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Chapter 2091 Boiling News

2092,boiling news

[Who is right and who is wrong? Is Hari Seldon just a scapegoat? Ocean Star Holographic Network will launch a special report for you - Using violence to vent your incompetence, whose fault is it? 】

[Is Hari Seldon derelict in his duties, or is the Grand Duke’s policy being misinterpreted? Who is the person standing between the Grand Duke and the people?]

Almost all news media have the same tone. They use various methods, channels and angles to condemn the administration represented by Francis Underwood and express their support for Hari Seldon.

Many experts have also come out to express their own comments. They all believe that arresting Hari Seldon now only shows that Francis Underwood has lost his ability to control the situation.

The one-sided media voice almost immediately put Francis Underwood's prime minister's office at the forefront of the limelight, putting him under tremendous pressure from public opinion.

[Francis Underwood’s policy is completely capitulation and appeasement! He ignores the reality that the galaxy is still shrouded in the clouds of war and blindly advocates peace and victory! If victory is now, then please tell

Where did our current uprisings in the Galactic Empire come from?!]

[The current Governor-General is a spy of the Galactic Empire! They are traitors! We must be wary of the corrupt and rigid vested interest groups now appearing in the Principality of Dawn!]

[The slogan I am a natural disaster still rings in my ears! But someone wants to tame us into gentle sheep!]

[Didn’t our failures in the previous three natural disasters sound the alarm? People who don’t know think we have already taken over the planet Coruscant! Little do we know that we can still only settle in a corner! The road to survival is still long, and the journey of struggle is still difficult and dangerous.

,What is needed now is the unity of all of us!】

Increasing public opinion almost caused the holographic network of the Principality of Dawn to explode. However, in the face of such calls, the relevant dignitaries of the Prime Minister's Office, headed by Francis Underwood, were just pretending to be dead. They shut down all

comments, and also stopped all press releases, just doing what they wanted to do in silence.

A few days later, the Prime Minister's Office, which had been silent for a long time, finally issued a statement: The government of the Principality of Dawn will be committed to balancing the relationship between armaments and people's livelihood in future policies, so as to allow the people to live a happy life as much as possible. Extreme policies will not

will appear. The principality always puts the well-being of the people first and hopes that the striking workers can return to work as soon as possible. New policies will be promulgated soon.

Afterwards, Prime Minister Francis Underwood also came out in person and held a press conference, where he explained the reasons for the arrest of Hari Seldon and his interpretation of the recent policies of the Principality of Dawn. He also gave assurances at the press conference

, war will not break out, and the Principality of Dawn will do its best to avoid this worst-case scenario from happening.

However, the thousands of reporters from major media who were present did not buy it at all. They made a lot of noise at the scene and questioned Francis Underwood with all kinds of tricky questions.

[Excuse me, Mr. Prime Minister, when you say that war will not break out, is this just your unilateral wishful thinking, or do you mean that you have reached an agreement with the Galactic Empire or the Rebel Army? 】

[Your Excellency, Prime Minister, Grand Duke Tang Xiao of Liming has repeatedly emphasized the dangerous situation surrounding our Principality of Liming. So what makes you make the judgment that peace is the right path now? 】

[Mr. Prime Minister, can a sheep that lays down its arms avoid being eaten by a lion? If you think it is possible, then I will also support your policy.]


[According to our investigation, many riots were all caused by immigrants. Can these immigrants understand the policy goals of the Principality of Dawn? If they cannot understand, then what are the previous actions of the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of the Interior? ]

Seeing Francis Underwood's face getting increasingly ugly, Chief of Staff Douglas Stamp couldn't bear it anymore. He walked up to the stage, pointed at the reporter who made the most noise and shouted loudly: "That's you! You

What are you trying to fan the flames of here? We are thinking about the interests of the people, but you are just thinking about the private equity fund that guy Zemo gave you!!"

This groundless accusation immediately caused an uproar at the scene. Countless reporters stood up and cursed and criticized. The scene fell into chaos for a time, and the press conference ended in a hurry amidst the curses.

The next day, as many as hundreds of news media jointly filed a lawsuit against Douglas Stamp, accusing him of fabricating baseless rumors to slander the news media and tarnishing the fairness of the news. They also demanded that Douglas Stamp immediately

Produce the evidence he said. If you cannot do so, then you must apologize in public and accept legal sanctions!

Such a huge public opinion storm also triggered more chain reactions.

In the Haven Star District, many factories and companies that had experienced strikes were besieged by some people. Many people held up various slogans and flags, surrounded their factories and shouted slogans.

[The Principality of Dawn has given you a home, but you are just sitting back and enjoying the gains!]

[Go back to the Galactic Empire! Go back to that ‘easy job’ that lasts 20 hours a day! 】

[The peace forged with the blood of countless warriors is not a market for you to bargain for! This is our city wall made of steel!]

[If you don’t want to work, you can resign now! Give up those precious job opportunities to those who really want to work hard!]

Not only that, but driven by the invisible mastermind behind the scenes, hundreds of societies were established in the Principality of Liming almost overnight. These societies were all loyal societies that supported Grand Duke Tang Xiao of Liming and the Principality of Liming, and there were even some among them.

Some radical organizations, such as those who advocate the supremacy of the Fourth Civilization, maintain that only those who awaken from the mothership and their direct descendants are truly superior humans, and immigrants from other parts of the galaxy are just organizations of inferior humans.

Some of these social organizations are so large that they have even registered as political parties and are preparing to participate in elections and enter the political arena!

Many processions also began to appear outside the Prime Minister's Office of Francis Underwood. These processions held up the huge holographic projection of Tang Xiao and the handcuffed hands of Hari Seldon.

The scene showed people participating in the march shouting various slogans and angrily calling Francis a traitor. The situation got out of control for a time.

"Look...I didn't lie, right? General Ling." Helmut Zemo held a glass of red wine in one hand and adjusted the angle of the holographic projector with the other hand to project himself on the opposite side.

The picture is in the most appropriate position.

"The media is your weapon. It is indeed very powerful." Ling Liang said.

"There are some things that he doesn't do, and it's not easy for me to do them. So, in a sense, Francis Underwood has helped us." Zemo adjusted his glasses.

, sneered.

This chapter has been completed!
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