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Chapter 1921 Spark (18)

1922, Spark (18)

"Then what should I call you in the future? General Kyman Jai Hilal?" Darth Malthael looked at the back of General Grievous and asked.

"I am Grievous, and this is also my choice." General Grievous dropped these words and quickly disappeared into the shadows.

Naturally, someone from the Intelligence Department of the Principality of Dawn arranged for him to leave on a shuttle and go to where he wanted to go.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Darth Malthael's mouth, yes! Go to the sub-planet of Laxus! Go to Count Dooku! Then... do what you want!


"Count Dooku... this time, we really say farewell forever." The smile on Darth Malthael's face was extremely cold, "As long as you are alive, Separatism will always be Separatism... And if you

Only when it dies will separatism truly turn into... a prairie fire!"

He also put away his lightsaber and walked outside.

General Grievous will become a sharp blade...a sharp blade that belongs to him! And the first target this blade will stab is Count Dooku! This is not only to ignite the spark, but also to

, to prevent Count Dooku from dying at the hands of Palpatine.

Being killed by General Grievous and being killed by Palpatine have completely different political significance for the Galactic Empire! Once Count Dooku was killed by General Grievous, the fight lasted for 6

The Clone Wars would never have a happy ending for Palpatine.

He will never be able to end the war and eliminate the leader to add gold to his throne. And when the time comes, the great achievements that Palpatine flaunted with the surrender of the Dawn Principality will no longer exist!

The Milky Way will move to a new stage from now on!

And... this is not over yet. Because there was another person who participated in the murder of Grievous and transformed him into a cold-blooded and ruthless robot general!

President of the Interstellar Banking Association, Thorn Hill!!

San-Cir would never have dreamed that Darth Malthael had already buried a deadly sharp knife behind him on the planet Kali!

Yes, the Interstellar Banking Association (M) controls the economic lifeline of the Principality of Dawn and the Separatism, but Darth Malthael controls their jugular arteries!

Of course Tang Xiao will not touch Sang Hill now, but in his plan, this day is not far away...

The Sith Infiltrator Red Comet left the moon of Nar Shaddaa and entered hyperspace towards the planet Dawn.

There, the patriarch of the Tag family, Sonya Tag, who had been trained by Tang Xiao to be obedient, was taking off her clothes and kneeling in his office, waiting...

After Tang Xiao returned to the office, he saw that figure with a bulging front and back, and a slim and graceful body shivering in the cold air.

It seems that Adele Wulan turned off the temperature control system as Tang Xiao ordered before. She was originally very unhappy with this guy who occupied her husband, and now that she is given the opportunity, she will naturally not be polite.

All I saw was a plate of food and drinks that were exquisite and rich but chilly in front of Sonja Tag. It seemed like this was the frozen meal that Sonja Tag had been eating in the past two days.

This means that although the ambient temperature is around 15 degrees, Sonya Tag is still freezing to death.

Tang Xiao stepped forward and gently stroked Sonja Tag's silky red hair. His hands were cold. She was still shivering, especially when she saw Tang Xiao walking slowly towards her, she became even more nervous.

They didn't even dare to breathe.

Tang Xiao grabbed her hair, slowly lifted her up, and then gently stroked her delicate skin with the best care methods, which looked like she was only 2 or 30 years old, with the back of his hand. This was originally a very gentle action.

, but wherever the back of his hand passed, Sonya Tag's body continued to tremble as if receiving an electric shock.

"I asked you not to move here, have you been obedient?" Tang Xiao asked calmly.

"Yes...yes..." Sonya Tag nodded quickly.

"Then why, when I saw this plate of food, was it touched?" Tang Xiao glanced at the food placed in front of Sonya Tag, and his tone gradually turned cold.

"I..." Sonya Tag's face was full of horror. She looked up at Tang Xiao's expression, her eyes were full of despair!

Tang Xiao picked up the plate of frozen food, looked at it, and said with a sneer: "It seems you still think it's warm here." He waved his hand and immediately set the temperature of the thermostat to below zero!

Then he grabbed Sonya Tag's hair, threw her to the ground, walked up to her with a grin, "Then, today's treatment can begin."

After the treatment of more than 20,000 words, Tang Xiao stood aside and looked at Sonya Tag who was lying on the ground with a large font, and her expression was filled with endless fear and deep despair. He dropped a sentence, "Watch your life."

The schedule, the time for the next treatment, is one month from now."

Hearing the word treatment, Sonya Tagana's almost numb eyes trembled again, obviously full of fear of treatment.

"This treatment... can the poison in my body be cured..." Sonya Tag asked slowly, her tone no longer full of hope.

Tang Xiao smiled like a devil, "Your treatment will continue forever, even if you die, it will not end. Your body and soul already belong to me, and I will never tire of making you fall into endless pain.


"I... will always belong to you, my master..." Sonya Tag murmured, she showed a smile full of happiness, but tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Tang Xiao asked calmly: "Have you found the person who poisoned you?"

"Allman Tagg...and...Silas Tagg..." Sonya Tagg's eyes were full of despair.

"It seems right. They can't wait to inherit the Tager family." Tang Xiao said coldly, "You should know what to do, right?"

"Why..." Sonya Tag looked at the condescending Tang Xiao, "What do you want? My director... the treatment... lasted for three years, and you didn't even make any demands on me... for

You, except for the family...I am willing to give you everything I have..."

"Haha..." Tang Xiao sneered, "I'm just a little interested in you. I will charge you for the treatment, and I will also cooperate with your actions so that you can continue to take this rare poison as if nothing has happened.

Let your eldest son and third son always think that you are still suffering from poison. As for your family..."

An unpredictable smile appeared on his face, "Even if I don't make any demands on you, the Tagg family will surrender to me sooner or later."

(End of chapter)

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