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Chapter 1989 Battle of Kruste (Part 2)

1990, Battle of Kruste (Part 2)

This time the landing battle on the planet Kruste seemed to return the war to 22BBY 10 years ago, when the Clone Wars just broke out.

There were C-9979 transport ships flying in the sky, MTT armored transport vehicles driving on the ground, and row after row of B-1 combat robots advancing bit by bit with cold steps.

For the Principality of Dawn, this is a very low-cost war that can even be said to be a destocking war.

Of course, it is not accurate to say that it is destocking, because the Principality of Dawn has never eliminated the B-1 combat robots. On the contrary, it has always maintained a huge number. Because this kind of combat robot is so classic, and the price is cheap, and the quantity is amazing.

A simple replacement procedure can do almost any job.

At present, the total number of B-1 combat robots in the Principality of Dawn exceeds 300 billion and is still increasing. Even the diligent figures of B-1 combat robots can be seen in all walks of life. In order to continue to maintain this low cost, the Principality of Dawn just continues to

The robot program was upgraded without changing the original design.

Most of the current industrial production capacity of the Dawn Principality is used in the manufacture of battleships. Now in order to move Rendili Interstellar Power Company, a large amount of production capacity is also used in this area. Therefore, the cheap and high-quality productivity of the B-1 combat robot has naturally become

It is an important part of the industrial system of the Principality of Dawn.

And on many battlefields, the B-1 combat robot is not as unreliable as people think. After all, it is a robot that is intelligent enough to cope with simple battlefield situations, and is not afraid of death.

Will be tired, the legion will be huge in number.

Except for the truly elite warriors such as the clone soldiers of the Galactic Republic, other ordinary soldiers are generally unable to withstand the advancement of the B-1 combat robot.

The same is naturally true in the landing battle taking place on the planet Kruste.

The technology of the Krustians is not developed. They have just barely mastered the technology of interstellar navigation. Moreover, the industrial system on the planet is also very rudimentary, and the military technology is also very backward. With their electromagnetic rifles, if they want to destroy a

The B-1 combat robots are all hard work.

The first 10,000 combat robots directly broke through the Krustians' defense line and entered the capital to start fierce street battles. Later, an even larger number of B-1s came down from the core ship of the Rookery Hook-class battleship.

Legions of combat robots also arrived one after another, forming a siege on the capital.

The number of B-1 combat robots carried by the two Rookery Hook-class battleships reached 1.2 million. This carrying capacity basically gave up heavy armor units. This is also considering the combat conditions of launching an expedition in an unknown star field.

This is an approach to reduce logistical pressure. All fire support work is handed over to the air force, mainly Phantom fighters and Viking fighters.

The Krustians kept taking off spaceships in an attempt to resist, but those spaceships were destroyed one by one by ghost fighters shortly after taking off! They had no means at all to detect the ghost fighters in the invisible state! Even B, who was driving the fighter plane,

-1 The behavior pattern of the combat robot is actually very simple, but such a one-sided massacre is still not difficult at all.

Seeing such a scene, the escaping Grisk people also gave up the idea of ​​leaving in a spaceship. They could only keep running away, and at the same time controlled more and more Kruster people with mind control, using their lives to stop the pursuers.

s arrival.

However, an army of one million robots disembarked from two Rookery Hook-class battleships directly shattered all his illusions!

The intruder, a being with powerful psychic power, did not even continue the pursuit. Instead, he went back to join the robot army and advanced steadily without giving them any chance.

Even if the Grisk people sent out all the civilians in the capital area, it would be of no avail.

In front of the robot army, even if they are massacring civilians, there will be no hesitation. These B-1 combat robots just fire at every target that appears in the sensor's electronic eyes and is recognized as an enemy.

There are still a large number of troops in other areas of the planet Krustel, but it still takes a lot of time for those troops to be mobilized back to the capital area. Therefore, although the Grisk people control the entire planet, they can only rely on the capital.

These people in the district.

The airspace around the capital area has been completely blocked, rail transportation has been destroyed, and communications have been disrupted. It has become an isolated island.

The one-sided massacre of the B-1 battle robot army lasted for about a day. More than 2 million Krustians were sent out as cannon fodder by the Grisk people and then brutally slaughtered! The city was littered with lying corpses.

Afterwards, under Rasdian's precise positioning, a huge robot army surrounded the Grisk people in a village.

Keith Maxwell and Rasdian have also arrived at the outskirts of the village. They asked the robot army to stop the attack - they need to capture the mysterious Grisk people alive.

Without any communication, ten protoss fanatic warriors shot out directly and turned into an afterimage and broke into the village.

Two large four-meter-tall mechas made by the Krustians walked out of it. However, this armored unit had no effect at all. The extremely fast maneuvers of the fanatic warriors made it impossible for the mechas to lock on, and then circled around.

At the back, the lightsaber on the wrist directly cut off the mecha's power system!

Rasdian also entered the village in a flash, and all the oncoming electromagnetic rifle bullets passed through him! High-level templars who are between the material dimension and high latitudes cannot be hurt by weapons of this level.

Arrived! Previously in the administrative center, he generated a psychic barrier, but it was actually just to protect Keith Maxwell.

The remaining resistance in the village was quickly crushed, and only a short man was seen running out of a house, who was obviously different from the Krustites around him.

He is about 6 meters tall, with deep eyes, sloping brow ridges, broad shoulders, a tapered skull, and a very fierce expression.

Seeing the protoss approaching, he roared loudly in an unknown language, probably cursing, but was immediately subdued by a fanatic warrior.

"Is he the Grisk?" Keith Maxwell looked at this man, "It's different from what I imagined... Isn't it a legendary species, a demi-god per capita? Isn't that what it is?"


"He does have powerful psychic powers, and he has been trying to control you from just now." Rasdian said in his mind.


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