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Chapter 1875 Everyone has their own plans

1876, each planning (my child has B-type influenza and has been having a fever. I haven’t had time to type in the past two days... I will make up for it later)

Mandalorian sector, outer orbit of Akiva planet, bridge of USS Infinity supercarrier.

"General Tann, information sent from the Military Intelligence Department." An intelligence officer came over and handed a document to Severance Tann.

Tann used a universal tool to open the encrypted data disk, looked at it for a while, and frowned, "The black market weapons transactions on the planet Mandalore and surrounding star areas have increased abnormally? It seems that Transcendent Vizsla is expanding its arms and preparing for war.


"Expand the army and prepare for war? Hehehehe..." There was a seductive laugh from the side, and Darth Lilim, standing on the other side, "On the Mandalorian planet that has long been disarmed? Can he prepare for war?

To what extent? Where’s the money?”

Severance Tann also snorted coldly, "The more he prepares his army for war, the more opportunities there will be for Jango Fett. Let a patrol team go around Mandalore tomorrow.

Make a circle and tell Chao Chao Vizsla that our military presence is always a threat to him."

"He has long since reached the end of his rope. It is impossible for the Death Guard to be recognized. He may be the only one left in the entire galaxy, and he still feels that he is quite popular." Darth Lilim licked his lips and walked over with a slight sway, "

I can't wait to cut off his head and present it to the master."

"If Super Vizsla is alone, then the chaos on the planet Mandalore may come to an end. However, as the master fears, things may not be that simple. If someone is really controlling Super Vizsla behind the scenes -

Vizsla, then the chaos on Mandalore may have just begun." Severance Tann said in a deep voice.

"Ah, no matter what, it is always good to kill the extraordinary Vizsla, hahahaha..." Darth Lilim covered his mouth and smiled.

Severance Tann ignored her and continued to check the information, "Then...the governor of Planet Crane was assassinated...It seems that Planet Crane is preparing to join the Galactic Empire. They will soon know that in

Among the countless choices in the Mandalorian sector, the Empire is always the worst one. Evacuate the patrol team from Planet Crane, and then spread the news to the underground world and let the pirates know."

Then she casually flipped through the information, but there was nothing noteworthy, so she turned off the screen of the universal tool and asked the intelligence officer: "I asked Saratan to help me check the source of those pieces of information, have you found it?


"I'm sorry, General. I couldn't find out... that the Queen of Geonosis was kidnapped. It was placed at one of our hidden line junctions. Minister Saratan believed that this was a threat to our intelligence system.

A demonstration. In addition, the Dawn Planet has responded, and Minister Saratan has personally gone to the planet Geonosis to handle the matter."

"What else did he say?" Severance Tann asked again.

"Minister Saratan said that this information was considered by the Grand Duke to be information about the construction of super weapons by the Galactic Empire. The other party handed this information to us for three reasons. First, the other party was making a statement and they did not want this super weapon.

The weapon is built. Secondly, it tells us that their intelligence network is no less than ours and has enough capabilities to pose a threat to us. Thirdly, they may hope that this super weapon plan can involve our energy." said the intelligence officer.

Severance Tann snorted coldly, "There is another meaning. The reason why the information was given to me is to tell me that he is beside us!"

The intelligence officer's face paled, "That's true... Since they can find out the information about the planet Geonosis, there is no problem in sending the information to the planet Christophsis near the planet Geonosis. But they

But he gave us the information..."

"I understand. Tell Saratan Moss that we need to continue to strengthen intelligence collection in the Mandalorian sector." Severance Tann waved her hand.

"One more thing, General Tann." The intelligence officer lowered his voice and said, "Our operation on the planet Dathomir failed. None of the 20 ghost agents came back."

Tann frowned, thought for a while, and said: "The planet Dathomir? It seems that Saratan Moss is very close to the opponent's core."

"Planet Dathomir? Hehehehe... How could a few ghost agents want to get involved in that kind of place? Saratan Moss looks like a fool too! Hehehehe..." Darth Lilim

He laughed sarcastically, "I still have to go to that place."

"Don't forget, you almost messed up things on the planet Feida." Severance Tann said coldly.

Darth Lilim's expression sank, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I am completely different now than I was then!! I have received the blessing of my master in the holy land of Korriban! The planet of Dathomir, the Sisters of the Night

, I still don’t take it seriously!”

"Let me remind you first, my fleet doesn't have the time to accompany you to Dathomir. If you want to die there, it's best to find a more obvious place to lie down, so as not to have trouble collecting your body." Seve.

Lance Tann stabbed her.

"Hmph!" Darth-Lilim snorted heavily, turned around and walked out.

When they started to quarrel, the sensible intelligence officer had already quietly left.

At the same time, the planet Dathomir.

A pale-skinned bald woman walked into a temple built in the jungle. She looked at the Night Sisters who were practicing or busy around her with a complicated expression.

Asajj Ventress, the apprentice of Count Dooku, was once one of the powerful generals of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Yes, once... because now she has drawn a clear line with Count Dooku and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

It doesn't matter anymore.

When she arrived at the center of the temple, she saw a man in a blood-red robe standing in front of an altar with his back to her.

"Mother Talzin..." Asajj Ventress stepped forward modestly and bowed deeply with the etiquette of the Sisters of the Night.

"Asajj Ventress...my daughter. After 30 years, you finally returned to our big family." Mother Talzin turned around, only to see that her skin was also pale, with countless wrinkles.

The intimidating old face is full of people, and the sinister eyes exude the light of magic.

Mother Talzin raised and ruled the entire planet of Dathomir and the Sisters of Night. Every member can be said to be her daughter.

"The planet Salukami has fallen. Count Dooku has failed. I have nowhere to go." Asajj Ventress said.

"Any time, as long as you come back, the Night Sisters will be your home." Mother Talzin said, raising her hand, a green light swept across Ventress's body, and healed some of her wounds.

Ping, "It's just that I still wonder, if you want to fight against the Galactic Empire, why don't you go to the Death Angel?"

"I have no dealings with the Death Angel, and if he hadn't suddenly surrendered to Darth Sidious, Count Dooku would not have been defeated so quickly." Asajj Ventress said through gritted teeth.

"Even if the Angels surrender, you have resisted the Galactic Empire for three years. My daughter, you make me proud." Mother Talzin said, "Although in this war, we have many sons and daughters.

He died serving Count Dooku, but now, more sons and daughters have returned to their hometown, which makes me even more gratified. These are all revelations of magic."

Asajj Ventress's expression showed a trace of anger, "Savage Opress! He did escape back to the planet Dathomir! He didn't even go to the front line to confront the Galactic Empire head-on!"

"You can't blame him, Ventress." Mother Talzin shook her head, "He returned to the planet Dathomir for other reasons. That's because... he found his brother, my son...


Her eyes became deep, and she spoke a name from her dry lips, "...Darth Maul..."

Asajj Ventress was suddenly startled, "Darth Maul? He's not dead yet?!"

"But I know that although he is not dead, he has been lingering on the edge of death for more than ten years... I need more time to heal his scarred and even decayed body... Soon,

He will wake up again." Mother Talzin said.

"Don't forget, Darth Maul, he is the apprentice of Darth Sidious! He is a Sith Lord who has inherited the way of the Sith!" Asajj Ventress said this with a tone of voice

It seems a little sour.

After all, even her master, Count Dooku, did not inherit the ways of the Sith. The promise Darth Sidious once made to Count Dooku was just an empty promise. The Book of Sith is in the hands of the dead angels, and

The Angel of Death also had no intention of giving this inheritance to Count Dooku.

However, Count Dooku once said that he had already given up on the ways of the Sith and wanted to find his own path in the ocean of the Force.

Mother Talzin laughed, "Hehehehe, not anymore. Darth Maul is the son of Dathomir. He was betrayed by Sidious, so he naturally knows what to do. Now, with the

With your return, coupled with the power of brothers Darth Maul and Savage Opress, we finally have enough confidence to negotiate with that adult."

"That sir? Who is it?" Asajj Ventress felt something was wrong and asked quickly.

Mother Talzin turned around, looked through the temple in a distant direction, and said slowly: "An extremely powerful and extremely dark existence... A few years ago, he came to the planet Dathomir and activated

Kwa's ruins. Now, the direction of the ruins is shrouded in boundless dark magic, but I don't know what he is planning."

"When did the planet Dathomir have such a person again?" Asajj Ventress couldn't understand it at all.

"You have been away from here for too long, and everything that happened on the planet Dathomir is not known to everyone. It is normal that you don't know what is going on here." Mother Talzin said, "I have a premonition about the planet Dathomir.

, there will be a drastic change. Whether it will be a blessing or a curse, we still don’t know.”

Asajj Ventress was silent for a while and said: "I will help you, Mother Talzin."

"After Count Dooku's defeat, we all need to find our future path, my daughter." Matron Talzin said, "In the war, the planet Dathomir is too weak. But for the development of our Night Sisters

, we must also get more from the war! We were once hostile to the Jedi Order, which claimed to be bright and righteous, but now, the galaxy is shrouded in dark magic. This is our opportunity!"

However, at this time, a strange voice came from outside the temple. This voice was low, strong, slow, and full of power, "You are not weak, Mother Talzin."

"Who!!??" Asajj Ventress turned around suddenly. At this moment, two cranked lightsabers were already in his hands. With a swish sound, the blood-red sword blades shot out, blocking the way of Mother Talzin.

in front of me.

She only saw two figures, a man and a woman. The man was short in stature and wearing a black cloak. The other figure...

"No!! This is impossible!!! Why are you??!!" Mother Talzin screamed, as if she had seen an extremely terrifying existence, and even looked extremely panicked!

The planet Mandalore is a white desert.

750 years ago, the Galactic Republic saw the planet Mandalore continue to develop and show signs of revival. Mandalorian mercenaries were active in many places in the galaxy, continuing to write the glory of the Mandalorian warriors.

And this made the fear of the Mandalorian Crusaders 4,000 years ago once again linger in the hearts of the members of the Galactic Republic.

So an inhumane massacre began. The Galactic Republic's Judiciary Fleet appeared on the planet Mandalore without any warning, and brutally bombed the planet's surface with nuclear bombs!

This massacre was called the 'Mandalorectomy'. The Galactic Republic was like removing a cancer, wiping out the industry that had just begun to rebuild on the planet Mandalore. This operation also became a scandal and was covered up by the Galactic Republic.

And it was classified as top secret, so except for those who witnessed it, almost no one knew what happened at that time.

Half of the planet was turned into a white desert after being bombarded by orbit, and countless Mandalorian people died as a result. Korda Bay City, the former capital of Mandalorian planet, was also reduced to ruins during the tragic bombing.

It was also this bombing that broke the backbone of the Mandalorians, and the new Mandalorian faction emerged. They were forced to give up all their weapons in exchange for the sympathy and support of the Galactic Republic, and rebuild their homes in a desert.

With the support and help of the Galactic Republic, the Mandalorians established dozens of cities in the White Desert. These cities have black protective shields to isolate them from the extreme climate of the desert and the radiation remaining from nuclear bombings.

The largest of the rebuilt cities is Sundari City, the new capital of the planet Mandalore.

At this moment, in a small town outside Sundali City, several black spaceships were slowly landing.

This chapter has been completed!
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