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Chapter 164 Friends Fleet

164, Friend’s Fleet

It can be said that the Enterprise Alliance spent a lot of money for this siege on the planet Marastal, and all the pirates who had some friendship with them and had certain strength tried their best to come and participate.

Bloody Dawn and White Worm, two criminal organizations from the planet Corellia, were naturally not far behind and sent almost all their available spaceships to participate.

Dryden Voss, the young leader of the Bloody Dawn, led more than 40 spaceships to join this siege. Most of them were small spacecrafts, but there were two Corellian DP-20 gunships.

This 120-meter-long spacecraft is the latest product of Corellia Engineering Company. It lacks heavy firepower, but it has up to 8 light twin-mounted turbolaser cannons and 6 ordinary laser cannons, which can deal with light spacecraft and fighter jets.

An almost fatal threat.

In the face of ordinary gangsters, pirates, and even caravan escort fleets, there are almost no large warships. In other words, in the galaxy that has been abandoned for more than 1,000 years, there are not many large-scale battles after a detailed count.

The spaceship exists. In such an environment, the DP-20 gunship is simply an extremely powerful existence!

Dryden Voss is also extremely proud of being able to obtain these two most advanced spaceships, because even the planet Corellia's own security fleet only has more than 10 of these spaceships that have just begun to be produced.


Now Dryden Voss is on a Corellian DP-20 gunboat that he serves as his flagship, chatting with a big bug wrapped in a protective suit in the holographic projection in front of him.

This big bug is Mrs. Bixi's crony, Moloch.

"Hey Morlock, long time no see. Why isn't Mrs. Vixi here?" Dryden Voss asked.

"Mrs. Visi has something to do temporarily on the planet Corellia. A damn Selonian gang wants to compete with us for the ownership of a hyperspace engine factory. Madam Visi needs to personally take action to ensure that these holes are drilled.

Don’t let this guy affect our business.”

"Selonians? It's not an easy thing to get them to leave their underground city, but if there are, it must be a big deal. It seems that Mrs. Pixi has something to worry about. If you need it, just come to me

." Dryden said.

"On behalf of Mrs. Pixi, I would like to thank you for your kindness. However, it is better for us to resolve our own matters ourselves." Morlock declined Dryden's kindness, which might be hidden in the cotton wool.

Dryden Vos didn't care, he just smiled and changed the subject, "Speaking of which, our new friends haven't arrived yet?"

"Mrs. Bixi is also very interested in him. She specifically asked me to observe Tang Xiao carefully." Morlock said.

"I think he will come here in person. This battle is both safe and profitable. Even those vulgar Sicudia pirates will know to come and get a share of the pie." Dryden Voss snorted, "I hope Black

Teacher Ge’s information is correct, the Republic’s judicial fleet will not be dispatched. Otherwise, I guarantee that I will be the first to escape.”

"Mrs. Visi's friends in the Galactic Council told her very clearly that the Judiciary Fleet will no longer support Finis Valorum and they will not be dispatched."

"Oh? Your White Worm organization actually still has such a relationship? This bill will only be discussed at a meeting tomorrow. There are not more than 50 members who can know the answer today, right? The top 50 most influential in the entire galaxy.

One of the members... Wow!" Dryden Voss raised his eyebrows in admiration.

"This is just a necessary political investment." Morlock replied calmly.

"Boss, a hyperspace jump has been detected. According to the identification code, it is our own spacecraft." The radar soldier on the side turned to report.

"Oh, a new friend is here." Morlock also got the message.

Dryden Voss looked at the direction where the hyperspace jump signal came from, with a faint smile on his lips, "Although Tang Xiao has great fighting ability, if that's all, he is just a powerful killer at best.

.Since you are Mr. Hei Ge’s disciple, you should at least have some strength, and it’s best not to come here just to earn commissions.”

"The opponent is expected to leave hyperspace in 10 seconds. The number of targets... uh..." Even the radar soldier paused before reporting the number, "72 ships, so many!"

Upon hearing this number, Dryden Voss's face instantly became solemn. If nothing else, this number alone is equivalent to the total number of spaceships sent by the Bloody Dawn and White Worm organizations!!

In this gathering, the Enterprise Alliance had the largest number of spaceships. In addition to the five largest fantail-class destroyers, there were more than 100 other small armed ships. The White Worm organization sent more than 30 armed merchant ships, and the Bloody Dawn sent 40

Multiple spacecraft, including two 120-meter-long DP-20 gunboats.

In addition, there are more than 80 spaceships owned by the Sicudia pirates. However, their spaceships are all junks that are simply installed with a few cannons on stolen spaceships. If they really want to fight, a DP-20

The gunboats could probably kill half of them.

There are also dozens of other small pirate and bounty hunter spaceships, but none are large-scale.

But such a fleet is enough to make an outer or even middle-ring planet despair, because most middle-ring and outer-ring planets do not have the ability to form their own fleets.

And now that Tang Xiao's fleet arrived, it almost immediately jumped to the second place in strength among this motley crew! After all, no one would think that the disciples of Hego Damask II would use those shabby spaceships, right?


The white light kept flashing, and first, six 108.7-meter-long Revenge-class light destroyers left hyperspace. This kind of spacecraft is not good-looking, but it is obvious that it is a product with a complete design and industrial system, and is not a second-hand modified one.


There are not many turrets on the spacecraft, but the power is much greater than that of the DP-20 in terms of size. It is obviously a weapon against large spacecrafts! What does this mean? This shows that the purpose of this spacecraft at the beginning of its design is the same as that of the DP-20.

20 This escort ship is completely different - this is a battleship used for fleet battles!

In other words, compared to the Revenge-class light destroyer and the DP-20 gunboat, one is a regular military armored vehicle and the other is an armored vehicle used by the police. Although they are both armored vehicles, the meanings behind them are completely different.


Followed by five 78-meter-long cobalt alloy-class heavy frigates, and then there was a dense flash of light, and 60 31.4-meter-long Hammer-class light frigates broke away from the hyperspace jump and appeared here in darkness. These Hammer-class

Half of the frigate's turrets are larger and equipped with plasma bomb launchers specifically designed to counter shields, while the other half has two twin blue laser turrets used for conventional attacks.

Finally, a 315-meter-long behemoth also escaped from hyperspace and appeared here without warning!

This chapter has been completed!
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