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Chapter 1773 Research on Geth (Part 1)

1773, Research on Geth (Part 1)

Chitin carapace! Darth Malthael reached out and touched the material hidden in the rock formations. It didn't feel like metal or rock. On the contrary, it was a little warm. It felt like it really was an insect carapace!

He immediately thought of a being - Killik! That super insect civilization that was active in the ancient times between 35,000 years ago and more than 100,000 years ago, once dominated the entire galaxy!

If it were them, then this would not be surprising.

Because the rise and fall of the Kiliks themselves have countless connections with the Tai people. For example, the Lagrange point currently floating in the Corellian galaxy between the planet Talus and the planet Tralus

The giant space station Middle Point Center was built by Taiyi's son and daughter, who transformed into 'Star Builders' and guided them to build it.

After the midpoint station is activated, it can even emit extremely powerful gravitational waves and move any planet within the Milky Way. If the power is fully turned on, even black holes can move!

Such a super weapon is also a manifestation of Tai Ren's power. Of course, it is also a manifestation of the glory of the Kilik people in the past. The overlord of the galaxy should have such terrifying force!

Darth Malthael concentrated the force on his fingertips and tried it, and found that the chitin carapace had a strong defense against the force. Even if he used the force, it would be difficult to damage it.

You must know that although he only buckled it a few times, with his force power, even the durasteel used by the Galactic Empire to build battleships would still be dug into a big hole by him.

But there is nothing in this place except the surrounding chitin.

All the way down, he felt like it was an ant nest, with winding passages everywhere, but most of the passages had collapsed and were inaccessible.

This collapse shocked even Darth Malthael, because the chitinous carapace, which was as hard as this, was melted, broken, and mixed with countless rubble, turning it into a ruin.

At least this kind of power cannot be achieved even by ordinary orbital bombing.

Continuing to explore, they found that the geth were indeed studying this ruins, which were probably Kilik people. They had set up a lot of research equipment, terminals, drilling equipment, lighting equipment, etc. here.

As expected, the Geth have the same idea as Darth Malthael now, and want to study this chitin carapace. If the research is successful, it will be a major breakthrough in materials science.

However, apart from geth's research equipment and some cut chitin carapace, nothing else was found here.

There are some stones or fossils that are difficult to identify because they are so old that I don’t even know what they are anymore.

I only found some egg fossils in one of the half-collapsed places. I don’t know if they are Kilik people’s eggs.

However, when Darth Malthael reached the deepest part, he finally found what he was looking for!

This place is a large hall, and the shape of the surrounding chitin carapace is more ferocious. The carapace has sharp edges, many sharp protrusions, and even many terrifying barbs. Moreover, these carapace look more concentrated.

It's more three-dimensional, as if there are really several huge beetles dozens of meters long lying on the wall!

And these carapaces that look like beetles all have their longest, most ferocious and sharpest parts pointed at the center of the hall, forming a circular area.

This place is also where the geth have the most research instruments.

Most of the surrounding instruments were also destroyed. Apparently the previous super banshee, Darth Malthael, gave Cricket this name in his current state, even though this guy was a man. The super banshee also

Came here and destroyed all the geth.

This is probably where the geth discovered the black kyber crystal.

Darth Malthael looked around again and determined that he could no longer obtain any more information, so he found a geth terminal that seemed relatively complete and turned it on. Then, he took out a special communication

Communicator, link the communicator to the terminal.

After a moment, the holographic projection of the communicator projected a Geth avatar composed of countless small pictures.

[You have arrived at our testing site, ally.] Geth said.

"What on earth are you doing? What did you find here?" Darth Malthael asked with a frown.

[A mere fragment, but it is the key to revealing the nature of this universe.] Ges replied.

"Is that the crystal?"

[A corpse that has gone through tens of thousands of years but still has not decayed, and the crystal we found on the corpse.] Geth said, [After research, we found that the reason why the corpse did not decay is precisely because this crystal continues to

Continuously supplying energy. This is contrary to common sense, because with the size of this crystal, it should not have such powerful and lasting energy.】

"Where's the body?" Darth Malthael asked.

[After we took off the crystal, it immediately turned into dust. This is also very strange, because even if these insectoid races have been dead for tens of thousands of years, their shells will not change. The shells can be decomposed instantly.

Because of the dust, the power of this crystal really interests us.] Geth said.

"So you used this crystal to create a banshee corpse puppet?" Darth Malthael frowned.

[This is the original use of this crystal.] Geth said, [According to our research, the corpse inlaid with black crystal is a container made to carry this crystal. It can be said to be a kind of super warrior. We refer to this

However, the body of an ordinary organism cannot bear it. The moment it is embedded, the body turns into ashes. We can only find a powerful force-sensitive person to carry it.】

"So you contacted Darth Lilim to help!?" Darth Malthael looked a little angry, "Where is she? Why didn't she answer my communication!?"

[Our ally Darth Lilim helped us set up a trap. She deceived the Force-sensitive person named Crichit from his precognition, and then designed a trap to capture him.] Geth said, [In Crichit

When she lost control, she was injured, but escaped quickly.]

"Why did Cricket lose control?" Darth Malthael suppressed the anger in his heart and asked again.

[We adopted a variety of control methods such as mechanical control, program control, genetic control, etc., and also used corpse puppet manufacturing technology. But when the crystal was embedded, Cricket immediately lost control, and all control methods failed at the same time, and it began

Attack us. The test failed.] Geth replied.

"That's enough! Stop this test! Give me the test data." Darth Malthael said with a gloomy face.

This chapter has been completed!
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