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Chapter 2004 Holy Advent Sect (Part 2)

2005, Holy Advent Sect (Part 2)

After taking out the teachings of the Holy Messenger, Helmut Zemo, although he was very busy with his daily work, also spent a lot of time studying it. In the process, he discovered that his understanding of the concept of religion was still

Too superficial.

A truly inspiring religion cannot be summed up simply by brainwashing. Religion encompasses a wide range of things, from the norms of daily life to the pursuit of spiritual life, and has a series of particularities.

After learning about this, Helmut Zemo reported it to Tang Xiao, approved a large amount of funds, and formed a team of hundreds of people to study the teachings of the Holy Messenger and figure out how to transform this teaching.

For the present doctrine of the Principality of Dawn.

And at the same time, they also began to conduct very strict training and training for Anita.

The first step was to modify her appearance and figure. Although Anita was originally a good-looking beauty, she was not that outstanding when viewed from a planetary or even galaxy level, so she needed plastic surgery.

First, she performed height-enhancing surgery to increase Anita's height to 180cm, and then performed breast and buttock enlargement surgeries. This surgery was not for sexual suggestion, but to evoke maternal reverie about her and make her appear more divine.

After that, the hair color was adjusted, and Anita's hair was dyed blonde and fixed at a length of about 150cm through growth agents. And this is not over yet, her hair also needs high-tech processing, which is about 20cm from the tip of the hair.

, adding luminous fibers to make her hair look light and shiny.

Then came the adjustment of appearance. On the basis of Anita's original appearance, the lines of her face were further softened, her lips were made wider, and her lip color was deepened. At the same time, the facial features were adjusted to make her appearance more beautiful.

More coordinated. The eyes do not simply emphasize being big and smart, but instead elongate the corners of the eyes, making the eyes look more kind. At the same time, it also creates a kind and sacred feeling with slightly closed eyes.

While adjusting her appearance, Anita also studied the teachings of the Holy Advent sect obsessively. She was even allowed to directly view the teachings of the Holy Advent messengers, and compared the two, which allowed her to understand more deeply.

Because Anita herself is a person who is very obsessed with and admires Tang Xiao, there is no need to worry about her resistance to creating a religion that worships Tang Xiao out of thin air. Of course, in order to strengthen her idea, Helmut

-Zemo also performs uninterrupted shallow hypnosis on Anita every night during sleep time.

So after nearly two years of preparation, the Holy Advent sect made its debut again.

The brand-new Holy Advent sect has gone through a completely different packaging. First of all, the core of the doctrine is still following the "The Unity" pursued by the Holy Advent Messenger. The Holy Advent Messenger said very much about the Unity.

Fuzzy, does not give a very precise definition, but roughly speaking, it is the pursuit of unity. It includes the unity of body and soul, the unity of soul and spirit, the unity of spirit and will, the unity of will and energy, and the unity of energy and the universe.


This theory is essentially derived from the Big Bang. The entire universe was born from the explosion of a singularity. The so-called way of unification is that the existence of all things in the universe can be unified into a pure existence.

Therefore, the Holy Advent sect combines the so-called way of unity with the Force. This new doctrine is mainly like this. It believes that the purity that unifies the universe is the Force.

The most important thing after that is the Holy Advent Sect’s method of practice, cultivation, or in other words, to strengthen the connection between oneself and the Force. This can be said to be the foundation of the Holy Advent Sect. In this place where the Force exists

This is the most essential thing in the world.

Why can the Jedi Order, the former Sith Order, and Force organizations such as the Jedi Covenant and Jedi Yi have such powerful power? In the final analysis, it is because they have mastered the way of practicing the Force.

In order to change the practice and training method of the Holy Advent Messenger to one that can respond to the Force, after obtaining Tang Xiao's consent, Helmut Zemo consulted the mentor of the Twilight Covenant, the former Jedi Master De

Pa-Biraba, the priestess.

The priestess was noncommittal about the establishment of the Holy Advent sect, but she also provided a lot of help and helped them summarize how to communicate with the Force.

In fact, how to communicate with the Force is a very abstract matter, and there is no correct answer at all. In other words, there are correct answers everywhere, but the so-called correct or so-called answers present different results.

That's all.

Therefore, the Holy Advent Sect has also summarized it. And for political purposes, this method can actually be said to be very utilitarian, or very strict.

That is, under the guidance of a powerful Force-sensitive mentor, you can open your mind and follow the mentor's guidance to feel and communicate with the Force bit by bit.

This approach can indeed allow some people who are less talented in the Force to sense the Force faster and better. But this process of sensing the Force is actually a process controlled by others. After a long period of training, he may leave

Without this mentor, you will never be able to feel the Force again.

This will be a very bad situation, and the Holy Advent sect also calls this state of being separated from the teacher and the Force a 'silent one' in doctrine. Within the sect, this is a person who will be despised and isolated.

Existence. And if the Silent One cannot re-establish such a connection, he will be expelled from the Holy Advent sect.

Therefore, based on this practice system, the Holy Advent sect developed a set of hierarchical systems—pope, bishop, cardinal, preacher, and then observer, listener, and practitioner.

Among them, the minimum standard for popes, bishops, cardinals and preachers are Force-sensitive people who can actively sense the Force, and there are clear and strict hierarchical differences among these classes.

There is no hierarchical difference between observers, listeners and practitioners, and they all belong to the lowest level of the sect. They are the class guided by the preacher to sense the Force, and are distinguished according to different Force characteristics and division of labor.

After completing such a complete religious system, the Holy Advent Sect began to gradually develop within the fourth civilization about five years ago, that is, in 17 BBY.

Just like in the previous censuses, many people who were detected as being sensitive to the Force, as well as those who had certain talents but were unable to actively sense the Force, were absorbed by the Holy Advent sect.

In fact, when the star gates in the Lundili system began to be built and the immigration work progressed more and more rapidly, the Holy Adventist sect had already played a major role in appeasing the immigrants.

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