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Chapter 2064 The Rise of the Rebels (Part 2)

2065, Rise of the Rebels (Part 2)

After making some arrangements for the actions of the rebels here, Padmé Amidala went to another separate communication room in the basement, checked the time, and then opened the communication.

After waiting for about a few minutes, the communication was connected, and the image of a mature woman in her thirties was projected in the holographic projection.

It is surprisingly the Imperial Councilor from the planet Chandrila, Mon Mothma!

"Sorry, leader. In recent days, the patrols on Coruscant have been intensified a lot. It took me a little longer to get rid of those patrols." Mon Mothma also used the term 'leader' to call Padmé Armida.


In the political arena, Padmé Amidala is her predecessor. Although she is only two years younger than Padmé, in 32 BBY she became a member of the planet Chandrila for the first time, and she was the youngest member of the Republic Parliament.

When she was a member of Parliament, Padmé Amidala had already, as Queen of Naboo, eliminated the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo, impeached former Speaker Finis Valorum, and supported Sheev Palpatine.

Became the new Speaker.

However, Mon Mothma, who was born in a noble family, actually had different opinions with Padmé Amidala at the beginning. However, as they spent more and more time in the parliament, Mon Mothma was gradually attracted by Padmé Amidala.

He was impressed by the brave, straightforward and intelligent Padmé Amidala.

Later, in the process of opposing Chancellor Palpatine's autocratic power, among those who gradually came together, Padmé Amidala was actually the leader.

So for Mon Mothma, Padmé Amidala has always been her idol. When Padmé was determined to use force to fight against the Emperor Palpatine and began to form a rebel army,

Mon-Mothma was the first to stand up to support her, and used all his resources to assist the rebels' activities.

And she naturally called Padmé Amidala 'leader'.

Padmé Amidala smiled slightly and said: "It doesn't matter. Seeing that you are safe and sound over there is the most important thing to me. If this action hadn't been so important, I wouldn't have wanted to let him go.

You involve too much."

"No, all of this is necessary." Mon Mothma shook his head and said seriously, "I have made all preparations, including going into exile. As long as I can overthrow the reactionary rule of the Sith Lords, I can restore the galaxy.

Fairness and freedom, I am willing to pay any price."

She paused and then continued: "Yesterday, Congressman Bail Organa has formally submitted an impeachment to the Imperial Parliament. All the corrupt behaviors of Uloda, the governor of the 14th Army of the Empire, have been proven conclusive. During today's meeting, we will formally

The impeachment process will be launched, and the Imperial Supreme Court will also participate in it. According to the previous arrangement, I will still defend Uloda from the position of the loyalists, and confront Senator Bail Organa tit for tat. But if nothing happens,

Uloda will be deposed."

Padmé said: "But this is just the beginning. The Empire will appoint a new governor soon, and we cannot let this happen quickly."

"Fathy is ready. He will compete for the position of governor of the 14th Army. This will be a destructive competition, and the purpose is to delay the time for the overall situation of the 14th Army to be settled." Mon-Mosma

Said, "But...what are you going to do to get the planet Rylos out of the Empire's rule?"

But Padmé shook her head and said, "The fewer people who know the complete picture of a plan, the better. I'm sorry, Senator Mothma, I can't let you know this part. It will only increase your risk."

Mon Mothma nodded and said: "I understand, leader. I will do my part well to ensure that Uloda's impeachment motion is successful and delays the emergence of a new governor of the 14th Army. Everything will be done in accordance with

The plan is in progress. In addition, I am also trying to raise more funds, but recently Palpatine has also noticed that there are some abnormal funds flowing out. He ordered a thorough investigation of the finances of 29 planets, and the planet Chandrila

It’s on the list.”

"Then you try to be careful. I will solve the financial problem. Don't expose yourself because of this trivial matter. If you need to settle the account, I can also use our funds to come and help." Padmé Armida

La said.

"It's okay so far. I can pass part of the gap onto Fache. He may be charged with corruption, but you also know that corruption charges are probably the most common thing in the officialdom of the empire.

Fache is very determined and he knows what he should do," said Mon-Mothma.

"Then you should be more careful. After tomorrow's meeting, please reply to me as soon as possible." Padmé nodded.

"Okay, leader." Mon Mothma smiled slightly, saluted Padmé, and then closed the communication.

Padmé Amidala was not finished yet, she connected with another communication, "General Dodenna, are your battleships ready?"

On the other end of the communication was a middle-aged man wearing a Galactic Empire Navy uniform. Judging from his badge, his current military rank was Major General.

Jane Dodenner, the former Vice Admiral of the Galactic Republic Navy, and Vice Admiral Skalid jointly commanded the Battle of Rendili System, but suffered a disastrous defeat due to Severance Tann's strategy. Later, he was defeated by the Galactic Republic.

He was abandoned, but later through a series of efforts, he returned to the army and was promoted to rear admiral again.

He smoothed his curly hair casually and said: "The two Empire-class Star Destroyers are in good condition, almost as if they had just left the factory. However, according to the records on the battleships, they have experienced more than 20 battles.

It’s a meritorious battleship... It’s very strange. The ‘donor’ you told me about has very clever methods. I think he is at least at the level of an admiral in the Imperial Army.”

Padmé Amidala said: "Don't worry about the origins of these two Star Destroyers. The more you know, the more dangerous it is."

"So, you are the most dangerous one, aren't you?" Jane Dodenner smiled.

"That's enough. We can't let this risk expand." Padmé said: "Now that these two Imperial-class Star Destroyers can be used and the identification codes are no problem, your mission can begin. The current No. 1

I will send you the instructions from the 14th Army Governor Uloda. From today on, you will be the commander of the reinforcements that Uloda personally ordered to be transferred."

"I understand, I will take care of it." Major General Jan Dodenne smiled, gave a military salute, and ended the communication.

Next, Padmé Amidala made several more communications to arrange all aspects of the plan. If a third party saw her communication list at this time, they would definitely be surprised.

Because the people Padmé contacted at this time involved a series of high-ranking and powerful beings such as the Galactic Empire Parliament, the army, administrative agencies, local officials, etc. It is no wonder that she has almost magical powers and knows everything about the Galactic Empire.

It's because she has the support of these enlightened officials and military officers!

Padmé Amidala had a very deep relationship with the Galactic Republic military because of Anakin Skywalker. In addition, she was very active in the Republic Parliament, and a large number of members were willing to stand

On her side, the combination of many factors allowed her to use many relationships to weave a giant web that enveloped the Galactic Empire.

Of course, Palpatine's extremely brutal behavior is also the biggest contributor to Padmé Amidala's influence.

And now, with the support of these people and the planning of Padmé Amidala, the uprising on the planet Rylos will deal a heavy blow to the Galactic Empire!

For the Galactic Empire, starting from the next day, the situation on the planet Rylos was like a wild horse running wild, heading straight in a completely uncontrollable direction.

First, Governor Uloda, who was originally responsible for rebuilding the 14th Army of the Empire, was impeached by opposition members such as Bail Organa. The opposition members directly submitted a large amount of evidence, clearly pointing out that Uloda had misappropriated a large amount of money originally used to rebuild the 14th Army.

The army's funds were used to line their own pockets.

What's even more unacceptable is that Uloda actually has contact with several groups of interstellar pirates. After the 14th Army is rebuilt, he plans to use these pirates to support the pirates' self-respect, improve the status of the 14th Army, and give his own power


Such a solid accusation forced Uroda to leave the planet Rylos, the headquarters of the 14th Army, and go to the Empire Center (formerly the planet Coruscant) to attend a meeting.

But until the impeachment process is completed, Uloda is still the governor of the 14th Army. However, the worst part is that because the evidence against him is very conclusive, Uloda must devote himself wholeheartedly to dealing with this time.

For him, it was a crisis related to his entire political career.

What's even better is that Uloda seems to have the support of some members of Congress led by Mon Mothma. They continue to help Uloda clear his name and confront Bail Organa's opposition members tit for tat.

Impeachment, which should have been a certainty, has been further delayed.

Wu Luoda never imagined that the pirates who came to discuss cooperation at that time were actually members of the rebel army. They had always robbed official supply ships of the Galactic Empire, but they did not rob private merchant ships.

But for the Galactic Empire, there seems to be no difference between the two. They are both pirates anyway.

Just when Uloda was struggling in the center of the empire, two Night Watch-class frigates that were going to the planet Rylos to strengthen their mobile patrols according to the original plan were intercepted near the planet Tythe. Their interception

, is a formation of two Imperial-class Star Destroyers commanded by Imperial Rear Admiral Jan Dodenner.

Major General Jan Dodenner directly presented the instructions of Uloda, the Governor of the 14th Army, requesting to take over the two Night Watch-class frigates. Although the commanders of the two frigates were a little confused, it was impossible to go to Uloda now.

The Governor confirmed and the two Imperial-class Star Destroyers were actually here, so they still chose to believe it.

Then, the two Night Watch-class frigates were immediately replaced - Jan Dodenner simply requested a meeting and boarded the battleship. A group of extremely elite rebel soldiers wearing Imperial Navy uniforms.

In ten minutes, the two frigates will be completely occupied.

So at this time, Jan Dodenner had two Imperial-class Star Destroyers and two Nightwatch-class frigates under his command, and he also had real orders from the frigate commander.

When his powerful formation, which was completely beyond the plan, arrived on the planet Rylos, the governor's adjutant who stayed behind on the planet Rylos had almost no doubts - the hierarchy in the Imperial Navy was very strict, and the commander of a squadron was not him at all.

This adjutant dared to offend.

If the 14th Army has been rebuilt, and the army and fleet have been deployed, then the adjutant can completely ignore a mere squadron. But now, the 14th Army has just restored its number, and their governor is still guilty.

Under such circumstances, the adjutant naturally did not dare to have any thoughts about Jan Dodenner, the fleet commander who had just been transferred from the center of the empire.

The current 14th Army is in complete chaos, lacking unified command and leaderless. Jan Dodenner also struck while the iron was hot. He showed off his official power in the meeting, put on airs and scolded the original commander, and then demanded that he be removed immediately

All battleships were unified together and reorganized.

In fact, in this matter, the two Imperial-class Star Destroyers led by Major General Dodenner played the most critical role. Because if he only led two Victory-class ships, or two Aquitens-class ships, it would be difficult to say anything.

Not much convincing at all.

But now the strength of the two Empire-class Star Destroyers and the two Night Watch-class frigates he brought was directly comparable to the strength of the original garrison fleet of Rylos planet. Now he has been directly appointed by the Empire Center, and the appointment is also

With the signature of Governor Wuloda, the commander of the garrison fleet accepted the reorganization without much doubt.

And what does reorganization mean? As a reminder, there were originally two Imperial-class Star Destroyers in the garrison fleet, but the Marines above these two Imperial-class ships are now stationed on the surface of the planet. But Rear Admiral Jane Dodenner

The two Empire-class Star Destroyers we brought here are fully manned!

Two whole legions, 18,000 rebel soldiers!

During the reorganization and reorganization, the crews of both sides will also be reorganized. So facing 18,000 elite rebel soldiers, the entire garrison fleet changed owners without firing a shot!

At the same time, on the surface of the planet Rylos, the Twi'leks immediately rose up and launched an uprising. A large number of Twi'lek warriors picked up a large number of weapons obtained from unknown sources, stormed the municipal centers of various cities, and arrested imperial officials.

However, the uprising slogan put forward by these Twi'lek rebels was unexpected. They claimed that they were revolting to support Planet Governor Uloda! They demanded that the Galactic Empire immediately withdraw all charges against Uloda and return Uloda to Lai.

Planet Los!

This chapter has been completed!
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