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Chapter 1,638 The Third Battle of the Model Sector (2)

1638, The Third Battle of the Model Sector (2)

On the battlefield in the outer space of the planet Annaji, the battle is now extremely fierce. Shortly after the war began, the satellite next to the planet was subjected to orbital bombing. The surface of the satellite was almost completely destroyed, and the entire satellite became a burning fireball.

, illuminating this battlefield.

The nearly 300 kilometer-class battleships on both sides of the war were engaged in an almost crazy battle, making this battlefield extremely cruel and like hell.

After the battle broke out, there were roughly 5 different fighting areas.

Part of it was near the satellite, and the Republic fleet sent a large number of fighter jets to besiege the Disaster-class battlecruiser. The second part was that the Republic's main fleet also conducted uninterrupted bombing and attacks on the Agoneev-class star base.

In the third and fourth parts, respectively, at the north and south poles of the planet Annaji, more than ten Republic warships are bombarding the planetary shield in this direction. Once the planetary shield is breached, these warships can attack the north and south poles of the planet.

Orbital bombing, such orbital bombing does not require much intensity to cause massive melting of polar glaciers, triggering tsunamis and sea level surges, destroying coastal cities on the planet.

For the industrial capabilities and scientific and technological strength of the Galactic Republic, it is still much easier to deal with a planet with rising sea levels than with a planet whose entire surface has been destroyed by orbital bombing.

After all, they plan to use the planet Annaji as an advance base for further attacks on the core area of ​​the Dawn Principality.

And the last battlefield is also the weirdest.

Former Galactic Republic Expeditionary Fleet, Second Battle Group...

After the last round of active counterattacks, the Second Battle Group, a fleet controlled by robots and dead men, also had 6 Knight-class Star Destroyers and 2 Chasseur-class battlecruisers that were basically damaged.

.These two ships were driven back by Darth Malthael using the force of death during the counterattack. The previous four Jaeger-class ships had all been sunk.

However, after the Galactic Republic fleet launched the attack this time, the death battleships of the second battle group seemed to have lost their vitality. They only fired at each other from a long distance, and did not assume the posture of not being able to kill you but ramming you to death as before.


While these battleships were firing, they were still receiving repairs from the Xingzi-class maintenance drone mothership. They mainly wanted to repair those Knight-class Star Destroyers. After all, the firepower of the Knight-class Star Destroyers is now on this battlefield.

It is second only to the particle light spear of the Catastrophe-class battlecruiser.

Darth Malthael was still working very hard. He was still elusive in his red Comet fighter, constantly trying to find opportunities to rush to the direction of the Republic battleship, and then use the death force to kill everyone on the battleship.

Let those walking zombies drive the battleship back.

As for the Galactic Republic, it is naturally impossible for him to get what he wants.

Sar-Kuis and Jan-Droga were the two first-generation members of the Hand of the Chancellor, and they were also powerful dark side Force-sensitives. They led dozens of dark Jedi and Darth Masay.

I launched an air battle. The intention was to slow down the Sith Lord as much as possible in the air combat between fighter jets, when the gap between the two sides was not so huge, and create opportunities for our fleet to achieve its combat goals.

Darth Malthael did not know these two people, nor did he know who his opponent was. But in his opinion, one of his opponents obviously had a very strange but also very powerful power.

The power of Darth Sidious.

It was this power that blocked his Death Force, preventing him from expanding his power as unscrupulously as before, turning all enemies around him into walking zombies.

He also tried to fight back directly, just like the previous battle between him and Darth Sidious on the planet Korriban. On that occasion, his Death Force penetrated Darth Sidious.

Si Na's dark side power, like a black hole, absorbed the opponent's vitality for about ten years.

But this time, even though his death force passed through the power of Darth Sidious, it couldn't find its target!

This made him certain that Darth Sidious was not here. But how his power blocked him, Darth Malthael was not sure.

In the Volgograd-Kanidi plan, he did not need to go all out to fight the opponent, so he also focused his main energy on testing the opponent. He always wanted to find Darth Sidious.

What the hell are you doing?

Although the scale of the battle in this direction is very small, it is still no less dangerous than in other directions. Because if something goes wrong and Darth Malthael rushes into the Galactic Republic's battleship formation, then this may be a disaster.

Facing catastrophe!

In this battle that spread across almost every inch of space around the planet Annaji, the first problem that arose was the direction of the Agniev-class interstellar base.

This Agonev-class interstellar base was hit and bombed by 6 battle groups of the Galactic Republic and more than 130 kilometer-class battleships. Even the fleet of the Dawn Principality was also desperately resisting around it, but after all, there was a numerical gap between the two sides.

Too big.

The Kingdom of Dawn's fleet must also dedicate part of its fleet to reinforce the disaster-class battlecruisers to prevent the other two battle groups from bombing the north and south poles of the planet. The remaining battleships are only equivalent to the huge force of the main fleet of the Galactic Republic Expeditionary Force.

One-third of the opponent's troops.

Even the Hells Angel-class battlecruisers and Behemoth-class battlecruisers have far more combat capabilities than the Chasseur-class battlecruisers, but quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Although the eight rear XX-9 heavy turbolaser cannons of the Chasseur-class are

The rare location is strange, but if there are enough battleships, they can still pose a serious threat to the fleet of the Principality of Dawn.

Under the almost non-stop bombing, even the thick-skinned Agonev-class interstellar base was finally overwhelmed. The deflector shield of the base was broken, the thick armor was attacked, and several anti-aircraft gun groups

And the vertical missile launch site was destroyed by the turbolaser cannon of the Republic battleship, and the flames shot into the sky.

Volgograd-Kanidi is currently in the interstellar base. Even if the base is directly bombed, he still stands in the center of the command center, motionless.

He issued an order to release the Agonev-class interstellar base from its space anchoring, lower its orbital altitude, and allow the gravity of Annaji's planet to capture the interstellar base, thus allowing the interstellar base to enter a planet-synchronous orbit.

To put it bluntly, it means letting the planet's gravity start to move the interstellar base.

And as the Agonev-class interstellar base broke away from the main battlefield under the influence of the planet's gravity, the front door of the planet opened!

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