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Chapter 1516: Whistleblowing


"I have figured out that whether I become a Sith or not has no impact on my research on the dark side. After seeing the fight between you and Darth Sidious, I am indeed more inclined to think that you

It’s best for me not to get involved in Sith matters.” Count Dooku said with a smile.

"Then why do you need to ask about the Book of Sith again?" Tang Xiao sneered.

After seeing this old fox, he will definitely have a lot of Jedi Knights defecting to him. In addition to the group of Dark Jedi Knights he has already won over, there are many experienced ones like Thora Balk.

Among the elders, there are also young talents like Asajj Ventress, so even if he directly establishes a sect, it is more than enough.

In this way, there was really no need for him to rely on anyone else. He would have Sidious or the Dead Angel as his teacher and record his name in the Book of Sith.

"Don't you find it strange? If the Book of Sith is just a book and the names are recorded in it, how can it be recognized by the way of the Sith? What role does the Force play in this process?

?" Count Dooku said with a smile, "Don't you think this process is full of mystery? Maybe we can discuss the nature of the force together."

This guy is testing himself.

Tang Xiao understood clearly in his heart. After confirming that he was the Dead Angel and Darth Malsayir, the once mysterious and powerful veil gradually faded away, and Count Dooku also began to have some feelings for this very young Sith Lord.

The searching mind.

He wanted to understand how this young Sith Lord became able to compete with him and people like Darth Sidious who had spent their lives studying the Force.

Count Dooku brought up this topic now, actually because he wanted to test the depth of the Necromancer, so as to adjust his future response methods.

On the one hand, this is because the destruction of the Jedi Order has allowed Count Dooku to obtain a group of dark Jedi warriors in the foreseeable future, making them even more powerful; on the other hand, it is also because as the Dawn Planet Group becomes more powerful, the original

Two people with the same status will probably have no affiliation in the future. In other words, the separation of the Dawn Planet from the Federation of Independent Systems is already a certainty.

In this way, Count Dooku needs to consider them as potential competitors and enemies.

"Where do you think a person's soul will go after death?" Tang Xiao suddenly asked.

"If you don't practice unique Force skills, or if the Force is strong enough to keep the soul alive, then the soul will dissipate after death." Count Dooku answered.

"But not anymore." The smile on Tang Xiao's face began to look a little strange, "From the day I return from the planet Korriban, after a person dies, his soul will belong to me!"

Count Dooku's face turned stern.

"And this is also the answer you want about the Book of Sith." Tang Xiao's expression suddenly became sunny again, making it difficult to understand his inner thoughts.

After saying that, Tang Xiao didn't want to say anything more to Count Dooku, so he turned and left. Count Dooku was left standing there thoughtfully, not moving for a long time.

And when he was flying in the direction of his mansion on the Laxus subplanet in his private shuttle, a somewhat unexpected communication came through.

Tang Xiao frowned, and what was displayed on the communicator was Lot Dude! The representative of the Trade Federation in the Coruscant Galactic Council, in a sense, can also be regarded as the second-in-command of the Trade Federation.

But he usually doesn't have much contact with Lot Dude. For trade alliance matters, he usually goes directly to Governor Newt Gunray.

The communication was connected, and the holographic projection of Lott Dude appeared in front of him. He saluted very respectfully and said: "Mr. Governor Tang, I have a very important news to report."

"Oh? Tell me." Tang Xiao replied dully.

"The 17th Army of the Galactic Republic hopes that our Titan Battleship Xuanwu can evacuate the Ennako System." Lot-Dude nodded and bowed when he spoke, and when talking about the Titan Battleship Xuanwu, he used the same words.

We', he hopes to draw closer to Tang Xiao through these small details of the conversation.

A look of ridicule appeared on Tang Xiao's face, "Haha, interesting. Is it Lynch Hauser or Admiral Kourney who contacted you?"

This time the Titan battleship Xuanwu took the initiative to attack, which was his request to Ling Liang, so Ling Liang's action plan had been submitted to him a long time ago. Tang Xiao naturally knew the predicament facing the main fleet of the 17th Army of the Republic.

"It was the two of them who came together to negotiate with me." Lott-Dude said: "They expressed that they were willing to use 'some appropriate way' to let us get the Vanderhem planet in exchange for allowing us to operate the Xuanwu

Matters regarding the departure of the Titan battleship from the planet Ennako."

Tang Xiao was slightly moved, "They secretly ceded to us the most valuable planet that the 17th Army had finally received from the remaining territory of the 18th Army. It seems that the situation they encountered is really not small."

"Speaker Palpatine, ask them to take the initiative to attack." Lott-Dude said.

"Ha! Take the initiative to attack? Attack the planet Ennaco from the planet Naboo? Are they looking for death?" Tang Xiao laughed dumbly.

"That's why they put forward this condition. They probably want to force the Titan battleship Xuanwu to retreat as a result, and then come to Palpatine to deal with it." Lott-Dude said.

Tang Xiao waved his hand, suddenly changed the subject and asked: "Actually, what I'm more concerned about than those two wimps in the 17th Army is that you didn't hide this matter? Vanderhem has a shipbuilding industry and also resources.

The value of a rich planet is very considerable, right?”

Lot-Dude quickly said: "Your Majesty Governor! What does a mere Vanderhem mean? Compared to your strength and wisdom, such a planet is just a child's play. My loyalty to you will never change."

Tang Xiao smiled coldly. It seemed that under the influence of Newt Gunray, the Trade Alliance was indeed becoming more and more obedient. He used both kindness and power to them through the Freemasonry Alliance, and finally achieved good results.

"Very good, I have received your loyalty." Tang Xiao said calmly.

"I think I can pretend to agree, and then take the opportunity to attract the main fleet of the 17th Army and destroy them all!" Lott-Dude said with a sinister smile.

"With the Xuanwu here, the main fleet of the 17th Army will definitely have no return. But how to make them take the initiative to attack depends on your ability, Lott Dude." Tang Xiao said, "If things can work out, then

It’s just a Vanderhem, so what if I give it to you?”

Lot-Dude was overjoyed and said quickly: "My Lord Governor! Oh no, Lord! Everything will be as you wish!"

This chapter has been completed!
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