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Chapter 1,524 Grand Duke Dawn (1)

1524, Grand Duke Dawn (1)


You must conquer or submit; you must win or be humiliated; you must be the hammer or the anvil. - "History of the Fourth Reich", Chapter 24, Section 1.


20BBY, ​​the end of May, Dawn City, the capital of Dawn Planet.

An extremely grand ceremony unfolded here - Planet Dawn, which has become the largest military and political group in the Federation of Independent Systems, has officially taken a step to the next level.

Tang Xiao, the governor of the Dawn Planet, announced his appointment as Grand Duke of Dawn, clearly placing more than 1,700 galaxies within the radius of the Dawn Planet's power under his rule!

Prior to this, the title of Governor of the Dawn Planet was actually the same as the Queen of the Planet Naboo, Queen of the Planet Zygeria, and King of the Planet Toyindalia. It was just a planet-level title. Because when they were mentioned, they would be mentioned in

Their titles are preceded by the word 'Planet'.

Therefore, although the actual sphere of influence of Dawn Planet is very broad, Tang Xiao, as the governor of Dawn Planet, is only nominally on an equal footing with other planets.

In terms of title, it is indeed incompatible with his current status. After all, when there is a meeting on the Laxus sub-planet, the capital of the Federation of Independent Systems, look at the Queen of Zygeria, the Grand Duke of Geonosis, etc.

Yes, do you dare to fart in front of Tang Xiao?

And during the meeting, Tang Xiao was also sitting at the top with Newt Gunray, the Governor of the Trade Federation, San Hill, the co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association, and Parcel Argent, the chairman of the Enterprise Alliance.

But in fact, these super business leaders across the galaxy only dare to sit half-assed in their positions, and they absolutely dare not show any disrespect in front of Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao has already become the second most authoritative person in the Federation of Independent Systems, second only to Count Dooku.

The faction with the Dawn Planet as its core has also become the largest force in the Confederation of Independent Systems, much more powerful than the Trade Alliance, which is known as the largest enterprise in the galaxy.

So now, Tang Xiao took advantage of the Republic Speaker Sheev Palpatine to issue Order 66 and the entire galaxy was in turmoil, announcing his inauguration as Grand Duke of Dawn and officially becoming a separatist force.

According to the plan, Count Dooku will also officially become the chairman of the Confederation of Independent Systems shortly afterwards, which will also formally confirm his rule over the Confederation of Independent Systems.

This is why they chose to make this declaration at this time - the Galactic Republic will never tolerate this happening.

You must know that before, even though the war had broken out and the warring parties had been fighting fiercely for more than two years, the Galactic Republic still defined this war as a civil war. In other words, the Galactic Republic believed that this was just an internal conflict within their republic.

Neither Count Dooku nor Tang Xiao has formally established a claim to rule over their own forces. In other words, although everyone knows that Count Dooku is the leader of the Confederation of Independent Systems, he himself is also known as this leader.

To carry out actions, but he never put this title into practice.

But now, Tang Xiao has announced his appointment as Grand Duke of Dawn. This is a true declaration that he is completely independent from the Galactic Republic!

So the key to the matter is not whether the title is Grand Duke, King, or something else. The real key is that Tang Xiao has completely drawn a clear line with the Galactic Republic through this title.

This is not only a matter of fact, but also a legal and political distinction.

In other words, the contradiction between the two parties has officially transformed from an internal contradiction in the Republic into an external contradiction between countries.

Although the facts are still the same, ideologically, they are completely different.

In other words, both sides will fight to the death on this day!

At the ceremony that officially announced the inauguration of the Grand Duke of Dawn, all the lights on the entire Dawn Planet were turned off, and the entire planet was shrouded in darkness.

Then, the huge industrial star ring stopped rotating and stopped directly above Dawn City!

You must know that normally, the star ring needs to continue to rotate following the rotation of the planet. In simple terms, it moves along the huge gravitational force of the planet, and the rotation of the star ring is generally faster than the rotation of the planet.

Because if not, the star ring would have to expend a huge amount of energy to contend with the planet's gravity, which would outweigh the gains and may even cause damage to the star ring.

But now, Dawn Planet's industrial star ring has stopped spinning!

It is not a stop in the absolute sense, but under the action of the huge anti-gravity device and reverse thrust engine, it forcibly fixes its orbit above Dawn City, and keeps pace with the rotation of the planet!

Just for this seemingly simple action, the amount of energy consumed is a frightening astronomical figure!

Several rays of light shone directly from several different angles on the star ring and fell on Tang Xiao. Only to see him standing directly in the air!

In fact, he was standing on a small anti-gravity platform, but under the clever lighting, it looked as if he was really floating in mid-air.

And the lights shining directly from the star ring make this scene look like God is coming!

In order to achieve this effect, all the clouds over Liming City are continuously cleared!

Tang Xiao, standing in mid-air, said slowly in a low and solemn voice: "...We have gone through hardships and twists and turns, and finally came here, the Dawn Planet, and established our own home. Once we were displaced, once we were

Wandering around, but now, we are down to earth! Now, we are bathing in the sunshine! Now, we have our own home!”

"Countless races and countless planets recognize our ideas and accompany us to this day! We are not alone in this galaxy! We are extremely powerful! And we will become even more powerful! We will use our hands to protect our homeland!

No matter where the enemy comes from! No matter who the enemy is!"

"Dawn Planet is our starting point! The spirit of natural disasters is our soul! And today, all of this will become reality! Dawn Planet will not only be a planet, but a whole! It is a symbol! It is a journey.

Go farther, fly higher, or be broken into pieces in the struggle... I, as the Grand Duke of Dawn, will take the lead and go to the end with everyone!"

The light from the star ring began to change, and Tang Xiao seemed to be standing in the light. At this moment, he was the only light in the sky above the entire Dawn Planet!

Then, Count Dooku stood on another anti-gravity platform and flew over, came to Tang Xiao's side, and said loudly with that rich voice: "It is my honor to witness all this! The Federation of Independent Systems will also be defeated because of Dawn.

With the presence of the Grand Duke, it becomes even more powerful!”

This chapter has been completed!
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