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Chapter 1,534 Grand Duke Dawn (11) [Company Chapter, Army Chapter]

1534, Grand Duke Dawn (11) [Company Chapter, Army Chapter]

Let’s talk first. I really didn’t expect anyone to say that I was in the water recently... To be honest, I didn’t plan to start writing an introduction to the current forces of the fourth civilization so soon. You have to look at the development of the current forces. Okay.

Now that I have written it, you are calling me hydrology, and saying that these introductions can be written in one or two chapters... Please, can these things be written in one or two chapters? That is unless I directly give you a table - Planet Eriadu:

Transportation hub, fortress system. Haven planet: cultural center, population gathering place. Umbrella: biotechnology. Tyran Heavy Industry: "StarCraft" technology. Hiigaran Aerospace: "Homeworld" technology. You will be satisfied if I finish writing this.


Just condense what I have written in the past few days into 4,000 words and then read it again to see if you can read it or not. Then there are introductions to technology, warships, and equipment. Anyway, they are all condensed into these 4,000 words. One entry is the most

Dozens of words, even one more will not work, and then you can see the effect.

My original intention is to summarize these introductory things, introduce them once and make it clear, and I won’t go into details after that. In the future, the plot will write about these companies and planets. If you forget, just come back and read these chapters. After all,

It’s a long story, with a lot of nouns and data. If you write it once every three days, that’s called hydrology. Then you have to summarize it every day, so I wrote it. You think it’s too much. So what should I write? Isn’t it good to continue to push the plot?

?Darth Krayt was originally going to appear, so I postponed writing this summary. As a result, I got scolded again after writing it.

So should I write or not?

Forget it, I will try to simplify it as much as possible, but I still have to explain what needs to be explained, otherwise it will really become a list.

Hiigara Aerospace Group: This is a subsidiary company originally established by the Fourth Civilization. It is mainly responsible for the research and production of warships in "Homeland". At the beginning of the Fourth Civilization, Hiigara Aerospace Group took on most of the tasks.

The construction of warships has contributed greatly to the safety and stability of civilization.

But with the outbreak of the war, the technology of both warring parties has developed as fast as a rocket, and the technology owned by Higra Aerospace Group has begun to fall behind. At present, the company's main orders are no longer received by Dawn, but mainly for customers.

The Samirs and some relatively backward planets within the Confederation of Independent Systems built warships. After all, those cutting-edge warships were not something that backward planets could afford.

Currently, Higra Aerospace Group is the most active company in the black market.

Citadel Standard Light Industry: This company has just been established for about a year, mainly starting from the technological products of "Mass Effect". But being young, Citadel Standard Light Industry has developed extremely rapidly.

This company has provided firearms and combat uniforms for almost all Army units in the Dawn Territory. From the simplest M-5 phalanx pistol to the powerful M-92 Cain grenade gun, large and small weapons have formed a

A complete family of firearms. And these firearms have not withdrawn from the market due to the upgrading of the army. For example, the M-5 phalanx pistol is now the standard equipment of the security police in the Dawn Territory.

And in terms of combat uniforms, from the Liberator II combat uniforms widely used by the regular army to the N-7 combat uniforms used by the Fourth Army, and even various special protective clothing, the market in this area is also very huge.

Halo Weapon Systems Company: This company is somewhat different from other state-owned companies in the Dawn Territory. Halo Weapon Systems Company is a comprehensive company, somewhat similar to the Fourth Group. Because this company is based on the technology of "Halo",

The product line is very broad.

From the M-41 double-barreled rocket launcher, to the now-famous Scorpion tank, to the M-9 Wolverine anti-aircraft vehicle, M-274 Mongoose assault off-road vehicle, Warthog armed off-road vehicle, and then to the D-77 Daigo transport aircraft

, the M-650 Mastodon personnel carrier, and even the Infinity-class super aircraft carrier with a length of nearly 5,000 meters are all products of Halo Weapon Systems.

Moreover, Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group's latest secret project, Project Spartan, was also developed in cooperation with Halo Weapon Systems. As the founder of Project Spartan, Dr. Halsey currently works for this company.

Titan Security: This is a security company, but to put it more bluntly, it is the force used by Dawn Leader to carry out some shady illegal activities, and even participate in gang struggles. Currently it is mainly active in the Hutt space, among the Hutts

In the struggle between several major families, he played the role of a mercenary. In fact, he was also a tool used by Tang Xiao to interfere in the Hutt space.

The leader of this security company, Big Boss, is also a ruthless expert in special operations and guerrilla warfare. With the cooperation of professional pirate Mira Han, he built Titan Security into a fearsome mercenary in the Hutt space.

Salarian Industrial Group: This is a company founded by Salarian people. Just like when the Fourth Civilization first started, it also uses this company to develop, manufacture and deliver its civilization's products. Its main source of technology

It is the Amarr Empire of "EVE".

And because the battleship produced by this company is the next-generation main battleship of the Dawn Navy, its development prospects are also very promising. The main products include the Catastrophe-class battlecruiser, Hell's Angel-class, and Doomsday Arena-class battlecruisers.

, Enforcer-class destroyer, Sentinel-class electronic warfare frigate, Purification-class stealth special service ship, etc.

Damask Holding Group: This company used to be Darth Plagueis' company. It was mainly an investment company. It created countless wealth for Plagueis and occupied a large amount of strategic resources through plunder.

After being inherited by Tang Xiao, the Damask Holding Group's industries were gradually divided. For example, the manufacturing of warships was assigned to the Fourth Group, mining was handed over to the United Mining Group, etc. And in the following time, it also began to

Continue to develop in terms of investment, mainly investing in and supporting some promising sunrise industries in Liming.

However, the essence of this company has not changed. In fact, it still controls some growing potential stocks in the name of investment.

Tang Xiaoke never planned to do anything like market liberalization in the Dawn Territory. His development plan and administrative methods for the Dawn Territory were filled with two words - power, power, and power!

In addition to state-owned companies, Dawn Leader also has very extensive connections with many companies that already exist in the galaxy.

The first is naturally the Trade Federation, the Interstellar Banking Association, and the Lundili Interstellar Power Company. The leaders of these three super enterprises have now become Tang Xiao's loyal slaves for various reasons.

Among them, the connection with Thorn Hill, the co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association, started from Darth Plagueis and continued smoothly. The relationship with Newt Gunray, the governor of the Trade Federation, was through a series of coercion and inducement.

It was poached from Darth Sidious. And Lundili Interstellar Power Company successfully got rid of the Galactic Republic through its marriage with Tang Xiao.

However, these three super corporate giants can be said to be the top five super giants in the entire galaxy. Their tentacles are all over the entire galaxy, and the output value they create cannot even compare to the current Dawn Territory!

Although such private enterprises cannot be directly compared with the power of the state, their huge size can still be seen.

Naturally, it is impossible for Dawn Leader to swallow up an enterprise of this level in one go. They can only exert influence through their senior management, so that they can at least keep pace with Dawn Leader. This is enough.

The Lundili Interstellar Power Company is different. They have been married to Tang Xiao and have basically been treated as their own private property by Tang Xiao. Moreover, the ongoing relocation of Lundili Planet is actually assimilation.

Lundilli's process.

Underneath this, there is Sorosub Company, a super industrial company from the planet Salest, which also began to shift the focus of its activities to the Dawn Territory with the annexation of the planet Salest. Soon,

In the future, it will also be an important part of the Dawn Territory.

In addition, including the enterprise alliance, the retail industry alliance, and some engine manufacturing companies on the Malasta planet, these companies also maintain good relationships with the Dawn Territory and have become their important business partners.

Therefore, with a vast territory, abundant resources, powerful industries, an all-encompassing technological database, a variety of races, and a developed business system, the Dawn Territory is now powerful.

And in the foreseeable future, after digesting these populations and technologies, the Dawn Territory will definitely become more powerful. Even with the power of a corner of the Milky Way, they are enough to compete with the Galactic Republic!

The most direct manifestation after the transformation of these forces is military strength!

The army of the Dawn Territory is divided into two major branches, the Army and the Navy. All the branches operating on the surface of the planet are the Army, including aircraft in the atmosphere, ground forces, armored forces, maritime battleships, submarine forces, etc.

And all the arms fighting in space are the navy. This one is very simple - battleship, battleship, battleship.

At present, the total strength of the Dawn Territory's army is 15 million, and these are all systematically trained soldiers. And as the number of immigrants from the planet Rendili increases, the scale of the Dawn Territory's army will also become larger and larger.

It is expected that in the next five years, the size of the army will expand to as many as 100 million!

The vast majority of those serving in the Dawn Territory Army are humans, accounting for about 80%, and there are also many soldiers of other races.

The race that mainly serves in the army is, first of all, the Semires. As the first race to cooperate with the Fourth Civilization, they have a good relationship with the two sides. And many of the large Semires serve as fire support in the army.

, often one Semels can provide as much firepower as an armored vehicle!

Then there are the Yinwok people. This little bear-like race has entered a period of rapid development under the leadership of the fourth civilization. Originally they were just a primitive society, but now according to sociological experts’ predictions, they will be in the next two to three generations.

Quickly enter the interstellar era.

And because of their flexible bodies and keen senses, the Yinwok people have become the most perfect jungle troops. The Dawn Territory has indeed established a special Yinwok jungle force.

The Salarians, their most famous among the Dawn Leaders are naturally the Salarian Special Forces. This force is now recognized as the most terrifying special forces in the galaxy. It can assassinate, infiltrate, and penetrate, and is almost omnipotent. This force is capable of almost everything.

There are about 1,000 people in total, but each one of them is an ultimate warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles.

Mainly because the metabolism of Salarians is more than twice that of humans. This means that although their lifespan is only about 40 years old, their speed of action and thinking are far faster than humans! Such an army is naturally extremely terrifying.


In addition to the special service troops, the Salarians also have regular troops in the Dawn Territory Army, numbering about 20,000. Of course, there are also many Salarians serving in the General Staff and Intelligence Department, who also play a huge role.


The most common individual equipment of the Dawn Territory Army is the firearms in "Mass Effect" manufactured by Citadel Standard Light Industry. Moreover, the system of firearms is now very complete and can be replaced according to different needs. And the current standard equipment of the Army

, is the N7 Valkyrie assault rifle.

The Army's combat uniforms have not been upgraded, because the upgrading of combat uniforms is a very huge project, and there is no need to replace them on a large scale after only two or three years of war. The standard combat uniforms of the Liming Army are still the Liberators.

Type II combat suit, this type of combat suit has a certain degree of vacuum environment combat capability and good defense. Although the comprehensive protection capability cannot be compared with the polymer alloy armor of the clone soldiers of the Galaxy Republic, it achieves a good balance between performance and cost.

A better balance.

In terms of armored forces, since the Scorpion tank was added to the armaments of the Dawn Territory Army, the Dawn Territory Army has truly become a comprehensive armored force.

The production of the Scorpion tank is very simple, so although it was put into service not long ago, the output has exceeded 10,000 units, and most of the frontline planets are equipped with it.

At present, the army is based on Scorpion tanks as the core, siege tanks as long-range fire support, Vulture tanks, M-9 Wolverine anti-aircraft tanks as rapid assault forces, M-650 Mastodon as armored personnel carriers, and Wolf Warriors.

The Titan Mecha serves as an infantry support unit. At the same time, the Thor Mecha, the ultimate combat unit, has also been included in the production plan.

The Army also has Banshee fighter jets as aerial fire support, and also has Phantom fighter jets specially modified for the Army to enhance ground attack capabilities and intra-atmospheric maneuverability. Now, after the D-77 Pelican transport aircraft is put into active service,

The Army of the Dawn Territory will also have more powerful planet-level delivery capabilities.

It is worth mentioning that after the Kesov-class battlecruiser was converted into an orbital airborne battleship platform, this class of battlecruiser was also added to the Dawn Army. There are currently a total of 10 Kesov-class battlecruisers.

Cruisers serve in the army. If these battlecruisers are dispatched at the same time, they can even airdrop a troop of tens of thousands of people directly from orbit!

It's just that the Dawn Army can't bring out so many orbital airborne troops now, so it mainly needs to airdrop the biological weapon manufactured by Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group - Inchori Avenger 101.

Although the Fourth Army can undertake orbital airborne missions, the current orbital airborne capsule technology is not mature enough and will cause some losses during the airborne process. Therefore, if it is not particularly necessary, the military commanders of the Dawn Territory will not use the third army in this way.

Fourth Army Corps.

This is inevitable, because the Fourth Army, as the most elite force in the Dawn Territory, can play a huge role on any battlefield, not just orbital airborne.

The current total strength of the Fourth Group has expanded to 30,000 men. Compared with the 20,000 men when it was first established, the increase is not much, but the cost of maintaining this force is an extremely huge number.

Because this involves one of the most mysterious projects in the Dawn Territory - the Rebirth Plan.

This chapter has been completed!
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