Guard's approach is so simple and crude!

Now, Prime Minister Almec has completely lost control of the situation, and the planet Mandalore is completely leaderless! Once upon a time, Satine Kryze could gather the power of a large number of political factions on the entire planet Mandalore to encircle and suppress the God of Death.

We must protect them and drive them underground so that they dare not show up. However, the current Prime Minister of Almek does not have this ability at all.

He could only sit in despair in the palace of Sundari City, watching cities succumb to the power of the Death Guard.

And this coup is called the second Mandalorian coup!

This chapter has been completed!
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