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Chapter 1949 Source of Infection

1950, source of infection

"So you think the Xilu people built so many border outposts to guard against this thing?" Lieutenant General He Ru pointed at the overwhelming mud on the screen.

"This is just a guess." Shepard said, "But we did find words like infection, spread, isolation and so on in the incomplete documents in the outpost. The first three people who went to the outpost to reinforce

A cruiser, their order is to destroy 'Mnggal-Mnggal' (Mnggal-Mnggal) and prevent the spread."

(I thought about it and it’s better to pronounce ‘Menggar-Menggar’, but ‘Mangjia-Mangjia’ is not nice.)

"You mean, this thing is 'Mongal-Mongal'?" He Ru asked.

"Looking back now, we forgot about this news at the time. In fact, during the process of annihilating the Xilu Empire, we did not encounter anything related to infection or spread. I think... maybe Xilu

The empire deliberately conceals it." Shepard said, "Send technical personnel to carefully search the Xilu Empire's database, interrogate their senior officials, and make sure to find out what this Mongar Mongar is."

Lieutenant General He Ruhe nodded solemnly.

A staff officer came over at this time and gave a military salute to Lieutenant General He Ru. He knew Shepard, so he also gave a military salute to Shepard, and then said: "General, battles 24, 15, 16, 19

The battalion has begun operations towards the prison area. The Black Iron Steadfast-class cruiser has entered the atmosphere and is ready to provide fire support."

"Seal that area, use a large number of flamethrowers, and set up a high-voltage power grid to prevent the spread of sludge!" He issued the order.


"General! The communication spacecraft has been dispatched to the Dawn Planet." Another officer came over to report, "According to the request, a robot was dispatched."

"General! The star gate has been sealed, and now the star gate is no longer allowed to pass! We have prevented 7 forced intrusions and shot down 3 spacecraft!"

"General! The biologists and epidemiologists are already in place. According to their requirements, we will set up a sterile laboratory on the Halberd-class light cruiser."

Situations from various places have been summarized, and it seems that this suspected Mongal-Mongal infection has been brought under control.

In fact, this is indeed the case. A mere hundred thousand infected people cannot make any waves at all under the firepower of the open space.

However, when the exploration fleet interrogated the captured senior officials of the Xilu Empire, they found that the situation was not optimistic.

It’s not that Mongal-Mongal’s infection is so powerful, but judging from the hundreds of senior officials who have been interrogated so far, there are no more than ten people who know about the existence of Mongal-Mongal! And even if they know

Most of those people have only heard of the existence of Menggal - Menggal, and have no idea what it is!

The only person who was relatively useful was a former deputy official from the Finance Department of the Xilu Empire. He told Shepard who was responsible for the interrogation that the Xilu Empire had invested a huge amount in biochemical research in the past ten years, and it was also

A large virus laboratory was built.

"Large virus laboratory? Where is it?" Shepard asked.

The official shook his head blankly, "I don't know. I only know where the funds are flowing, but I don't know the specific details."

"Border outpost? That's to stop intruders... What kind of invaders? There are a lot of them, the Xilu Empire has a lot of enemies... Well, that's right, if there is an abnormality from the outpost, our order is indeed to directly

The outpost was destroyed... If you ask me why, I don't know. We are only responsible for the execution... Maintenance of the outpost, well, only robots. Ordinary people can't stay in that place for a long time, right? It's normal.

?" This is an interrogation statement from an officer.

"Mongal-Mongal? I've heard of it. His Majesty the King and the others are very afraid of this. I guess it's a rebel army?"

Shepard rubbed his forehead, turned to look at the ghost agent Sen Luo sitting next to him, and asked: "Did you find anything?"

Senluo shook his head and said: "This guy didn't lie. He sincerely believed that Mongar-Menggar was a resistance force."

Shepard looked at the long list of interrogations and shook his head, "No, there is no progress. Mongar-Mongar's message seems to have disappeared, and there are no clues at all."

Sen Luo pointed to the list and said: "I noticed one thing. Among our interrogators, there is a missing type of person."

Shepard frowned and said solemnly, "That's right. There are no biologists."

"It's impossible that the Xilu Empire doesn't have biologists. Their technology for using human batteries should be biologists the most. So in this situation, there is only one possibility..." Sen Luo said slowly.

"Cleaned..." Shepard's face turned ugly.

"The senior officials of the Xilu Empire obviously wanted this Menggar Menggar to give us a fatal blow before they died, and they seemed to believe that this thing could do it," Sen Luo said.

"Yes, that's what I'm most worried about." Shepard nodded.

At this time, a soldier came over and said, "Sir, General He Ru has invited me. He said he found some abnormalities there."

"There is no need to interrogate the remaining people. Let's lock them up first and let's go." Shepard ordered and left the interrogation room with Sen Luo.

Back at the command center, Lieutenant General He Ru and Ashley Williams were both here. Seeing Shepard coming, He Ru said straight to the point: "We found a combat plan after we raided the outpost."

"The Xilu Empire? What did they do at that time?" Shepard Wen.

"They sent several squadrons over to look for traces of us." Ashley Williams said, "But obviously they didn't find us. But the most critical issue is not this..."

She handed a document to Shepard and continued: "Among the fleets sent out, two fleets did not come back. Not only did they not come back, but in the subsequent series of battles, these two fleets disappeared without a trace.

It’s like he just disappeared.”

"So, there are still two fleets wandering outside?" Shepard frowned, "If it's just a fleet, it's not a big threat. But what I'm worried about is... why are they missing?"

"So I think if this is also related to Mongar Mongar, then it would be a big problem." Ashley Williams said, "The Xilu Empire has no foreign enemies in this area, so what exactly is it?

How can something swallow up two fleets silently?"

Shepard also fell into deep thought.

At this moment, an officer walked over and whispered a few words to Lieutenant General He Ru. He Ru stood up and said loudly: "We found the laboratory!"

This chapter has been completed!
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