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Chapter 1,627 The Army of the Dead

1627, Army of the Dead

"It...it..." The radar soldier stared at the screen in shock.

As the fighter jet approaches rapidly, the most advanced anti-stealth radar on the battleship has already reacted. Even this advanced anti-stealth radar can directly shape the fighter body through the optical camouflage.

So the red comet's blood-red, dagger-shaped body has already been mapped onto the screen.

However, what surprised everyone now was that the fighter jet was only flying around its own battleship, with a distance of no more than two kilometers.

And this blood-red fighter is actually slowing down! Even under the intensive anti-aircraft firepower of this Knight-class Star Destroyer, it can still slow down! And it keeps dodging without being hit by any turbo laser beam!

"What on earth is it going to do?! Shoot it down quickly!" the battle group commander roared loudly.

But it was to no avail. The fighter jet simply ignored the anti-aircraft firepower of the Knight-class Star Destroyer and flew around the battleship as if strolling.

The standard firepower configuration of the Knight-class Star Destroyer is 60 XX-9 heavy turbolaser cannons for long-range ship combat, which can also be reduced to increase the rate of fire to attack fighter jets; and 60 NK-7 ion cannons for close-range combat.

Distance paralyzes enemy ship's electronic systems and 40 point defense turrets.

However, such a firepower arrangement can do nothing against a fighter jet!

Moreover, this fighter jet was so close that other surrounding warships did not dare to fire in this direction to support it - because they would basically hit this warship.

You must know that this Knight-class Star Destroyer is the flagship of this battle group!

Just as the Knight-class Star Destroyer was shooting hard, the battleship suddenly shook, and then a large amount of flames suddenly spewed out of an engine at the rear of the battleship!


! There was a loud noise, and the entire battleship was shaking, and the people on the bridge also felt that something was wrong with the battleship!

"What happened?!" the commander asked loudly.

"No... I don't know..." The adjutant was also dumbfounded, "The shield is intact, the armor is intact, nothing happened? But... but..."

"General! The third engine group has lost contact!" the control center operator suddenly shouted loudly, "the data shows that the No. 3 engine exploded!


"Send out the damage control team immediately!" the adjutant said, "Check the surveillance! Look what happened over there!


"Monitor...monitor..." The operator immediately called up the monitor, but he was stunned. "The monitor showed that it was the people from the third engine group who were destroying the engine?"

"What did you say? Is it a mutiny?" The commander was shocked, "Where are the Marines? Let the Marines go with us!"

However, there was no sound from the communication group.

"Communication! Send the order immediately!

!" The adjutant said loudly, somewhat annoyed.

However, the signal soldier who had been sitting there with his back turned suddenly made a whooshing sound, as if a broken bellows was being pulled hard.

Then he slowly turned his head back, the angle of his head getting wider and wider, and finally he almost turned his head 180 degrees!

What appeared in front of everyone was a rotten, ferocious face!

In just a few seconds, a living person turned into a rotting corpse!

With a Gulu sound, an eyeball fell from the rotten eye socket, leaving only a few disgusting nerves still connected to the eyeball.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!

!" Seeing this terrifying scene, the commander of the battle group suddenly screamed, "Guard! Guard! Come quickly!


There was chaos inside the bridge.

Upon hearing the call, several soldiers who were stationed inside the bridge in charge of security immediately came over.

However, when they came behind them, the battle group commander suddenly smelled an extremely disgusting rancid smell! His neck suddenly stiffened, and then he turned back bit by bit...

He only saw four rotting corpses standing behind him. They were still wearing the Marine uniforms of the Galactic Republic, but their bodies had become decayed. They were reaching out to grab this side, and as they moved, pieces of hair grew.

Smelly rotten meat fell from the body and made a snapping sound on the ground.



"The commander of the battle group once again let out a shrill scream, and the fear in his heart had reached the extreme!

However, these carrion corpses did not kill him, but grabbed him and pressed him on the captain's seat.

On the bridge, almost everyone turned into rotting and stinking corpses without warning. However, what is horrifying is that these corpses are still moving!

This is The Walking Dead!


"T...T virus...?" Faced with such a terrifying scene, the commander of the battle group only had such a term in his mind.

At the same time, a stream of heat came out of his crotch, making his pants completely wet.

But he didn't dare to take any action, because around him, the four walking corpses were always standing here, reaching out to grab him with rotten and smelly hands.

The smell of rotting meat tortured his senses all the time, and finally, after losing control, he vomited it out.

In the bridge at this moment, there are still a few people who have not turned into walking zombies. They are all leaders of various departments and groups on the battleship! But these people are all controlled by walking zombies. Their faces are livid and frightened, some are incontinent, some are fainting,

Vomiting is everywhere.

At the same time, a voice suddenly sounded in their minds, "If you want to survive...just control this ship and crash into it..."

The voice was cold and low. Even if it was just such a short sentence, the person who heard it would feel a roar in their brain, making them want to follow the voice involuntarily.

Only then did these people understand why they survived and what they were going to do.

"Push... push the operating lever... the reading is set at... 3..." The spacecraft controller was the first to speak. He tremblingly gave instructions to his former colleague who had turned into a rotting corpse next to him.

When he saw these rotting corpses, he immediately followed his instructions. They seemed to still have some memories of their lives, so simple instructions could be done.

Under the control of these walking zombies, this Knight-class Star Destroyer began to turn awkwardly and flew towards another Knight-class Star Destroyer.

Other warships finally realized something was wrong and started sending communications.

The commander of the battle group pooped and vomited. Now he was pale and slumped in his seat. He felt that the strength of the walking corpses around him became stronger. He also understood that he should do what he needed to do.


He turned on the communication, but turned off the screen display, saying: "Our ship encountered a technical failure, the engine exploded, and the engineering team was completely destroyed! Docking repairs are needed..." a>vas>div>Scan the code to download Red Sleeves and Xiaoxiang to send welfare newcomers

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