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Chapter 1522 The Battle of Ennaco (End)

1522, Battle of Ennaco (End)

General Malcolm Granger begins his own operation!

The Fourth Civilization's guerrilla fleet set off from the Ze-Hess planet and went straight to the Parks planet - the place where the guerrilla fleet had previously annihilated the 17th Army's interception fleet.

There are still a large number of salvage ships and garbage ships here at the scene of the last battle. They are sparing no effort to salvage and scan every broken piece, hoping to find some clues that can tell the Republic Intelligence Department what happened in that battle.

What, and exactly what new technologies did the separatists use.

Major General Granger led the guerrilla fleet and pounced ferociously! Seeing the battleships jumping over, the garbage ships and fishing boats dispersed one after another. But don't forget that there are disaster-class battlecruisers among the guerrilla fleet.


The escort fleet of the Galactic Republic here is not large, with only 3 Jaeger-class battlecruisers and more than a dozen small and medium-sized battleships. It is very simple to deal with such a escort fleet. The Hells Angel-class battlecruisers rush forward, and they even

There isn't enough firepower to cause damage to them.

In fact, if the Jaeger-class battlecruisers could still compete with the Cole-class battlecruisers and Higra-class battlecruisers before, then when the Disaster-class and Hells Angel-class came out, there is no doubt that the Jaeger-class has already

There is a generational difference.

The most intuitive judgment is that the Jaeger-class 8 twin twin XX-9 heavy-duty turbolaser cannons, as well as the layout that is not suitable for salvo fire, show that the firepower of this type of warship is far from sufficient.

.And the huge hangar has become increasingly powerless as the fourth civilization has more and more means to counter fighter jets.

After breaking up the convoy, Major General Granger looked cold and issued an order to attack those civilian salvage ships! In his opinion, although these salvage ships were all civilian ships, they were undoubtedly working for the military.

, then such people cannot be treated as civilians in battle.

Attacking those civilian ships with a particle light spear is like attacking an ordinary civilian car with a 120mm caliber armor-piercing bullet. You can call him perverted, or you can call him wasteful, but there is no doubt that if this shot goes down, then

It just fell apart and no scum was left.

The ultra-long range of the particle light spear gave these civilian salvage ships no chance to escape. Most of them were quickly destroyed, and the remaining ones were finally activated before the disaster-class battlecruisers had time to take care of them one by one.

The space engine escapes.

Then, Malcolm Granger started his own plan.

He first sailed the fleet near the largest piece of debris, then released some small detection ships, and placed bombs on some of the debris, detonating them a moment later.

In fact, these fragments and wreckage are randomly selected and have no meaning. However, in the eyes of the intelligence department of the Galaxy Republic, this is the guerrilla fleet destroying corpses and destroying traces! Blow up some valuable wreckage!

The fleet left behind by the 17th Army on the planet Kira responded immediately. They sent 15 main warships and 60 small and medium-sized warships into the Parkes system, hoping to drive away the guerrilla fleet.

But Major General Granger didn't pay any attention to the Republic fleet coming over. He was just looking at his own time and the data coming from the border hyperspace outpost.

He led the fleet to fight and retreat, and then when the transport fleet circulation in the Kira System was about to reach its next peak, he made a sudden move, started the hyperspace engine and flew towards the Kira System instead!

Although the action of the guerrilla fleet was very sudden, it was not very unexpected. After all, they had a history of raiding the Kira System. The Kira System had very complete defenses, and a defensive fleet immediately went to attack it.

But General Granger took action again. He and the defensive fleet went around in circles, using the thick-skinned Hells Angel-class battlecruisers to repeatedly attack the defense fleet's formation, and then accurately fired with the particle lance equipped on the Cataclysm-class battlecruiser. 5

The Disaster-class firepower is very powerful, and it can often destroy a Jaeger-class battlecruiser with a single salvo.

Then he didn't get too entangled with the defensive fleet. He often just left with one strike and circled around. Then when the hyperspace channel happened to be very busy, he suddenly attacked and dispersed one of the Kira star systems under the gunfire of the defensive fleet.

A transport fleet!

After that, the guerrilla fleet started the hyperspace engine at a very precise time and place, continued to go deep, and flowed all the way to the planet Kalinda!

And when the Kira Galaxy's defense fleet wanted to pursue it, they found a warning from their warship's hyperspace navigation computer, telling them that the hyperspace channel had reached saturation, and hyperspace fluctuations had occurred in the channel, and they needed to wait until the fluctuations subsided.

Only then can navigation continue!

Therefore, the Republic's defense fleet could only watch the guerrilla fleet fly away, while it could only wait here dryly! After all, everyone is working, so there is no need to risk being caught in hyperspace fluctuations by forcefully jumping.

The planet Kalinda is between the planet Naboo and the planet Kira. It does not have much strategic value. It is just a cargo transfer station. Because of this, compared to the end of this galaxy, the one with complete defense facilities

There are no defense facilities on the planet Kira, Naboo, and Kalinda, not even an orbital defense system.

In fact, this is very simple. Even when you play "Three Kingdoms", the second-tier cities behind the fortress cities with heavy troops on the front line must have little defense and focus on logistics. After all, no one is rich enough to attack every planet.

Armed to the teeth, right?

According to Ling Liang's precise calculations, General Malcolm Granger successfully reached the planet Kalinda and blocked the Republic's defense fleet behind him, making it impossible to pursue him in a short time.

What is even more exciting is that at this moment, near the planet Kalinda, there are a large number of transport ships loading and unloading cargo or preparing to transfer to the planet Naboo!

The guerrilla fleet rushed to the planet Kalinda, just like a wolf entering the sheepfold!

Crazy fire, crazy shooting! A large number of transport ships were destroyed! The remaining transport ships could only flee in all directions. However, at this moment, the hyperspace channel returning to the Kira system had begun to produce hyperspace fluctuations, so more transport ships rushed towards the planet Naboo.

.A small number of transport ships ventured back to the Kira system, but they further aggravated hyperspace fluctuations, preventing reinforcements from the Kira planet from arriving in time.

At this time, due to the destruction of the guerrilla fleet, the Ennaco Channel, which was not very smooth in the first place, was even more congested! The Republic had to suspend the navigation of all transport ships in the Ennaco system to prepare for the fluctuations in the hyperspace channel to subside.

After that, the fleet was immediately dispatched to destroy the separatist guerrilla fleet on Kalinda Planet, and then navigation was resumed.

But such a move put the main fleet of the 17th Army, which was fighting fiercely on the planet Ennaco, into a greater dilemma!

As the battle between the fleets of both sides entered the second day, the main fleet of the 17th Army continued to increase its strength. Now more than three-quarters of the battleships have entered the planet Ennaco from the planet Naboo.

Moreover, the third Commander-class dreadnought has now arrived at the Ennako planet battlefield and continues to engage in battle with the Titan battleship Xuanwu.

At the same time, Ling Liang, the governor of the Sethwenna Sector of the Fourth Civilization, also continued to increase troops to the planet Ennaco. Now the number of battleships of the Fourth Civilization outside the planet Ennaco has reached 60!

Moreover, the Martha-class guided missile heavy cruiser and the Doomsday Arena-class battlecruiser also appeared on the battlefield.

And after entering the Fourth Civilization Navy and joining the battlefield, the Doomsday Battlefield-class battlecruiser has become a deeply hated existence among Republic warships!

The Doomsday Battlefield-class battlecruisers constantly neutralize the energy systems of Republic battleships, causing their battleships' energy reserves to bottom out again and again, to the point where they can no longer fire when their shields are turned on, and the shields have to be lowered once they fire!

At this point, what is displayed in front of the main fleet of the 17th Army of the Republic is a complete fourth civilization composite fleet.

The Hells Angel-class battlecruiser is always at the forefront as a human shield, relying on its extremely thick armor and main guns installed on both sides to stalk the enemy.

The Dunov-class battlecruisers continue to replenish energy and shields for their own battleships, while the Doomsday Arena-class battlecruisers continue to absorb and neutralize the energy reserves of the opponent's battleships, disrupting their operational arrangements.

The Cole-class battlecruiser uses super-matter electromagnetic guns to provide mid-range fire support, and can also provide powerful anti-aircraft firepower. The Sova-class aircraft carrier takes off and lands fighter jets for mobile reinforcements. After the configuration is complete, the fourth civilization’s fighter formation has already

It is mainly used for cover and rarely performs ship attack missions.

The Disaster-class battlecruiser is constantly bombarding the Republic fleet with the most powerful particle light spear from the farthest distance!

Of course, the core is the Ankeron-class Titan battleship Xuanwu! The existence of Xuanwu, group shield, and destruction matrix provide an almost invincible field! In this field, the fourth civilization

The fleet is almost invincible!

Coupled with the support of the Blue Sky-class command cruiser, the Xingzi-class maintenance drone mothership, the Javelin-class guided missile frigate, and the addition of the Brown Bear-class heavy destroyer and the Apocalypse-class light cruiser.

With the combination of a variety of warships, the Fourth Civilization Fleet is almost invulnerable!

On the other hand, the warships of the Galactic Republic - the Jaeger class, which can do everything; the Knight class, which focuses on bombardment; the Aquitens class, which can do everything; the Karak class, which is faster and can do everything; CR-79/90

, can do everything; the DP-20 gunboat is mainly for air defense.

So except for the Knight-class, which specializes in artillery, and the DP-20, which specializes in air defense, their other warships are all comprehensive multi-functional warships. The Aquitens-class light cruiser actually also carries marines!

If the current fleet of the Fourth Civilization is 1+1+1+1+1>10, then the fleet of the Galactic Republic is 1+1+1+1+1=5 at best, which is purely an increase in strength brought about by the increase in quantity.


Now in the battle on the planet Ennako, the fleet of the Fourth Civilization relies on its absolutely inferior strength, but it still keeps beating the main fleet of the 17th Army of the Republic.

Currently, the Fourth Civilization Fleet has 60 capital ships and less than 150 small and medium-sized warships. The main fleet of the 17th Army of the Republic already has more than 170 capital ships and more than 300 battleships, including three Commander II-class dreadnoughts.

A small and medium-sized warship.

But under such a comparison of strength, it is the 17th Army that is struggling!

The fleets of both sides were fighting and stopping outside the planet Ennaco, constantly consuming. Lingliang's strategy was naturally to keep stalling for time. At first, Admiral Kourni of the 17th Army's idea was also to stall for time and wait for more of his own.

Warships can gradually come through the narrow hyperspace channel, and then form a greater force advantage.

Therefore, after confirming that he had been deceived by Lot-Dude, Admiral Kourney's combat strategy was also to focus on defense. After he prepared to accumulate enough strength, he would strike hard and destroy the Xuanwu in one fell swoop.

During this period, in addition to stalling for time, he used his numerical advantage to continue to destroy the Trade Alliance spaceport outside the Ennaco system and increase the difficulty of supplying the opponent's fleet. Since you are fighting at home, I can't help it.

If it prevents you from having more supplies, then I will kill your spaceport so that your supplies cannot be easily sent to the battleship. This is enough!

As more and more Republic warships entered the Ennaco system, Admiral Kourney's mood became better and better.

Although he didn't have much hope for the final victory in the battle, now he at least had a chance to attack with all his strength and compete fairly!

But he did not understand that for the confrontation between the two armies, what is fair? This is the most important point to abandon! Ling Liang never thought of having a fair contest with the main fleet of his 17th Army!

When the news came that the guerrilla fleet had actually flown to the planet Kalinda, destroyed a large number of transport ships, and forced the fleet headquarters on the planet Kira to suspend navigation of the Ennaco Channel, Admiral Kourney was stunned.


The Ennaco Channel is a very simple hyperspace channel, with almost only one route and no tributaries. It goes straight. So once such a channel is cut off, it means a complete cutoff of supplies!

This is why the 17th Army did not set up the fleet assembly center on the planet Naboo - even though the planet Naboo has very important political significance, they still chose the planet Kira as their fleet assembly area. Because

The Ennaco Channel, where the planet Naboo is located, is not suitable for the deployment of large-scale fleets.

Now, Admiral Kourney is stuck on the planet Ennako, and the supplies stored on the planet Naboo have already been consumed by seven when his fleet stayed on the planet Naboo and faced off against the Titan battleship Xuanwu.

Damn it! The offensive he launched immediately relied more on the logistical supplies shipped from the planet Kira!

He can only hope that the rear can open a channel as soon as possible and send supplies over.

But Ling Liang obviously wouldn't give him this chance!

Following her order, the Fourth Civilization Fleet, headed by the Xuanwu, finally began to take the initiative to attack!

This chapter has been completed!
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