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Chapter 2061 The Chaotic Galaxy

2062, chaotic galaxy

Although the Confederation of Independent Systems has been dead for three years, there has never been a day of peace in the former core control area of ​​the Confederation of Independent Systems.

The reason why the two sides on the Salukami planet were able to confront each other for seven years before was actually because the Galactic Republic had no political foundation in this area, and there were enemies everywhere. Under such circumstances, the army rushed in.

, logistics is difficult to guarantee, and supply lines are often cut off. Therefore, it is indeed very remarkable that Darth Vader can finally annihilate the main force of the independent system Confederacy army on Salukami planet in one fell swoop.

But this also means that the army of the Galactic Empire cannot be stationed here for too long, so after these planets surrender, the Galactic Empire has no time to take care of them. If you surrender, then surrender.

The result is that these planets have always obeyed the administrative instructions of the Galactic Empire, and only paid tribute to the Galactic Empire under pressure, and they are basically walnut-like - unless a few Star Destroyers come over and hammer them, the supplies are

Absolutely not prepared.

And what about the officials sent by the Galactic Empire?

After being baptized by the Confederation of Independent Systems, the companies and wealthy businessmen on these planets know it all too well. They immediately arranged various big sword packages, became corrupted by the minute, and then indulged in it, advancing and retreating together. What? Exploiting together for the empire.

The people plundered the planet? All the things they exploited were handed over to the empire. What a ghost can do! Isn’t it good to be a local emperor here?

How far has the corruption and chaos in these places reached? It was mentioned before that the Dream Sisters used Force illusions to build a fantasy kingdom of their own, and even took possession of two Imperial-class Star Destroyers. This was what happened during this period.

The reason why such a ridiculous thing happened is that on the one hand, this star region is now extremely chaotic and corrupt, and on the other hand, the Galactic Empire itself knows the situation here. Therefore, the priority for military operations in this star region is

Very high. Basically, as long as the local governor here makes an application, the Imperial fleet will be dispatched immediately. Therefore, the story that the Dream sisters concocted using illusions about the two Imperial-class Star Destroyers being brave and invincible in fighting against pirates is exactly in line with the demands of the Imperial Navy.

It cannot be said that there is no effect, and the Galactic Empire has indeed conquered many planets, but is there any immediate effect? ​​This is indeed not the case.

The planets in this sector have never experienced any big scenes. After following Count Dooku for so many years of separatism and fighting for so many years, they have long developed a bad temper. And now there is also the Dawn planet.

, don’t think that they are really friends with Dawn Planet. In their eyes, Dawn Planet is just a standout. As long as you are bullied, you will immediately lie down on the ground and shout to Grand Duke Tang Xiao to save me. It’s okay.

Ignore you.

Of course, Tang Xiao didn't bother to care about them. He asked Prime Minister Francis Underwood to deal with these planets. Anyway, on the premise of ensuring that his own grand strategy is not affected, there is no harm in letting these planets continue to cause trouble as much as possible.


Adjacent to this sector where the former Confederacy of Independent Systems is located is a relatively narrow sector in the northeast of the Milky Way. This is also the jurisdiction where the unknown 11th Army of the Galactic Empire is located, and it is also the sector where the famous planet Mandalore is located.

The situation in this sector is even more chaotic, so chaotic that the Galactic Empire simply doesn't want to set foot in the past.

Originally, various forces were intertwined here. The largest force at one time was the Neutrals Alliance, headed by the Grand Duchess of Mandalore, Satine Kryze. A total of 1,500 planets participated in this alliance. But don’t think that these 1,500 galaxies are connected.

It's not all in one piece. There are also a large number of galaxies loyal to the Galactic Republic and loyal to the separatism mixed in here. It is very confusing and it is difficult to distinguish them together.

In addition, these planets are generally weak in power and usually make loud noises in the political arena. If they really want to do something, nothing can be done.

Originally, the boss of this sector was Satine Kryze's Mandalorian planet. However, due to Darth Tenebrous's previous conspiracy, the Mandalorian planet held a referendum and declared independence from the Galactic Republic.

There was even more chaos here. Then Master Windu led the Second System Army to collapse here, further exacerbating the chaos.

Severance Tann, who defeated Master Windu's powerful fleet, established her status as the first general in the galaxy in this battle! Now she is leading a fleet stationed here, pretending to be the emperor of the land.

The Galactic Empire's navy really didn't want to get into trouble with this.

So the Mandalorian sector is basically like this, a useless sector that is a waste of food for the Galactic Empire. And without the Galactic Empire, the Confederation of Independent Systems has also been destroyed. There are no large forces exerting influence here, so

It has become a hotbed of countless conspiracies.

The Galactic Empire doesn't want to enter here, but that doesn't mean they can go undefended. With Severance Tann, a ruthless person who has twice entered the core circle of the Milky Way, here, the Galactic Empire has to prepare a mobile fleet at all times.

, to prevent this super star from suddenly going berserk.

Then there is the southeastern territory of the Milky Way, most of which is controlled by the Hutts, which is the scope of the Hutt space. The Galactic Empire inherited the rule of the Desiligic family who secretly supported the line of Jabba the Hutt.

policy, secretly extending its tentacles deep into the Hutt space.

In fact, there are many reasons for this action because if the Galactic Empire does not do this, then the Principality of Dawn, which has been secretly instigating internal conflicts among the Hutts since more than 20 years ago, is likely to achieve a complete victory in the Hutt space.

Get great benefits.

So here is also a passive confrontation.

And three years ago, the conflicts in various aspects of the Hutt space intensified to the extreme, and a civil war finally broke out. The Desiligic family and the Besadi family were finally not satisfied with their previous petty quarrels, and directly launched their fleets. And the civil war began

The explosion caused the Hutt space to become even more chaotic.

You must know that the civil war between the Hutts is not the kind where the Desiligic family and the Bessadi family face each other directly with a big flag. First of all, you must understand that the unified Hutt empire lasted for more than 10,000 years.

It had disappeared long ago and was replaced by the loose family politics and gang politics of the Hutts, which lasted for more than 10,000 years!

So the civil war that breaks out at this time will be a face-to-face confrontation between the two major families? Far more than that.

There are countless other families, big and small. In the past, the Hutt Council was suppressing them. Now it seems that everyone is shameless and life-threatening. So I don’t need any rules and bottom lines. I will do whatever I want to do!

This chapter has been completed!
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