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Chapter 1786 Galactic Empire Navy Reform (1)

1786, Galactic Empire Navy Reform (1)

"Your Excellency, I think your behavior just now is very irrational." On the way back from the laboratory, Dr. Halsey said coldly, "You don't understand the power of the Spartans at all, although I know you have it.

Mysterious force, but even the armored vehicle couldn’t withstand John 117’s punch.”

However, Tang Xiao still had an excited look on his face, and he grinned, "This punch made me feel the joy that I haven't seen for a long time! Hahahaha... I told you, Halsey, if he can really beat me to death

, I immediately made him an admiral."

"You will be dead at that time, who can you turn to to cash it in?" Dr. Halsey disagreed.

"Just cash it in with me." Tang Xiao said.

"Well, this is a good joke. It sounds interesting." Dr. Halsey said calmly.

"The day you face death, you will understand what I say." Tang Xiao said meaningfully, took out the communicator, looked at it, and said: "Newt Gunray has sent the good news, Endless

The first ship of the class super aircraft carrier, the Infinity has officially completed its sea trials and has been put into active service in the Navy of the Principality of Dawn. In seven days, I will go to the planet Semels via Hutt space to participate in the maiden voyage ceremony."

"Although I don't want to interfere in politics, if you appear publicly on the planet Semels at this time, I'm afraid the face of the Galactic Empire will not look good. There is a possibility of another war." Dr. Halsey said.

"I will still give Palpatine's face. Therefore, I will not make a public appearance..." Tang Xiao said, "However, how could I miss the maiden voyage of such a super battleship? Hahahaha

...I will take the Master Chief and Jango Fett and the Mandalorians with me. Before that, you need to prepare them thoroughly."

Dr. Halsey stopped. This was already the entrance to the laboratory. She still had a lot of things to do and had no intention of leaving. She just said to Tang Xiao's back as he walked away: "They will definitely make all preparations."

"You won't let me down, I'm sure." Tang Xiao said, waved his hand, and gradually walked away.

At the same time, compared to the slowdown in the pace of warship updates in the Principality of Dawn, the actions on the Galactic Empire's side are very frequent and intensive.

After signing a peace treaty with the Principality of Dawn, the Galactic Empire completed the finalization and commissioning of the Empire-class Star Destroyer, Tracker-class aircraft carrier, Vindicator-class heavy cruiser and Victory II-class Star Destroyer in the past six months.

labor work.

Well, you read that right, it does include the Victory II-class Star Destroyer. Although this type of Star Destroyer was designed by Willix Blissex, who was already at Rendilli Star Power Company at the time, and

Rendili Star Power Corporation has rebelled against the Galactic Republic, but the Victory II-class Star Destroyers are still in service with the Galactic Empire.

Because after careful comparison, the Naval Headquarters of the Galactic Empire believed that the 900-meter-long Victory II-class Star Destroyer was an inferior force compared to the 1,600-meter-long Empire-class Star Destroyer and the 600-meter-long Vindicator-class heavy cruiser.

A very good addition. The smaller and more flexible Victory II-class Star Destroyer can perform more assault missions on the interstellar battlefield.

The design plan for the Victory II-class Star Destroyer was submitted in their last effort before Rendili's rebellion. But at that time, what the top brass of the Galactic Republic wanted was to suppress Rendili and support Quat.

, so I found some excuses that were not excuses and rejected the Victory II-class Star Destroyer plan.

And now, after ruling out some of the political factors that supported the Kuat Dynamics Dockyard in the past, the Imperial Navy Headquarters has re-evaluated the Victory II-class Star Destroyer objectively and found that the design of this Star Destroyer is very clever. And it must be

It is said that although the size is several grades smaller than the 1,600-meter Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the combat performance is not as huge as the size difference between the two.

In addition, after the fiasco in the Model sector, Kuat Power Shipyard became the primary responsible party for this huge failure. Although the new Kuat's little Kuat (is that a roundabout way?)

The operation of the series puts the blame entirely on Onana Quat, who committed suicide, but Quat Power Dockyard will also pay the price for it.

Therefore, after completing the evaluation of the Victory II-class Star Destroyer, the Galactic Empire Navy Headquarters decided to terminate the order for the Knight-class Star Destroyer and instead transferred the data of the Victory II-class Star Destroyer to Corellian Engineering Company for them to proceed.

Outsourcing OEM to produce this kind of Star Destroyer.

As the oldest industrial giant in the galaxy, Corellian Engineering Company has been the Republic's main warship supplier since the founding of the Galactic Republic. It was natural for them to produce Victory II-class Star Destroyers. And they just picked up a ready-made one.

, and got a large military order because of it, why not?

Of course, there was still some unhappiness. After all, the Victory II-class Star Destroyer was not their own design, so this result was still a bit of a slap in the face. Therefore, Corellian Engineering Company immediately launched a plan to start designing and building its own large-scale Star Destroyer.

Battleship to replace the Victory II tier.

This brand-new plan is tentatively designated as the "Star Defender Project", with an initial investment of 10 billion empire credits to start establishing a new company, build a team, and recruit talents.

However, this project was stopped by the Emperor Palpatine personally three months after it started. Because he still had more important work to hand over to the Corellian Engineering Company, which would be known to everyone in the future, but

Now, it is still a top-secret plan that no more than ten people know about.

The plan name is - DS-1.

Coming back to this, the Knight-class Star Destroyer was completely canceled after one year of service. On the one hand, it was due to the punishment and liquidation of Kuat Dynamics Shipyard. On the other hand, this Star Destroyer was really born.

Bad timing, bad luck.

In fact, from the perspective of the Navy of the Principality of Dawn, several generals who have fought against the Knight-class Star Destroyer actually have a very high evaluation of this Star Destroyer.

In many battles, the Knight-class Star Destroyer has been one of the most difficult opponents for the Navy of the Principality of Dawn, even more difficult than the 8,000-meter-long Commander II-class dreadnought.

After all, the number of Commander II-class dreadnoughts is too small, and after all, they are modified from the old Commander-class dreadnoughts, which are inherently insufficient. Compared with the huge 8,000-meter-long body, its combat effectiveness is still

Unable to match.

In addition, when the Commander II class appears, it will definitely appear as the flagship of the fleet, and generally it will not charge into battle. Even when it comes to confronting the Commander II class dreadnought, there is often either the Xuanwu Titan battleship present, or it has already

The overall situation has been decided, and a large number of fleets are in a siege situation.

So to say that the Commander II class has caused any trouble to the Navy of the Principality of Dawn...if you think about it carefully, it really hasn't happened.

But the Knight-class Star Destroyer was different! This kind of Star Destroyer had begun to appear on various battlefields in the scale of 5 to 10 ships before, and was often used as an assault force by the naval generals of the Galactic Republic at that time.

Every time it launches an attack, this huge 1,600-meter-long hull, the powerful firepower of 60 heavy turbolaser cannons and 60 ion cannons pose a huge and direct threat to the warships of the Dawn Principality!

During those battles, how to fight against the Knight-class Star Destroyers was one of the biggest issues for the naval generals of the Principality of Dawn.

This chapter has been completed!
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